Palm Sunday light shining at 12 noon this last year down through the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem Israel.
The Hindu creator One God, Brahma, Our Jewish Christian YHWH Father in Heaven, being free will for us all, is not normally at all times Himself or Herself, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, He is the “seed” and the “seed of the seed” of that Eternally indwelling many of us all
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succos, Simchat Torah 2018-19
Thoughts on how to understand and benefit from both Jewish and Christian ways of understanding what repentance is and how to use it to heal and save ourselves with God Our Father’s help:
Some Christian Kabbalistic teachings of how the YHWH School of Christianity’s teachings about God’s Name differs rom the standard Jewish Zionist Kabbalah teachings.
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Be still, know and understand that, God helping and redeeming you, your are your Divine Self, I AM God that God who I AM.
Prayer for those praying the rosary with us. Lord God, indwelling us as Jesus Christ, may you, not us, speak through us to tell people in and around us what they need to hear in order to improve themselves and their lives..
What do you think? If you ever met God in person, would He be a realist or an Idealist? You could find that first He is a realist, then an idealist, then He is inside of you the measure between the two. Finally, He is neither, but emptiness inside of emptiness in you knowing Him.
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1) Andrew W. Harrell
8 minutes ago
1) Be still, know, understand that I AM physical words and sounds in the Holy Spirit of the Bible that I wrote in Hebrew, English, other languages to help you. eg. Branch in God’s Tree of Life, with physical Word memories spoken to you and indwelling the souls of your ancestors
St. Mary, St. Francis, archangel hurricane Michael, archangel, not a hurricane Gabriel…Be still, know and understand that I AM, like My Son, the concepts and ideas, their meanings in these Words and behind those sounds.
3) Be still, know, understand that I AM the balance, the measure, between these Words, Sounds, meanings, ideas, concepts that I have written and spoken to you in the Hebrew, English, other language Bibles
4) Be still, know, understand that I AM an static Eternal Truth, an emptiness inside of emptiness, located in your knowledge & understanding of the Makom or Arc OfTheCovenant Place in God’s Holy Temple, a part of the soul’s of the individual you and your collective ancestors’ souls.
The Kabbalah teaches that God’s Holy Creation occurs in us as an expansion and a contraction. It also teaches that through prayer and meditation we can “cling” to God as we can through mindful acts, spiritual blessings of Him or Her through the day as He also blesses us through the days in these acts. God is known in these ways through His Son, and the theory of His Word contained in His Name. Thus this part of His Word reveals Himself, then hides Himself.
Figure 1 The first part of a seven-fold laya (dissolving) and recreation of the world as we walk around the Holocaust Memorial at the last stage of a river walk from Vicksburg, MS to New Orleans, LA
You can contemplate God’s spiritual gifts of wisdom and spiritual understanding helping you “Be Still and Know that I AM God, Be still and know that I AM truth “in your thoughts from heaven down to earth inside of this wisdom representing itself inside the Christ Mind inside of you, the Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus Mind.
What came to mind to me here, as I observed my thought processes projecting themselves downward in Divine Truth, from Heaven above, through a Star of the Messiah David, the Beloved One, indwelling in my human heart mid chakra, down to the first root chakra indwelling in me of Divine heaven in earth, was the priestly blessing of God’s Name indwelling us thought downward again,
“May YHWH Bless you and keep you.
May YHWH lift up his countenance upon you,
And be gracious to you,
May YHWH support himself, His benevolent and well wishing Divine Truth
And Blessing, indwelling in you,
And give you peace.”
Figure 2 2nd stage, 2nd view of a walk around the Memorial, see February blog for more on this
Be still and know that I AM the Light of the World and that this Light is Divine Life indwelling us. Gospel of John
But, from the New Testament we learn and have known that God’s Word, His Son, is revealed and incarnated in us, not just as the theory of His Name, but as a real person, His Holy Spirit, indwelling us.
Be still and know and understand that I AM the Bread of Life, and that faith in this Divine Substance satisfies all our needs Gospel of John
This person is a consecration and sealing of this Spirit indwelling us, but also a SonShip and Communion, an ongoing Communion with this SonShip (see book about the Holy Spirit by A.J. Gordon, The Twofold Life).
Be still and know and understand that I AM a spiritual door inside of God’s Holy Spirit indwelling you. Gospel of John
This becomes a knowledge of Who God is, but also how we have communion with Who He is, by not just cleaving to Him or Her, but representing and being Him or Her.
By the way, there are new Instruction in Residence courses in prayer, local southern history, mathematics, Buddhist breathing techniques, Hindu mantra prayers, Hebrew liturgical prayers available now at YHWH School of Christianity 3000 Drummond St., go to our publishing website at to purchase items
Instruction in Residence
Instruction in contemplative prayer, learning Hebrew, Sanskrit, mathematics tutoring,
hatha and raja yoga
Learning Hebrew and a few basic prayers
Beginning Hebrew Language, with a few basic prayers, one day, bed and board…3 meals included. Arrange a date by email, a month or so ahead of time, most Mondays and Saturdays are available
Basic hatha yoga stretching and raja yoga prayers
Simple hatha yoga postures, beginning Sanskrit Language, and essentials of raja yoga, with a few basic prayer mantra rhythms, enough to be really good at surya namaskar, gayatri deity generation.. all prayers in Sanskrit prefaced of course by sanctifying th e Name of God YHWH first at top chakra, one day, bed and board…3 meals included. Arrange a date by email, a month or so ahead of time, most Mondays and Saturdays are available
Tutoring in Mathematics, all levels
Basic tutoring and helping in the fields of mathematics. computer science, statistics with solving problems at all levels by certified practicing professional mathematician. Obtained Doctorate of Philosophy in Mathematics at the University of California Berkeley 1974 and worked as a government mathematician for 37 years solving mathematical problems. One day, bed and board…3 meals included. Arrange a date by email, a month or so ahead of time, most Mondays and Saturdays are available
Training in Buddhist mindful breathing, sitting, walking, eating techniques all day long.
One day, bed and board…3 meals included. Arrange a date by email, a month or so
ahead of time, most Mondays and Saturdays are available
Figure 3 Vicksburg and the River and the two MS River bridges going over to LA, photo taken by Virginia Harrell in the 1980s
Cycling Through the History of Vicksburg
Two days of historic cycling and hiking in Vicksburg area, through periods of pioneering, opulence, war, decline, survival. Vicksburg Siege Works and Monuments of National Military Park, Natchez Trace cycling and hiking trails with stops at historical points of Grant’s Vicksburg Military Campaign…bed and board and one bicycle provided. First day architectural tour of old homes in the city ante-bellum, late 19th century and early 20-century. 2nd day Vicksburg military park and Natchez trace hiking stops. Arrange a date by email, a month or so ahead of time, most Mondays and Saturdays are available. Free copy of Vicksburg and the River, along with 35 pages of historical comments, by a retired USAR LTC, on Grant’s military strategy during the Vicksburg campaign.
