Rosh Hashanah 2019-5079/80

Music from Tanya Huang’s album: “Things about me that only my plants know” A Thousand Years

Three week summer course trip to Merton College in Oxford England, paper written on the English Revolutionary Civil War period for inclusion in new edition of A History of Explorations and Settlements in the Southern US [see page 64 of this blog], four days in Edinburgh, Scotland during the music festival. When God is Seven His Truth is me and you, YHWH CHRIST.

Running water meditation to think about for our Rosh Hashanah praying, for a lot of teachings and photos from the Smokey Mountain kayaking streams to think about on Rosh Hashanah and help you think about the main Bible Verses we study during this important time of the Christian Jewish year see our October 2014 posting at this URL This well framed, well colored, and thought out photo is from the Muir Woods in Northern CA and is by our professional photographer ourprayergroup member Patty Hoenig

Blessings, good wishes, prayers, for salvation, eternal happiness Jonathan. Your soul is enfolded in our heartfelt prayers now in continuing into the future as you also continue on continuing on just like you were and still are, as we continue to pray with you forward from this place here and now into eternity.

Every Year, on Christian Jewish Rosh Hashanah, The Name of God YHWH, Our Father Our Creator, Our King, slows down the World and space, in stillness, in order to judge it, the World and us, then re-creates space, and the Word, His Word, YHWH YHWH, His Son, redeems, recreates moving space again.

This year we regret to say, also, that our long time prayer partner and cousin Jonathan Harrell has a stroke on Saint Jonathan’s Day August 24,25 of our Saints Prayer Calendar and passes unexpectantly to a better place, Jonathan was a estate and wills lawyer doing work for our family’s Gordon college, and the Gordon-Conwell theological seminary in Wenham, MA, travelling around the world with them helping continue the tradition of my great grandfather Adoniram when he was President of the World Baptist Evangelical Society in the early 1900s. His father Arthur Harrell, my father, Gordon’s brother, was a help to my mother and me in keeping track somewhat of what happened to my father after she left him in New York City, in 1949, bringing me to Vicksburg, MS to grow up. His sister Christina was and still is a long time letter writing and prayer partner from 1955 until 2015 when she died of cancer. I have been praying continually with them, basically ever since I was 14 or so and visited the family, which included my and his Aunt Constance Harrell and her mother, my and his grandmother Helen Harrell Gordon, in Los Angeles in the early 1960s. His and my grandfather, Eustice Harrell, who married Helen, Adoniram’s daughter, made a lot of money in New York City in the 1920s when he was in charge of building the Flat Iron skyscraper there, but then lost a lot of it in the stock market crash and moved to Los Angeles got into real estate there helping to start the Silver Lake Real Estate District in Northern LA. Jonathan arranged our last Gordon family, blood descendants, reunion at the College and Seminary in 2015 I believe and we had a old-style Conservative, Calvinist Church service in my great grandather’s Church in the woods in New Hampsire. Everyone sat in individual, pews, ‘railed off’ into sections while some people from the local College and churches in New Hampshire played my great grandfather’s Baptist hymnal songs, “My Jesus I Love You.” and “Softly and Tenderly” on the guitar. But, even after Tina died, I couldn’t get Jonathan to spend time writing letters much. However, I am sure he was, and, he and his soul is still, is a faithful believer in Christ and God as it goes forward to better place and ever continuing and ever improving eternal life living and communicating through prayer with both of them.


Hope all is well in your corner.  I have enjoyed a busy but largely uneventful year.  My primary escape came in February when I traveled to Dubai with some friends.  I came back with great respect for their governing tribe after finding that their GNP is now only 4% from oil.  They have invested their petro dollars wisely so they are now supported by income from their airline, port facilities, airport, and business interests.  I also made a new friend while I was at their training facility – one of only three in the world.

In going through things here, I came upon a treasure related to your father that I think you ought to keep and enjoy.  I want to send it by Priority Mail with signature required, so that it can be tracked, but I wanted to confirm that you would be in town to receive it.  Are you going anywhere in the next week or so?  I will mail it to 3000 Drummond Street if you will be there.

