“Light is sown for the righteous and faith (strewn along their way). And for those whose heart is upright, irrepressible joy and gladness.” Psalm 97:11
Shemini Atzeres/Simchath Torah October 15 2006/5767
Parable about God inside of humankind
and of two angelic spirits in God’s eternal tree of life.
Part I
A long time ago God inside of humankind was a man called Wisdom and a woman called Understanding. Wisdom had to do with helping God generate the out breaths of humankind and Understanding with the in breaths. And God (Wisdom and Understanding) had two children who lived together as angelic spirits like two birds (one named Love and the other Truth) in God’s eternal tree of life. They sang a song of eternal life so full and free (with truth singing and love listening). Then, one day, the male bird (Love) got tired of listening all day to the female’s (Truth)
Some say Truth is Jacob* and Love Abraham as in the important High Holiday prayer, “Grant Truth to Jacob and Kindness to Abraham”… or ”You will keep faith with Jacob and give loyaltly to Abraham.” See Micah, chapter 7 for the original Hebrew prayer corresponding to both of these translations. But, in this story their spirits are living in the Garden of Eden and the high heavens before this time.
song and decided he wanted to speak. He thought, since I was made by God I will sing a song of God inside of us all (Wisdom and Understanding) and speak prophecy in God’s name. But, Satan was listening and he said to God . Look at this small weak spirit in your tree of life trying to speak for you.
“Who is this that darkens and obscures counsel [by words] without knowledge.” The Book of Job, Chapter 42, verse 2. But also we know, “Not to have any madness at all in your spirit is itself madness. And, to see the world as it is instead of as it should be is the most madness of all.” Miguel Cervantes
He neither knows who he is or who you are. For, if he knew who he is, he would know who you are (his creator). And, if he knew who you are, he would know who he is (a being created by you). I will blow away the hopes and dreams of these two birds. And, since things at that time were occurring on an out breath, God (Wisdom and Understanding) let him. So, just then an eagle soared above them and spotted the female bird singing in God’s tree of life. Circling above them he made ready to swoop down and capture them both with his sharp claws. He was there to take them away from their happiness in God’s eternal tree of life and he was created by God as an illusion and an apparent obstacle to the realization of their hopes and dreams. (to be continued)
* footnote written 7/24/07…From another point of view someone could ( if they thought it would do us good) say that if Jacob was alive with us today and didn’t confess the tricks and deceits he previously used in order to inherit the blessing from his family… that, then, he couldn’t be a good representative for us and be the truth for us all. One might argue that, in this case, the truth is he who is Jesus Christ, or whoever is rational and consistent in terms of a logic or logos inside of the Word of God.
* footnote added 5/4/2010 by fellow mathematician, amateur theologian, time travellor Stephen Hawking