Some photos of the area around the MS River taken from the air, driving the highways, on the shore, along with Jewish New Year Prayer meditations, as it flows from Vicksburg,MS to New Orleans, LA
The Big Black River a small local river flowing south of Vicksburg, as it prepares to enter Old Man River just above Port Gibson, MS
Figure 4River walk on the west side of MS river from Natchez,MS
6) Out of this chaos emerges a rainbow the biblical sign of hope, renewal and the reassertion of life’s worth.
Figure 5 Walking south down river walk, Vidalia, LA
According to Christian teaching, which I believe and know works, our salvation and also the sanctification, justification, and glorification of our souls is helped and enabled by both confessing our sins, repenting, and asking for and receiving Jesus’ one time substitutionary sacrifice, even death on the Cross penetrating everywhere inside of everybody dwelling in heaven and in earth and in both.
For Christians, after this one time sacrifice, the yearly sacrifices according to the old rules in the temple are not needed any more.
According to a lot of Jewish Rabbi’s teaching nowadays, all people can be righteous in their own way (be a Tzaddick) with the help of only Our Father in Heaven, and not necessarily with the help of Jesus Christ, His Son. Although we aren’t him, we can follow after Him, God’s Son, the perfect One and the best model and teacher for all of us. We can do this, once we realize and don’t forget that God Our Father in Heaven, Our King, made us this way, in His image and likeness as it is explained to us in the first Torah portion Bereshit of the Book of Genesis.
Walnut Tree and uncovered Succos shelter in the backyard of 3000 Drummond St., Vicksburg, MS. Jews eat meals outside during the Succos Holy Days, and study the first portions of the Torah beginning again a new liturgical year after the old has ended.. an end in a beginning and a beginning after an end.
Standard Judaism, not all Messianic Judaism, teaches that, ‘the dead are called dead when they die and the righteous are called living.. each person is fit to try and be righteous and know good and evil and do what he desires, as much as Moses…or wicked as much as Jeroboam. Complete repentance or teshuvah geomorah occurs when a person can face the same situation that caused him to sin (like what happened to Bill Murray in groundhog day, and nevertheless avoid the situation and behavior that caused him to get caught up in the damnable situation of events in the first place. We can change and transform that part of our souls from areas of potential knowledge to complete instantiation of the knowledge in our souls with new experience that does not cause any problems’ Salvation, from what I can figure out, according to current orthodox Jewish liturgical prayers, occurs primarily in response to Tashlich and other prayers to Our Father, Our Heavenly King on Rosh Hashanah, the pardon for sins during the year 10 days later on Yom Kippur, land the Hoshanna Rabbah, anu vahu prayers just before Simchat Torah 10 days after that.
Figure 6 3rd viewpoint perspective, seven shades of heavenly blue, walking around the New Orleans, riverwalk memorial
7) We now see the color of the sky that represents human hope and Divine holiness. Out of this color of hope appears in all its majestic colors a sacred Menorah.
Figure 7 New Orleans and the River, Wolderburg Park next to the Holecaust Memorial, see blog earlier this year
Whether the knowledge occurs in a scheme of human understanding and wisdom or one of divinely intuitively known experience in heaven with God’s help that Judaism and Christianity haven’t quite figured out how to make happen yet.
As a long history of failure over the last millennium testifies to, we certainly don’t understand how to make robots and most of us humans do this now. Throughout the last millennium God wasn’t able to make our Roman Catholic Church Popes repent of claiming to be infalliable and not confessing their sins after they weren’t. Jesus Christ the person they claim to represent certainly never did this during His Life. Just in the last century the US and Soviet Army had to defeat, at the cost of millions of lives that anti-Christ Hitler, and afterwards the Pope did not even repent of siding with Hitler, an act perhaps spurred by this teaching and belief, and allowed his Church to help ex-Nazi’s relocate to South America in order to set up a Fourth Reich and continue the same ideology.
If we follow the commandments and do the prescribed good deeds, mitzvahs
repentance by ourselves, by itself it helpful and its benefits are enabled primarily by God Our Father, Our King, who dwells both in heaven and in earth and all of us, even if we have already forgotten this, after He judges us and what we have done throughout the year on Yom Kippur. Most Jews, even a lot, don’t believe that although it might have been helpful once, that Jesus’ one time sacrifice is not needed any more.
But, I have been helped by both approaches while keeping in mind that the foundation of all of my redemption and salvation comes from Jesus’ substitutionary death. There are sins that we make during the year, and even compounded through many years of falsely identifying the importance of things
View of the Ms river shore on the Louisiana as the river makes it turn around the bend at the river city Vicksburg and passes under the I-20 bridge crossing it there.
All Saints, All Angels, All Souls Day 2018
Day of our Lord
November 1, 2019 -23 Chesvan 5779
Poem to Tie us all in Love and Trust;
For as long as we are True to God
And He to us.
How to prove that God exists,
Is infinitely Good, and you!
Written by a poet who doesn’t know It*, God;
But His Words show It, God,
Some of them are Christ Jesus’
Not this?, Not me?, Not Not?
Bless them all, all Our blessed travellers
going this way in this Heaven on Earth.
Travelling with us this time, a band of angels,
Strong ones, strong of angel heart,
Strong of human heart,
As they dwell hidden in our human hearts.
Help us travel home,
not this time to cross the River Jordan into promised Israel Land,
but live just where we are right now,
to take a little trip, along with us,
“Down the Mighty MS a SIP.”
Bless ye all ye souls, all ye angels, those by our sides,
walking on the river’s shore,
Or floating with us in the boats we are on.
Consecrate and seal us for our common good,
That God enfolds us, as Christ leads us forward in each other’s fate.
We cannot prove that God exists,
That He is True,
Infinitely Good, and is You.
We can assume it,
outside, and in us, along with several laws of thoughts,
ways of knowing about knowing,
knowing facts and words, that help to know Him,
experiencing wonderfully and miraculously that He is True
still existing. Good enough?
What if God had a website,
With a password for us to use that He had freely given out?
We could discuss it there and maybe not be hacked.
But, what’s this I hear, you don’t believe It, This part of God, is Done and True,
God has an answer planned for all our prayers together with Him,
You want to know where’s God, what’s keeping both of us and Him?
So, now, We, God and us, we take this little trip,
Along the way We look where God has been and is again.
First outside, and in, then outside-in once again.
First right, and left, then right again.
It forms a Star where Moses was, and is in you again.
It forms a Cross where Jesus was, and is in you again.
When God is One in us, He’s also Two?
Its then He listens to and in Himself.
I think that sometimes first We need to hear from you,
Speaking first for Him and and we for us.
Before our talking and communion again begins anew.
In evenings , drop in the rive thoughts and words as we anchor along the way.
In mornings carefully, we stand in It , God, up straight, UP-RIGHT.
Thank you, Lord Our God, for returning these souls,,
to us from our sleep at night.