Have a great remainder of 2017!


“O, LORD YHWH, Who is Like unto You”, as a Holy Spirit who Indwells us in many different ways, redeems us, and makes atonement for our sins?

Dr. Andrew Harrell
Vicksburg, MS

September 25,2019

Dear Dr. Harrell,

Thank you for your generous words of encouragement and your prayers.
The firm resolve of the American people to face challenges boldly is a 
great blessing to our country.

Our nation is experiencing a new tide of optimism and renewed faith in
the American Dream. I remain confident that together,
with trust in God, we will continue to build a stronger and more
prosperous country for future generations.

I appreciate you taking the time to write. Your support means a great deal to Melania 
and me.


Donald Trump

I note this generous and encouraging letter to myself and possibly others in our prayer group, which 
thanks me for the good inside of God and us, was postmarked September 25, 2019 five days before Rosh 
Hashanah. It is very encouraging to me to receive such a nice letter from the Commander in chief of our 
US Armed Forces in which I proudly served 21 years in uniform. I thank you and I believe all the service 
men of our US armed forces thank you, Mr. President because you did not go to war with Iran, this 
summer, even though it seems clear that they tried to start one with us.  I thank you President Trump 
and MS Trump for your kind words to me as a prayer partner it is very encouraging to me to receive 
such a wonderful, thoughtful and positive reply to my prayer letters from people that I admire like you 
and Ms Trump. It also includes a beautiful photograph of your smiling face.

As, I look at this picture I AM thinking:

“In whose heart God remains, of him dislike and pain are not.”


“To whomever we show Truth perfectly, [all-comprehensively]from them we get Truth perfectly[all-

This said, as I write this letter I note that you are much in the news and seemingly under serious threat 
of impeachment by the US Congress.
According to news broadcasts, On Rosh Hashanah, President Trump you said that words representing 
US in conversation with Ukrain Pres. were “perfect”. But, it appears that that your enemies the 
Democrats among them a whistleblower in the CIA, and some people State Dept. and House of 
Representatives have recorded and turned in some of your words as being “damning” and “imperfect” . 
When you said that they were “perfect” did you mean “perfect” in the sense of being correct and 
righteous according to the laws that our co-equal branch of the government the US Congress has 
already passed? They passed them I believe to prevent you from doing what you have already accused 
Ms Clinton of doing in order to get yourself elected.

I think somebody said, “Just because you tell everybody what you are doing, and claim to be doing it 
for the interests of the American people, and are more honest about the way you do it than those you 
are accusing of the same thing[perfect in that sense]this doesn’t mean you are legal and in the right 
and upholding our American Constitution and its values as you have sworn to do”.

Here are some “perfect” words by Solomon, a King, a co-King with all of us, explaining wisdom. 
Chapter 3 “ Wisdom is fear of [being not wise in your own eyes buy worshiping Him YHWH and His 
Name, YHWH YHWH, YHWH JESUS, and turn away from, entirely, evil], trust in [lean on, be confident 
in], honor of the Name of God (YHWH) in us[ with your capital and sufficiently and first fruits of income, 
so shall your storage places be filled with plenty].” Amplified Bible. including further Amplification by 

Thank you again and please know that a lot of us American are praying will be with you and Melania to 
continue your strong resolve to work for us and our country, during what looks like will be a difficult 
upcoming year for you ahead of the 2020 election.

Sincerely and Lovingly,

Dr. Andrew W. Harrell

In order for the Lord (YHWH) to be Our Creator, and Our Redeemer, first He and His Truth must be One. YHWH CHRIST. Then, He must have a Son, a creator also, so that when He and His Truth are Two, His Truth is Two. YHWH CHRIST. But, also, for His Son to be our Redeemer, to allow Him to both save us and ATONE for our sins, when GOD, YHWH, is TWO, as “YHWH YHWH” His Truth must be One, YHWH CHRIST. To understand this is to understand a deep mystery of how the Name of God indwells us as Truth, which is a 1,2,3… Infinity truth.