Sanctified God’s Name?
We are the Name of God,
whosoever sanctifies His Name in Us,
So theirs is too.
Wisdom Gold as a sun shining over watching,
While His Understanding drills deep in us and low below the
Islands of Christ in us as we pass them in the river along the way.
Deep and wide river the Eternally Living River now and we have a few miles yet to go and reach an Ocean containing all of God’s consciousness.
As we start over all again.
*A Mathematical Theologian
That have happened to us or that we have done to others and false conclusion we make about what to do next to help set things right that we can understand better, I believe by doing our best each year to follow all of God’s commandments to both Christians and Jews, going through the same rules about confession of general and individual sins, trespasses, iniquities and prayers to God Our Father already prescribed to us and His Holy Spirit of Christ already indwelling us, as former members of the Jewish race by itself, or of the Christian race by itself….that these mistakes, iniquities, trespasses can be discovered and rectified which the help of not just, Jesus’ but also of God’ Our Father in Heaven’s Holy Spirit, in the end the same Holy Spirit that dwells in Jesus, continuing to grow in understanding and wisdom of this indwelling Holy Spirit, and we and our lives can be changed and improved for the better.
How can we Know God, by assuming that He exists then using philosophic metaphysical definitions and rules of thought in order to keep on knowing Him?
In the 1980s, after corresponding with them for several years trying to get them to take me off their mailing lists. I had been targeted on the mailing lists for arguing for a hour in front of the founding church in DC with the letter registrar when I lived in Bethesda and Rockville and came downtown to explore around. I had some interesting discussions with Scientologists, including Ron Hubbard the founder of it, living at SeaOrg Hqtrs at the time, who told me they didn’t believe it was possible to “Know God”.
Article #303
Subject: Letter to Kathy Edrich June 1985
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Andrew W. Harrell
555 Monet Drive
Rockville, MD 30850
1 June 1985
Dear Andrew,
God your letter, All responses of public are filed in the persons file for future reference and as a record.
It is part of the responsibility of the letter Reg yes, What are you upset about?
Kathy Edrich,
Flag Letter Register
Article #306
Subject: my response
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Andrew W. Harrell
555 Monet Drive
Rockville, MD 30850
11 June 1985
Dear Kathy,
Greetings and welcome to my household of faith, the YHWH School of Christianity,
I think that it is you who has been upset. Why not take some time and write me
a reply to the essays I have sent in my previous letters.
By working together and letting me know what you think in this way, we may
be able to “clear some things up”.
Article #314
Subject: Logos and some facts for Scientologists
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/16/2017 09:25:16 AM
This important witness of God and His Son Jesus Christ sent to the Letter Register at Founding Church
of Scientology, around 1988-89 I believe
The Logos and some Facts for Scientologists explaining How to Know God
Saint John for his witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ explains to us who the Son of God is. Being
full of darkness we, men and women do not know who we are or who God is. But, He, God, Eternal Life
and Light of humankind, who is with god at the beginning and part of his forevermore. As the part of the
mind of God, God’s only Son Jesus Christ, knows both Who He Is and Who We Are. Inasmuch as we
remain in Him and His Words remain in us, then we too know Who we are and Who God is.
A reading from the book of John:
He who has the Son has life, and that life is the light of men.
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never
be thirsty..But, as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. All that the Father gives me
will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven
not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me,
but raise them up on the last day.” This is the Word of the Lord
Fact 1
Topic A Universal Redemption, Unlimited Atonement, For whom He has predestined He has save, and
whom he has save, He has predestined.
God cannot change the broad outlines of what has already happened in the past, but our lives not
completely being determined by these broad outlines, He can go back in time in order to set things
right. God deals in truth, thus he cannot change what He hs already willed in the past. But, His Spirit,
and He Himself can go back in time in order in order to change what has not already happened in the
future. And, since there is always an infinite amount He can change in the past, though our souls be
Eternally damned in hell, he has the capacity to save us and bring us to heaven for all Eternity, for so I
Reference God’s Name I AM WHO I AM
Implication Thus it is possible to appear to ourself and the world to be Eternally dammned and a
reprobate, but, the moment of our conversion to be suddenly predestined for salvation. And, this is not
a change in facts in the past, but, the viewpoint from which we consider them and look forward from
Topic B God is sovereign or the Lord is the Lord
Because god created everything, gives it continued existence, and weaves the thread of his goodness
through all and in all, he has sovereignty over all things.
When we see and understand God and his purpose in everything and every being, then we too have to
participate in the authority He has. So, we should acknowledge God as our first priority and seek first
the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness.
Article #316
Subject: The Logos of Fact B God is a person
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/16/2017 11:26:25 AM
Topic B God is a person He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent
Reference The Four Gospels
By a person we mean someone alive who has individuality and a mind and an intellect (I include angels
in this category). Now for the same reason humans are more than just things because they have a mind
and an intellect so, Go whose existence must encompass conscious and intellectual beings must be
conscious and more than just a thing.
Indeed, since God is One being who is necessary and independent he must exist in all things which
have the character of independence. And because He exists in all beings who have an independent will,
so H must have a will.. added 2017… and He must, being conscious of all our wills and able to incarnate
Himself, it also must be possible to exist in all our wills…if we let Him or Her.
Since God dwells in us all, and also in all things as we said earlier. He is Omnipresent. Since He is in all
our minds and intellects, He is Omniscient. And, sinceHe is in all our wills, He is Omnipotent.
As humans, we can participate with God in the creation and completion of His or Her Universe (in fact,
He…She needs us to). But, we can only do this if we have faith in His or Her capabilities. The World
need God to be more than just Spirit, or a book such as the Torah or the Bible, or the Church. It needs
Him or Her to be a real living, individual Person. The Church does not have individuality by Itself. And,
the Torah or the Bible, although They have Individuality and a Mind and Intellect are not human persons
capable of Love, Mercy, and Compassion as God is.
Article #317
Subject: The Logos and Fact C, The Word of God inside of the Son of Man
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/16/2017 01:29:02 PM
Topic C1 The Word of God (the Son of God) exists inside of the Son of Man
Reference The Four Gospels
Since we have noted above that God has individuality and a mind and an intellect and is
omnipotence’s,omnipresent, and omniscient (not necessarily in this order), then He must be capable of
expressing this mind and this intellect through speech. In whom or what else among his creations
should this expression take place than in man and woman whom He made in His image?
And, since God by His very nature exists in us all., why should the effect of this expression be limited to
only some of man and womankind, when He is Lord of all creation?
Christ, the Son of God, is Eternally present inside of all of mankind and womankind, One being, One
God, One Lord for all places and times.
Article #318
Subject: The Logos and Fact C2 Christ and God in the Beginning
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/16/2017 02:24:43 PM
Topic C2 Christ (The Mind of God as Word) was with God in the beginning and all things were created
with Him or Her and through Him or Her, and without Him or Her nothing was created
Reference The Four Gospels
It is through Christ, the expression of God in humankind, that all things related to humans were created,
(including the whole universe) and are sustained and added to. Moreover, this same Word of god is our
(us humans and angels) connection with humankind on the one hand and God on the other.
Implication Thus if we abandon part of humankind we abandon part of Christ, our connection with God.
So, too, we abandon part of our souls and our bodies which were with god in the beginning and with
respect to which He or She created us to have Eternal Life.
Article #302
Subject: Letter from Ron, February, 1985
Andrew W. Harrell
555 Monet Dr.
Rockville, MD 20850
Dear Andrew,
To clarify my last letter, Scientology means knowing about knowing. It is the study of the human spirit in
its relationship to the physical universe and its living forms.
I am familiar with Christianity and Judaism.
You might find some information that what help you with your own religious work if you read some of my
Subject: Letter from Judy Lobell
Dr. Andrew Harrell
1804 Edna Dr.
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Dear Dr. Harrell,
I was good to hear from you again. I’m sorry that my explanations, didn’t quite make it, but
nevertheless, the truth:
I don’t want to get into a religious banter, as I believe religion to be quite a personal thing. However, I
should like to respond to your facts, as I feel we have more in common than it may appear.
(1) As regards the Christian postulate of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God, Scientology does
not define God, but we definitely believe in an infinity beyond the physical universe and the Spirits than
populate babies in it.
(2) As regards the God of Christianity being the glory of God inside of individual human people, we, too,
believe that man as an individual choses his own destiny by his his own deeds regarding himself, the
family, groups, mankind, living things, the universe, spirits and infinity, and that crimes against these
lower this level of generationn and his condition.
This also is directed as help of the above. We believe man is basically good, and that his wrong doings
result more as a matter of confusion or a problem situation than evil intent.
Now, considering this, we still send you flyers because we believe that we have the same goals, which
are to change conditions on this planet by helping our fellow individuals. Do you agree?
Best regards (added by Andrew: I note that here, significantly, she does not say Love, but regards)
Judy Lobell
Figure 8 4th stage of the walkaround, two menorahs, reflected in themselves
To help your study of Judaism and repentance you might want to read the recent book by Rabbi Richard Borah, “Yad on the Yad” which is a commentary on one of the most revered Jewish teachers teachings’ on this, Moses Maimonides.
Maimonides taught that repentance has to do with restraining the will through obedience to habitual rules and ordinances, with the power to accomplish it coming through the author of those rules and ordinances, God.
Aristotle taught us to the contrary that the power to accomplish it presupposes the development of an human ability, is this human ability an indwelling Divine Holy Spirit on a Divine ability dwelling outside of us? It sort of a mute question isn’t it, depending on how we do or don’t define what the term Holy Spirit means.
But, in order to understand what is happening to us and know God better, why shouldn’t we try and substitute definition for the define as Blaise Pascal wanted?
Beliefs, as opposed to abilities can be understood as a logical 2ndorder predicate part of our robot’s ethics. In order for them to be goal-oriented they must be backward chained from postulated, desired good situations and linked up, using syllogisms or other types of assumed rules, with 1storder primary parts of the knowledge production system, the facts in the present and primary experiences of the past,
In contrast to these approaches there is a Christian Science type of theological and ethical way of thinking and repentance that alrternatively denies and affirms possible thought pathways using our own human transcendental faithful natures, a Divine Son or Daughter of God living already in us and participating the human thinking unification algorithm of a computer’s or our uniquely experienced spiritual thoughts and abilities.
Discussion to be continued:
Towboat towing barges as they leave the Yazoo river diversion canal that flows by downtown Vicksburg and enter the MS as it makes its bend around Duckport, LA and Lake Centennial.
Same towboat and barges 20 minutes later at sunset as they flow along with the river under the two I-20 Interstate bridges that connect MS and LA at Vicksburg. Beautiful fall day with clear air and sky. Observation point was the overlook on Washington St. which confederate gun batteries used to attack Union gunboats trying pass by the city and land there troops for an amphibious attack. Best place to do Tai Chi in morning and observe the sunset in evenings along the whole river from Memphis to New Orleans, I think.
Prayers with St. Francis for his birthday, about how to understand the
Holy Spirit better:
“Thank you for asking God, during these Holy days, to make you an instrument of His Peace.
“What is the Truth that sets us free, peacefully, according to the Bible?”
“It is the Living God, the Living Word of the Christ mind indwelling in us as a Holy Spirit.
It is two perfect logical correspondences between two sets of datum, some of which are facts, some of which are indweliing Divine Wisdom and Understanding.
It is both human and divine judgement, knowledge, patience, indwelling us.
God’s indwelling Peace is the force that instantiates it.
Where does this Peace come from?
It comes from His Holy Spirit as an indwelling Spirit of Truth.
This Spirit of Truth is part scientific and part religious.
Part of the scientific is near, part of it is far away.
Part of it is beautiful and pure, part of it is signless in dwelling in empty space
In us.
The Son of it is the 2ndlogical part of it. And perfect.
But, it itself, is ever imperfect.
The Buddhist say it is 1) empty, 2)signless, 3) aimless, 4)wondelful happening in the present moment
For most Christians, we only agree partly with this, because in order for it to involve the Cross and be healing, it often may not be that happy and wondelful.
The Bible is one of several Holy Scriptures of several different religions which already contain a lot of this Truth. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, what some Christians call the Old Testament, what God and I call the Torah.
It is Onefold, but it is also twofold: for if it is listened to deeply, peacefully, with God’s help peacefully, it
My Great Grandfather Adoniram Gordon wrote a book, “The Twofold Life” about it at the end of the century before the last:
2-fold, 20-fold, 20-fold contemplative process of truth realization
1) renews and regenerates us.
2) Conversion and consecration
3) saves and seals the knowledge inside of us, empowering and freeing us
(does it happen a the moment of salvation? See elsewhere for a discussion on this)
4) sanctifies and justifies us through sonship and communion
5)protects and overwatches us from a position of righteousness and holiness
5) it enlightens us and gives us understanding and wisdom which generates power for sonship, power for service resulting eventually in peace with God and of God
6) We find access and separation from that part of the World and heaven on earth that we want to live in
7) Grace and Reward resulting in knowing our ideals and attaining them.
Here is my best arrangement and explanation of how it comes down inside our souls from Heaven into us and earth and a metaphysical definition of i
It which I believe is as good as any in the Old or New Testament, maybe even an improvement of the Bible’s teaching about it in the past:
Figure 9 5th or 6th stage of the walkaround, a double rainbow reflected in itself
9) Behind the Menorah appears a double rainbow representing heaven and earth, a call to all people from all faiths, races, and nations that never again anyone must anyone experience such horror in the earth, Behind it appears the biblical rainbow , the sacred covenant between God and man.