How are we known by God and others, perfectly, judged, as we know God and other on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? Here are some of our thoughts and ideas on this helped by the words of some of our long time prayer friends in the American Sanskrit Institute in their beautiful course “Sanskrit by CD”.. [ with a few extras words added by me]

Why is it important for Christian Jews to study and learn Sanskrit with our brothers and sisters in Christ the Indian Yogis? Sanskrit is a more perfect language than English or Hebrew in that it has more tenses and endings in order that we can express ourselves better and more perfectly in words and sentences. You can sing sentences in it better than in English and Hebrew. Try it you will find out. You can sing prayers and prayer mantras and meditate on what you have said better and more perfectly than in English or Hebrew. If you believe that concepts are meanings of meaningful words, then this is true. It is because the way the sounds (which contain precise locations in our minds and bodies and hence meanings) of where the vowels and consonants of the language express themselves as there meanings indwells our minds ,material, and spiritual bodies we hence derive more meaning, pleasure, beauty, goodness from studying and learning them[ beauty and goodness being themselves concepts which we can study and learn about using this language. For this reason it is sometimes said to be “the language of the Gods or a language of the Gods”. May I take the liberty with you here also to say “It is a language of Our God, YHWH”? It is somewhat harder to learn than English or Hebrew but “nothing in this life that is worthwhile is easy” so said my mother Virginia Harrell when I was young.

Because most of you reading this do not know it here are my English translations of Yoga meditation verses written in Sanskrit from the American Sanskrit Institute Sanskrit Yoga Meditation CDs. On page 20 of this blog I have included some translations and comments by different teachers of a few of the actual key Sanskrit verses used to teach Yoga and contemplative prayer meditation. The importance of learning these teachings:was why, I believe Jesus Christ taught them by saying to his disciples in the Bible “Be Ye Perfect, even as your Father in Heaven[YHWH} is,”

“To whomever dwells in t he human heart as God, perfectly, to Him or Her we send our heartfelt greeting, perfectly” .”

“In whom we see God, in Him or Her we see ourselves.”

“Whoever sees one Self, [precisely and perfectly, ie with God’s help, letting Him or Her be the One who knows things for you] in all beings, he in those beings exists.”

” Whoever sees all beings [precisely and perfectly] in one self, in him all beings exist.”

“In whose heart God remains, of him dislike and pain are not.”

“In which person this reality exists [so precisely and perfectly, with God’s help], he is happy and the friend of all.”

“To whomever we show Truth perfectly, [all-comprehensively]from them we get Truth perfectly[all-comprehensively].”

Anyone who practices believing these teachings, you will not find our bodies in coffins after we die. But, if you practice and believe them as Divine prophetic words, Christian Science denials and affirmations they will become a Truth that you know indwelling your souls and it we be a Truth, like Jesus Christ said that you can know and which will “enlighten and set your Eternal soul and Spirit free from its mistaken identifications of yourself with things that you can know other ways and are bad for you in this world”. Do not go to the Churchs of Pre-Millenialist Baptists or Conservative Presbyterians, or Catholics who have an “elevated” opinion of there place in the World, Theology professors in seminaries who want you to pay to go to their institutions and be trained in their own inherited wrong metaphysics and ways of Biblical interpretations. those, who want to get you in a group where they can just “preach” the Bible to you and not take time to discuss it with you, help you learn it by listening to your individual prayer problems, praying and taking time to discuss things that have happened with you, how to set them right, and discuss argue with you about for a good length of time in order to better understand it as a teaching, as a way of life that you need to learn by continual practice and non-attachment to results. And, when we die, yet shall we live as a soul in an Indwelling Holy Spirit alive in us Christian Jewish humans forever. And this Spirit shall have a seed in it that does not grow under ground. But, it grows in the ground of reality which the Hindu’s call Brahman and is alive and has eternal life in it everywhere, not just in the material physical realm. The reality in this Indwelling Holy Spirit is based on the reality of Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit, what the Hindu’s call Our Divine Self the ‘Atman”.