As we pray for our experiences in Christ to be redeemed, we pray for a continued complete realization as we learn how we are saved, redeemed, justified, sanctified in this Name, Jesus Christ, indwelling and know by us.
This knowledge requires more than just a knowledge of its existence, it requires a healing atonement with God that results in a Peace in our souls from knowing that we are eternally at Peace with God and have the Peace of God given to us by Him, not by us, through grace and realized as a result of our faith in Him and It.
In the Jewish Orthodox prayer service this atonement of us and God, knowing that YHWH God is One, and His Truth is One, the yearly coming of the Messiah through meditation and prayers occurs primarily during the Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succos, Shemini Atzeret, Simchah Torah part of the liturgical year, It is an end and a beginning, a beginning and an end in our Torah study and our Christian Jewish prayers.
Be still an know that I AM God and that my Name is YHWH
Be still and understand that I AM God
That I AM understanding and memory (Chomah wisdom), goodness and lovingkindness (Chesed) and beauty, a source, a reflection, a recreation, of what is good (Tiferet)
Be still and know and understand that I AM the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the Life of this Holy Spirit of our Trinitarian Creator, Preserver God indwelling us. Gospel of John
(Keter emptiness inside of emptiness
crown at top chakra)
(Binah understanding) __ | __ (Chomah wisdom(
| X |
(Geveret strength) ___ | __ (Chesed loving kindness)
(Tifreret beaity)
Six pointed star of creation of Divine knowledge of God in Tree of Life
Be still and believe that I will be Who I will be and that I AM That I AM
Be still and know that I AM and Your are Love, Truth, Hope Faith, Eternally
Breathing in and Breathing out
Some Biblical affirmations to be prayed in divine order about how God’s Name manifests itself as a 7-fold person, impersonal Holy Spirit indwelling in us:
Hebrew Englih Biblical Person on Menorah
1) YHWH Shammah God is Present Noah
2) YHWH Yireh God will see Abraham God Our Father in Heaven
When God is One, His Truth is One, YHWH Christ
3) YHWH Naseh God will support us Isaac God Our Father in Heaven
4) YHWH Rohi God will lead us Isaac God Our Father in Heaven
When God is Two, His Truth is Two, YHWH Christ
5) YHWH NIsseh God is our banner Jacob 2ne person of the Trinity
When God is Three, His Truth is You, YHWH Christ
Say Kaddish
6) YHWH Raphael God frees and heals Moses God our self His self
When God is Four, His Truth is More, YHWH Christ
Say Kaddish
7) YHWH Tzidkaenu God is our righteousness Joshua Son of God our self His self
When God is Five, His Truth is Alive, Revived,…YHWH Christ
When God is Six, His Truth is Fixed Jesus Christ
Here the People say Amen and Kaddish prayer
8) YHWH Mekaddishu God sanctifies Holy –Spirit not a person
For English translation, transliteration and explanation and teachings on the most ancient of Jewish prayers the Kaddish see Jewish Christian prayers
Viking River Cruise Itinerary for July 30, 2018 to August 6, 2018
Danube River Cruise from Budapest to Passau Germany
igure 10 Budapest and the River, taken from Viking River Cruise ship March 2018
Sunday July 29
Arrived by plane in Budapest a Monday July 30
airport transferred by taxi to boat
Monday July 30
In the morning took a walking tour of the hilly Buda part
Of Budapest to the castle hills area where the historic capitol
And cathedrals are.
After the hike went to the large market area on the Pest side of the
River and bought a linen table cloth and some Budapest chocolates,
Listened to some dellightfull the Maygar gypsy music in the large grand market covered
Shopping market built in the late 19thcentury with a neo gothic façade and
Victorian architecture. Right next to the famous Hungarian school of economics.
Arpad is the father of all Maygars 845-907 AD. His tribes fanned out in Central Europe to loot and conquer, around 900 AD many of them settled back into
What is now western Hungary, eastern Austria, and the northern Balkins. His
Dynasty ruled Hungary until 1301 AD.
In the afternoon made the decision to participate with the locals in a three hour
Thermal baths excursion to relax from the trip over and morning hike.
The Budapest thermal baths are the best I have every visited.
We went to the ones called the Saint Luke baths. Ancient Romans discovered
The benefits of using the thermal waters that flow through the city of Budapest for relaxation and healing and we are the beneficiaries of a long experience
Of them learning how to make good use of them in this way. First you mingle
With the locals taking a soak in a series of temperature graded pools
And steam rooms, then go to the rook top for a stretch of sun bathing,
Then back down to the large athletic swimming area with swimming lanes
And relaxation chairs. What a wonderful and relaxing three hours!
In the evening we had a sail-away party on the boat.
Tuesday July 31 docked at Bratislava Slovakia on the Danube.
The Slovaks are descended from Slavic people who settled in the Danube
River basin in the 6thand 7thcentury. After the invasion of the nomadic Hungarian people in the 10thcentury Slovak people were isolated from
Other western Slavic groups. In the 16thCentury Slovakia became
Part of the Hapsburg Monarchy Their national consciousness dates to
About the 1700s with a written language appearing before the 18thcentury.
At the end of world war I Slovia joined with Czechia to form a union
Of two western Slavic naitons, but its independence was limited by
Germany. After World War ii it was conquered by the Soviets who wanted
To create a communist Czechoslavakia. I went on a bus, walking tour
Shore excusion around the hills that surround the city and visited the
Palace at the diplomatic part of the city in the hills.
Wednesday August 1, 2018
Viking long ship docked and made port for us in the large capital city of the Hapsburg Empire, Vienna Austria. We disembarked and took a bus downtown
From the docks for a walking tour in the city center.
1020 Count Radbot of Swabia in southern Germany erected a castle on the Aar River in today’s Switzerland. He named it “Habsburg” (the name has since been Anglicized as“Hapsburg“) after a hawk, habich (in German) that often sat on its walls.
1273. Seven generations later, Rudolph I of Germany roseto power as the king of theRomans. With the acquisition of Austria, he moved his court to the Danube region .
Much of the development of Protestant theology and the Protestant practice of religion in central Europe,
Is indebted to the life of John Wycliffe, so I include some biographical material with short discussions of his philosophy and theology:
1320 John WycliffeAn English scholastic philosopher, theologian, Biblical translator, reformer, English priest, and a seminary professor at the University of Oxford is born. He attacked the privileged status of clergy and regarded the scriptures as the only reliable guide to the truth about God. In 1382 he completed a translation of the Bible into the common vernacular. It was a translation directly from the Vulgate into Middle English. In philosophy, he championed the doctrine of ideas as with Plato against Aristotle.
He held to realism as opposed to nominalism enabled by the doctrine of the prior existence in the thought of God of all things and events. “[1]The center of Wycliffe’s philosophical system is formed by the doctrine of prior existence in the thought of God of all things and events. This involves the definiteness of things and especially their number, so that neither their infinity, infinite extension, nor infinite divisibility can be assumed.” Having an Apostolic, individual view of what Truth is, which took its image not from the statues and paintings in Church but from that
given in the Bible from the words of Christ himself. “For him true Christian discipleship meant a church without temporalities or jurisdiction, and a priesthood distinguished solely by its spiritual qualities of life in emulating Christ’s life of temporal renunciation and preaching of Gospel.[2]This distinction represented a new critical attitude to the contemporary church which, in its visible corporate form as a privileged hierarchy was no longer to be equated with Augustinian
teachings abou it. Christ, rather than any human representative was its only
true head of the Church in all of Jesus’ Divinity. The appeal of the figure of Christ as a man, founded on his words in the Bible formed its center and foundation . The effect was to transform the Church from a communion of believers, helped by the Saints, to a body of the elect.” In my opinion, this approach gave new life to the prophetic role of the Church in people’s life. “However, it was flawed in that fundamentalism was made to serve pragmatism as well as metaphysics, which he exploited psychologically[3].” n this approach the church needed neither priest nor sacraments, merely conformity to God’s Word and catholic traditions which were in accord with it. His followers advocated predestination, iconoclasm, while attacking the veneration of Saints, the sacraments, requiem masses, transubstantiation, the collection of indulgences, simony, monasticism, and the very existence of the Papacy. He argued that the Church was full of sin and therefore should give up its property. He said there was no scriptural justification for the papacy. And, because of his strong belief in predestination he believed in an invisible church of the elect rather than the visible Catholic church. In 1377 he was called before the Bishop of London on charges. In 1378 he was summoned to appear in Lambeth Palace to defend himself. But, before any steps could be taken upon him, Pope Gregory XI died that year. In 1381 the Peasant’s revolt came partly as a result of his teachings. In 1382 he was summoned before a synod at Oxford University. “The question of transubstantiation dominated the last five years of his life. He never did deny the universally accepted theological truth that the bread and wine of the host became converted in Christ’s body and blood. What he denied was that the appearances were maintained by the “Quantity” of the real body and blood as Aquinas had explained it. For Wycliffe the inseparability of quantity, or any other accident from substance was ontologically impossible from the nature of being. To make one separate from the other would undermine all knowledge, since it would destroy all certainty and make everything illusory by not being able to pass from their appearances to their underlying reality. Wylciffe’s solution to this metaphysical dilemma was that transubstantiation consisted not in the physical transformation of the bread and wine into something else[already existing]—Christ body and blood—but the coming of something new in Christ’s advent to the bread and wine.[4]”[5][6]To his last days he sent out tracts against Pope Urban VI and died on Holy Innocents day 1384 from a stroke. In 1415 he was declared a heretic at the council of Constance.
Palm Sunday light shining at 12 noon this last year down through the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem Israel.
1369 Jan Hus, after Wycliffe one of the first Protestant Church Reformers and theorists of ecclesiastical reform. Is born in Husinee, Bohemia.. In 1393, influenced by John Wycliffe, he earned a bachelor of arts at the University of Prague and Master’s degree in 1396. In 1402 he began preaching in the city demanding a reformation of the Church and was ordained serving as rector of the University 1402-1403. In 1406 he read John Wycliffe’s document, who had given the Bible an institutional role as arbiter of canonical reforms and proclaimed a doctrine of implanation in the Eucharist in which the bread and wine were said to be transubstantiated not physically, but figuratively. In 1408, Charles University in Prague was divided by the Western Schism of the Church in which Gregory XII in Rome and Benedict XIII in Avignon both claimed the papacy.
Wenceslaus the King of the Czechs in Prague fell Gregory XII might interfere with his plans to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor. At the University, only scholars of the Bohemian nations with Hus as their leader vowed neutrality. In 1409 the Council of Pisa tried to end the schism by electing Alexander V as Pope, but Gregory and Benedict did not submit and Alexander was declared an anti-pope, but Hus and the University did not comply. In 1412 Hus left Prague and appealed to our Lord Jesus Christ as the supreme judge, bypassing the laws and structures of the medieval Church, a step perhaps significant the 95 theses Martin Luther posted in Wittenburg in 1517. But, in 1414 as he arrived for the Church Council at Constance Switzerland, he was put into the prison of the Dominican monastery. Somewhat later in June 1415 he was tried in a Franciscan monastery where he spent the last days of his life before being burned at the stake. At the place of execution, he knelt down, spread out his hands and prayed aloud, saying “God is my witness that the things charged against me I never preached. …I am ready to die today.”
1440- 1500 . Frederick Ill, crowned Holy Roman Emperor, signed many newlyconstructed buildings with the acronym“AEIO U,” short for the GermanAlles Erdreich ist Osterreich untertan, or” All the world is subject to Austria.” This wasn’t much of an exaggeration; his
marriage to Eleanor of Portugal- and subsequent marriages within his family to royal women of Burgundy, Castile and other kingdoms-grew the empire exponentially.
1515.A grand double wedding brought an Hapsburg rule were so monumental,these nuptials are known
1529 The Hapsburg authorities in Tyrol begin to persecute the Anabaptists. In 1527 the Hapsburg archduke Ferdinand I of Austria declares that these heretical sects will not be tolerated. Jacob Hutter, one of the main Anabaptists, decides for the group to move to Moravia because he has heard the persecution is not so severe there. Anabaptists believe that baptism is valid only when the candidate confesses his or her faith in Christ and wants to be baptized. … The Amish, Hutterites, and Mennonites are direct descendants of the early Anabaptist movement. They came from the Palatinate, Swabia, and Silesia. Hutter remains in Tyrol to pastor those who don’t leave and escapes capture because the other Anabaptists will not reveal his whereabouts. 1533 however the Moravian diet or parliament has all Anabaptists expelled from Moravia and they have to scatter to surrounding counties. Hutter returns to Tyrol in Innsbruck, where he is interrogated and pressured to recant. But, when, even after severe torture he would not recant or reveal the names of the other Anabaptists, he was sentenced to death and burnt at the stake. On February 25 1536. According to records a total of 360 Anabaptists were executed there.
asthe“FirstCongressofVienna.” CharlesVbecameknownasthe”WorldEmperor.”Afewyearslater,thedynastysplitintotheAustrian Hapsburgsand the SpanishHapsburgs
1643 Eleonora Gonzaga, widow of Ferdinand II, had a palace built adjacent to her Katterburg mansion. The royal residence, later enlarged by Maria Theresa, would become Schonbrunn Palace, still standing today.
1701-1714 The War of the Spanish Succession lasted 13 years. The conflict was over who had the right to succeed Charles iI. By the wr’s end, Philip was king of Spain and Hapsburg territories in western Europe were divided up. Francis I of Lorraine, carried on the lineage under the name Hapsburg-Lorraine
1864 Francis 1, The Holy Roman Emperor, declared himself emperor of Austria, too. He was history’s only double emperor until he dissolved the Holy Roman Empire in 1806
1867 The dual monarch of the Austro-Hungarian Empier was established, united by a common rule (the Austrian archduke, separately crowned King of Hungard.” Viking River cruises information
Now, back to the day tour in Vienna:
Walked through the City Palace headquarters and courtyards of Empress Marie Theresa.