“For whatever part of God, dwelling as a Holy Spirit inside of us we have faith in, that part is our True Nature [and also theirs].”

“Whoever, and whatever part of another, the World was made, that person having that indwelling part is our God, whose name is YHWH.”

“Whosoever fears, honors, trusts in the Name of God, YHWH, the Name of God YHWH fears,honors, trusts in Him or Her.”

I AM the Name of God, YHWH, and whosever sanctifies and glorifies, lives and dwells, makes a home in me,in my soul, in Him or Her, [in their soul] so shall they be sanctified and glorified, and I will live and dwell and make a home in them. Glory be to The Indwelling Father, The Indwelling Son, of God’s Name, YHWH, and their Holy Spirit of God’s Name, YHWH, indwelling you. Comments by Andrew William Harrell on the above, please pray these thoughts with us and say Amen

Meditating on the Name of God is somewhat different than being it. I remember discussing both side of a point of view stated to me by Rabbi David Cooper a couple of years ago that you cannot “OM” the Name of God YHWH. This is of course true if you consider Him, the Name of God, YHWH, as a transcendent being like the Lord Shiva, who does not incarnate. However, if you sanctify His Name in His indwelling Holy Spirit, like Jesus Christ did with His Divine Words, YHWH’s Words in the Gospel of John, you yourself, with His Help, affirming Him inside of your Spirit. I believe that You can, just like Jesus Christ did, be and still be the Name of God. You can Om the Name of God YHWH, not by saying OM YHWH, but by knowing first that He is One and His Truth is One inside of and outside of you, and then affirming those two words in the opposite order, “YHWH OM”. In fact that is what God, Our Father, Our King, Our Creator, did also, as Jesus did, when he wrote in the 1st chapter of Genesis, when we write and said the words “YHWH ELOHIM” which means just about the same as “YHWH OM”. The Divine Name of God “OM” being the way Yogi’s pray mantras by pronouncing and affirming the “meaning’ of a Divine Name.

If you or I or Jesus Christ were to say, The Light of the World, that I AM, it would not be as effective as for Jesus Christ Indwelling to say I AM the Light of the World. It is more in Human Divine Order to say along with Jesus Christ a Divine part of our soul, that “I AM the Light of the World”. Moreover, when Our Father in Heaven first made the Light speaking into the void and creating it, speaking it forth out of nothing he did not have to say I AM the Light of the World. If he had been saying it that way during the first 7 days of creation he would not be doing something in “remembrance” of something He had already done. He would not have said, then, at that time, in those first days, YHWH Y’Hi Or [Let there be Light}. or YHWH Y’Hi Or v’ Y’Hi Or {Let there be Light and there was Light], because He, YHWH had not created it yet. Therefore when His Only Son Jesus or Him dwelling in us says “I AM the Light of the World” we are still meditating on the same Divine Name YHWH as Our Father Creator God, YHWH did when He said Y’Hi, Or, v’ Y’Hi Or, He just left out His Name when he was saying it this way, because when He was saying it He already knew who was saying it, namely Himself. So, Meditating on all of this we see a Three-fold process in the theory of prophecy here. When God is One, His Truth is One…YHWH CHRIST, When God is Two, His Truth is TWO…YHWH CHRIST, When God is Three His Truth is You [Indwelling you as a “Truthful” Holy Spirit].

And the Good News is that this proccss can Go On from here when you pass it on to someone else, eternally, forever… When God is Four… His Truth is More….YHWH CHRIST… 1,2,3…..infinity… When God is Five…His Truth is Alive YHWH CHRIST…When God is Six, His Truth is Fixed, YHWH CHRIST…When God is Seven His Truth is me and you, YHWH CHRIST…When God is Eight, His Truth and me and you… us… relates YHWH YHWH CHRIST…..1,2,3…infinity…When God is Twelve, in the Heart, His Truth, IT SWELLS, 1,2,3…infinity…1,2,3…infinity

Please say Amen

“From whatever person we come from, with God’s help perfectly and precisely, to that person, [if we are to know God perfectly and precisely], we will go.”