During lunch went by a music store next to the Synagogue in the city center
Area. I asked them for a good English language adult instruction book on piano.
Shopkeeper recommeneded “Play it again Piano” by Melanie Spanwick volumes I and Ii
Which I bought. Since returning home I have had many happy hours of practicing
The pieces in it on my piano in my living room of 3000 Drummond St., Vicksburg, MS.
During the evening, those of us who signed up the attend the special optional
Performance of Mozart and Strauss pieces for visitors from the boat at the Vienna Palace Opera House had a spectacular and extraordinary experience
Of listening to some of the best classical music performed by probably the best
Classical chamber orchestra performers I have ever heard.
Thursday August 2, 2018 docked in Krems Austria after sailing down some
Beautiful strectches of the Danube in the famous Wachau Valley region of
Austria. Visited the main Gottweg Abbey monastery complex on a hill
Overlooking and dominating the villages and rural country around the region.
It is a Benedictine abbey constructed in the 11thcentury, and which contains
One of the best libraries in Central Europe and a beautiful Chapel with
Expensive art collections in the Abbey hallways and spectacular frescos
On the ceilings.
Friday August 3, 2018 docked in Lenz Austria, did a walking tour of this
Industrial city, destroyed by allied bombing in World War II but now
Completely rebuilt both the industry and also the economy which is centered
In computer science and high technology now. There is a wondelful
Computer 6-d vision museum which has a lot about the history of the internet,
3-d printing, extended vision computer generated scenes and a lot more.
Also, the town was the birthplace of both Hilter and Himmler who went to
The same high school in the town center.
Saturday August 4 arrived at the final destination of the river cruise, Passau Germany, It is a city at the confluence of three rivers, the Inn, the Danube, and the Ilz. It was an important medieval town which was wealthy due to the salt trade that passed through it. St. Stephen’s Cathedral has a huge organ
Which we attended a concert to listen to after our walking tour.
Sunday August 5 Transferred by bus from Passau to Prague Czechslavakia.
Early Religious History and Cultural Heritage of some of the Mennonite Protestant Christians that came to America.
Many of these people, my grandparents the Calohans (which I believe, just myself probably, means having a Callow hand as you meditate), an Irish name, for instance sailed over in boat in the early 1800s to the Pennsylvania area after they were kicked out of England and Ireland by the Catholic Church and the Church of England and then migrated from their in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and then down the Mississippi river to lower Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi . But, before they were in Ireland and England they came down the Rhine and Danuabe River along with many other Protestant Christians dispossessed in the Thirty Years Religious wars in Europe. Many of these people lived in what is called the Palatinate region in southwestern. This area was formely a celtic region, conquered by the Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus in about 12 BCE. During the decay of the German empire German tribes settled here, most of which were later conquered by Francia under Clovis I about 496. From 511 onward the area was Rhenish Franconia according to the 843 treaty of Verdun. From the middle ages the area was divided into 45 secular and ecclesiashical territories, some very small. By the late 12thcentury the count palatine achieved the status of a prince-Elector, one of the seven higher nobles electing the Emperor, as confirmed by the Golden Bull of 1356. The Bavarian House of Wittlesbach ruled many of these estates from that part of Germany, but they lost control in 1777 with the reunification with Bavaria under Elector Charles Theodore in 1777. The major Ecclesiastical territory in the area was the Bishopric of Speyer, whose imperial city of Landau joined with areas in the Alsace in 1521 to preserve their status. Nevertheless it was seized by France after the thirty years war for the Catholic Church.
Crypt of Joseph of Arithmethera from which Jesus Christ was resurrected from death to life thereby raising us all up dwelling with him in this eternal life. See March posting of this year for more information about this from ourpraygroups recent trip to Jerusalem, Israel
All these early Christian protestant believers had what we now call Pietist protestant theological traditions and also somewhat in Northern Germany and settling briefly near Amsterdaam where their religious beliefs picked up some Armenians (my grandparents were Methodists) and related to me they came over to America during this period on a ship called the “Two Sisters”, a ship name which refers to a shipping company, whose storefront still exists there in that city, of Protestants in living around this urban area ripe with intellectual theolgians from the Protestant Christian Renaissance and Reformation there, some of those theology was intermixed with liberal Jewish Christian theology going back to the ancient towns of the Slovaks and Bulgars in Czechoslovakia and Hungary. This Jewish people themselves were
intermixed with Viking trader explorers and immigrants of an even earlier time from which I inherited my name Harrell which means “God of the Army” in Viking Norse and “God of the Mountains’ in Hebrew and even further back Mountain God in Sanskrit. All, the Harrells, spelling the name with two rrs and two lls go back to a little town in North Carolina called Harrellsville where our great grandfather owned twenty plantations, probably gained from pirate wealth in the Caribbean after being kicked out of the orphanages in England in the early 18thcentury. Harrell in this context of the family genealogy was a generic name given to orphans living in orphanages in the big cities of England during this time of the Scottish, English Renaissance. Many of them became explorers and settled in the Caribbean from which they were kicked out by our the British navy. So, basically the whole family heritage as a deep “rebel” Protestant bent in theological beliefs perhaps going back as far as our Semitic genes (we are about 6% Ashkenasi Jewish) to Abraham, Isaac,Jacob, Moses, Isaiah, perhaps earlier to Noah.
In 1794, the Left Bank of the Rhine, including the Palatinate was occupied by French Revolutionary troops and the First French Republic annexed the region This was probably when my ancestors who later became Calohans in Ireland and England left the region. In 1798 the French introduced a new administrative systems. So, to summarize, the history of the government of the Palatinate had at least as many different flags flying over their building as that of the area in Vicksburg, MS had before it ended up under the American stars and stripes. The Pennsylvania Durch language spoken by the Amish in Pennsylvania is from the German Palatine German Language, where Maj Andrew Ellicott the early American mathematician and explorer’s home was before he headed out on the Mississippi to map the boundaries of the Early Southern United States using the number theoretic properties of the periods of the moons of Jupiter explained to him by Galileo, the Jesuits, and his Scottish enlightenment religious teachers from the English orphanages. And, my father, a self made orphan from his famous Protestant theological father Adoniram Gordon, spent 20 or thirty years in China, Japan, the Far East staying for a while with the Protestant missionaries there and working for a while with US Army Intelligence in the Far East, and later for the OSS in New York city where he met my mother, a daughter of a very pious European Protestant Mennonite Steamboat captain family who had come from the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and Pennsylvania to settle in Cairo, Illinois before they got flooded out in the great Mississippi River flood of 193 and had to move to Chicago with that part of the family they could afford to take with them in a freight car. Perhaps that is why my deeply theological Protestant and army exploring soul was reborn in New York, US and then migrated to Mississippi in 1948.
Here is a brief chronological history of the Catholic Hapsburgs, which displaced our Mennonite ancestors in the Palantate. For another related timeline of how the soul of Saint Andrew migrated from being in the earlier Hungarian, Italian, French Papacy in Florence Italy see the amateur theological travel blog posting of Provance, Avignon France and the River June 2016.
Here is some historical material on the Slovaks, whose Jewish communities in Prague I visited on the Danube River cruises and whose askenazi descendants are perhaps related to some of the earlier merchant explorer settlers who came up the river and intermized with Vikings, Muslims, Eastern Orthodox Christians trying to settle and colonize the area and also probably with some of the even early human horse trader settlers who founded the beginning of human language in the area much earlier, perhaps before 10,000 BC. My 23 and me genetic sequencing says my Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian genotype is primary made of this genetic stock, to throw some even more complicated cellular micro-biology into the mix of who I AM that I am trying to figure out.
Slovaks are descended from the Slavic peoples, who settled in the Danube River basin in the 6th and 7th
centuries. Mainlyfarmers, they sought out lowlandregions with rich soil and sufficient water. They also brought knowledge of how to find, extract and manipulateiron ore from their original homeland.Throughouthistory,
Slovaks have been subjected to rule and domination.Slovaks have been subjected to rule and domination by invading tribes or armies, notably the Magyar s (Hunagarians). After the invasion of Hungarian ;people in the 10thcentury, Slovaks were isolated from other western Slavic groups.
10-14thCentury the Slavs are a prosperous electorate of the Holy Roman Empire. And Prague a major trading and ecclesiastical center with significant German and Jewish communities
1346-1378 The Czech King, Charles IV becomes Holy Roman Emperor, scholars and artists flock to the Prague castle court
1389 Easter Pogrom Three thousand jews are murdered in the Jewish ghetto.
1415 Jan Hus, a prominent Czech Prague theologian and preacher is burnt at the stake in Constance for heresy. His teachings provoke widespread dissent against the Catholic Church.
1419 The Hussites cast thierteen anti-reformist burghers from the windows of New Town Hall,
triggering a general uprising and foreshadowing of the Reformation, and the great wars of religion. During the rest of this century the political and religious importance of
Prague is eclipsed by Vienna.
ln the 16th centurySlovakia became e a part of the Hapsburg Monarchy (in German,spelled ” Habsbur g” ).
1576-1611 Emperor Rudolf rsstores Prague as the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Prague becomes a center for the study of science and the occult, distinguished men of letters are attracted to the imperial court. The Renaissance is reflected in its artists and architecture.
1618 Angry Protestants turn on the Catholic deputies of Prague and the second defenestration takes place in the Old town square, leading to hostilities which eventually develop all of Europe in the thirty years war.
1620 Protestant Bohemian forces are routed by the Imperial Army at the Battle of White Mountain. Twenty seven leaders of the rebellion are publically executed in the Old Town Square. German bcomes the official language of the Czechs.
The reformsofMariaTheresa{1740–1780)andherson,JosephII(1780-1790),inthespiritoftheEnlightenment,
1787 Mozart premieres Don Giovanni and in 1791 The Magic Flute in Prague.
formedthebasisofataxandtransportationsystem,armyandschools.ThankstotheHapsburgs,serfdomwas abolished. In 1763 Maria Theresa established a college for training mining, foundryand forestryspecialists
“The emergence of Slovak national consciousnessdates to about t he 1700s. The written language appeared before the 18th century,an d near the end of thatcentury a national movement began to encourage a Slovak
identity and the development of Slovak Romanticism with a focus on popular folk traditions. At the end of World War I,Slovak identity was fully formed.
In 1918 the Austrian Hungarian empire was dismantled. And in 1919 Slovakia joined with Czechia to form a union of two western Slavic nations : Czecho –Slovakia.But its independence was greatly limited by it s strong economic, military and political dependenceonGermany. Dadaism, Surrealism, Constructivism, Poetism, Futurism, and Bauhaus ideas flower and flourish in the dynamic post war new republic. Internal political tensions increase and a lot of Secular, Reform Jews from here and Switzerland with these new ideas decide to migrate to Israel.
In 1945 the citizens of Prague rise up against the Nazis. Prague is liberated in May while the US Army remains in Pilsen.
February 1948 The Communist Party takes over.
1951-52 Show trials are held. Many of the Czech Communist who are Jews are purged.
1989.Akexabder Dubcek institutes reforms to the Communism and And, in the Velvet Revolution of 1989. In 1993,the fall of Communism helped by Vaclav Havel. t he Slovaks and the Czechs agreedtoseparatepeacefullyinwhatiscalledtheVelvetDivorce.The
st at e. Slovakia became an independent nation. Slovakia joined both NATOand the European Union in 2004. Today,Slovakia is a modern European countrymixed with a deep rural tradition . Quaint and jovial with a rich cultural lif e, Slovaks are pleasantpeople prepared to go out of t heirway to welcomeyou.” Viking River Cruise Itinerary information
Sunday August 5thI arrived by bus from Passau Germany in The Arts Noveau Palace Hotel in Prague Czechsolvakia. There was a light rain shower but I decided to walk around the corner to buy some books at the Luxor Book Store. While sitting on a bench in the middle of the boulevard in front of the book store I started up a conversation with an American family standing there who said there were tourists too. They recommended visiting an underground cold war museum in the basement of the hotel at the corner of the block. It turned out to be a fascinating Cold War Musuem, Crisis Staff Nuclear War bomb shelter for high ranking Czech military and civilians in the city. There are about 800 fallout shelters in Prague, each one with ventilation shafts and escape chamber accommodating up to 100 people. This one was perhaps the best equipped with a hospital room, military campaign counterattack planning rooms. All this is much better than any I saw in Washington DC, except for those for the White House command group, in the 1970s when I was working on top secret military war plans for the US Army HQ there. Its an understatement to say we should all be glad we didn’t have to fight a nuclear war against these people. But, those in Prague love us I think from talking to us, because we helped them get rid of the Soviets.
Figure 11Map of the 1950s Soviet armoured tank battalion routes of advance in the invasion of the country then.
Figure 12 Kids from the tourist family from Seattle that I talked to playing with the Soviet Czech weapons in the shelter’s armoury room
[1]Wikepedia article on Wycliffe’s philosophy
[2]Gordon Left, “John Wycliffe’s Religious Doctrines” downloaded from internet.
[5] How you understand these arguments depends on how you understand the terms used in them. What dimensions of space and time and spirit are we talking about? What is the individual subjective or objective viewpoint taken in evaluating
the truth of the degree of instantiation of the terms in this area of space and time and spirit that we are talking about. The wise don’t try to understand this on their own, or argue about. But, we are certainly glad Wycliffe spent so much time thinking about it.
[7]Prague, A Traveller’s Literary Companion edited by Paul Wilson