“To whatsoever person we teach God perfectly, precisely and with His, God’s help, then, that person will teach us about God perfectly.”

These words in this blog are not perfect, but I hope that they can be an Alpha and an Omega of God’s Truth, if God in you prays with me and helps me to breathe life into them. With His help, they are an inheritance of God’s Truth which I have received from Him, and can be a continuation of God’s Truth which can indwell us all forever.

“May the Words of my mouth and the meditations of my Heart be pleasing unto to you, O Lord (YHWH). Please pray that the words in this eighty page or so blog, as I write them, and after I write them, will an alpha and omega and will be studied and meditated on by God indwelling us in order to be long-lasting andwise and will honor Our Father God, YHWH, YHWH YHWH, a Mighty King and Father, A wonderful Saviour and Our Redeemer,the Lord of Judgement, Life and Death, Creation and Re-Creation, on this Rosh Hashanah

14 days praying with Unity School for World Peace Day, 3 day trip, down the River Road to Oak Alley Plantation, Biloxi, MS and New Orleans, LA

Figure 1   Oak Alley “I walk in the Paths of Righteousness and Peace”….Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur every Christian Jewish year is the Name of God, YHWH as Christ Jesus opening the way for you to understand the Truth of His Atonement of Humanity with God….want more details…see step 12 in James Freeman Drill in the Silence, April May blog. Also, this walking path, coincidently, looks like the 4 dimensional continuation of the 3 dimensional cover photo on the Trieste publications editions of my great grandfather’s “The Two-Fold Life, Christ’s Work for Us and in Us” Book, mentioned as useful for Pre-Millenialist Christian Jewish, Holy Spirit sanctification, justification, Rosh-Hashanah meditations.


2019 5079/80 


Some affirmations from Charles I(‘s book “Christian Healing” for being right with God and affirming His Justice on Rosh Hashanah:

 1) Teach me thy way YHWH and lead me in a plain path” Psalms 27:11 Jesus and St. Andrew

 2) The righteousness of Divine Law is active all my affairs, and I AM protected.  Charles Fillmore Christian healing

3) “Stand therefore, having girded your loins with Truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness.”  Ephesians 6:14 St. Paul and St. Andrew

4) “The meek will I(He) guide in justice,

  Psalms 25:9  Jesus and St. Andrew

5) “Blessed be the poor in spirit, for they (I) shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus and St. Andrew

6) “Blessed be those who are persecuted, for they (I) shall be rewarded now in this present moment in heaven.” Jesus and St. Andrew

7) “I will sing of loving kindness and justice,” Psalms 101:1 King David, Jesus, St. Andrew

8)’I seek not my own will, but the will of my Father’ John 6:38  Jesus, and all of us Saints

 9) Judge not that ye be not judged, John 6:38 all the Saints in Heaven

10) “Behold now I have set my cause in order, I know that I AM righteous”. Job 13:18 Job and all the Saints after him

11) I believe in the Divine law of justice, I trust in it to set right every transaction in my life, Charles Fillmore Christian healing lesson 11

12) “There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus”, Romans 8:1 St. Paul and St. Andrew

13) “I no longer condemn, criticize, or find fault with my associates; neither do I belittle or condemn myself.” The right and left shoulders, wings of God…St. James and St. Andrew, the Two Pillars in front of the House of God, King Solomon’s Temple, and their Child of God with the Name of God YHWH and also St. Mary, YHWH YHWH Yeshua, Saint Joshua, Jesus Christ living in and among us today.





Dear Andrew,
We greet you today in a spirit of love, for we know that you are beloved of God! The love of God unites us in a friendship that we cherish.
Beloved friends like you inspire us as we serve those seeking greater expressions of life, peace, love, and joy. Thank you for so generously sharing your $100.00 offering for our global ministry.
Your thoughtful support of our work helps us assure others that they, too, are beloved of God. May you always feel God’s love for you, and may you know that our loving thoughts enfold you.
Your friends in Unity

During World Peace day Saturday Sept. 21 we will be praying this year according to the YHWH School of Christianity’s Two-fold Holy spirit Renewal and Regeneration, salvation and sealing, Sonship and Communion, Righteousness and Holiness, Peace of God and with God indwelling us

Article #829
Subject: Sep. 23 Prayer ltr
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 10/9/2019 02:28:53 PM

Dr. Andrew W. Harrell 
3000 Drummond St. 
Vicksburg, MS 39180 

Dear Andrew, 

One of our greatest joys is having friends like you. You are a special blessing to each of us here in Silent 
Unity, and we appreciate you. 

Friends are like treasured gifts in life, for they are a blessed source of encouragement support, and 
upliftment. God is your greatest friend –one you can turn to for any need– one who loves you and 
cares for you unconditionally. 

We are you friends in prayer, and we care about you. May you always know that God loves loves you 
and that you are enfolded in our prayers. 

Silent Unity

Dr. Andrew W. Harrell
3000 Drummond St.
Vicksburg, MS 39180

July 27,2020

Dear Andrew

Jesus taught us to “love one another,” and we remember His message of love whenever we think of you. 
You hold a special place inour heartsand we are please to pray with you.

The love of God is the greatest love of all, for it encompases every part of life. Divine love knows all, 
reveals all, and blesses all. As we pray with you, we see you attuned to divine love and realizing the 
wondrous power it has to heal and fulfill you.

As we in Silent Unity follow Jesus’ words to love one another, we give thanks for you.
Our prayers will continue for the next 30 days in the faith that divine love is blessingyou today and every 

World Headquarters YHWH School of Christianity

Silent Unity Prayer Group

Unity School of Christianity

1901 NW Blue Parkway,

Unity Village, MO 64065

August 8,2020

Beloved Ones dwelling in the Divine Light and Love of our most Excellent, Greatest,  and Far-Reaching YHWH God,

Most Lovingly has the Name of God YHWH loved us. And, we each need to be three times faithful to Him or Her and it. The first time being faithful to it, we are #1 Faith, the 2nd time His Son helps us do this, and the 3rd time He and Her, Himself and Herself does it for us if we just keep on loving others as our self as Jesus Christ and you speaking for Him are teaching us. Teaching us by Just keeping on going this way, as the way the are going.

When Our YHWH God’s Divine Light blesses us with Divine light and love it does so from the past into the future, then back again to the future through the past, does it not? For, He has created us, sustained us, protected us, and helps heal us and grow Himself Eternally as a Holy Spirit indwelling us, does He not?

It would be nice to hear some more from each of you individually about how you have been loved in this way  by YHWH God’s Divine Love and  Divine Light as a Holy Spirit, indwelling you.

Thank you for answering my prayer letter and receiving my love that comes with God’s along with it, I am indeed thankful to you for rejoicing in it, and discussing it with God.

When YHWH God loves us lovingly, He also sees the Christ in us. I know from your letters that you see the YHWH Christ in me.

But, how does the YHWH Christ in me, see and hear the YHWH Christ in you?   I look forward to hearing again from you in 30 days (20 now as I write this) and hearing more about how you hear, follow, and see YHWH God, and His Divine words spoken through His Son Jesus as the Christ to Saint Mary and also Saint Andrew.

You are some of the best, if not the best, Christian contemplative prayers I have had occasion to pray with. Your prayer group is especially good at imagining how things we are praying with might come true, if not taking long term prayer responsibility for having it happen. 

In contrast to many Christian ministers whose churches I have had the misfortune to attend,  also, you seem to always have time to listen to me when I ask to discuss things with you and pray with you. 

But, it seems to me you do have some faults. What do you think Jesus would say to you, if He knew you were praying with people  whose name you know,  telling them to love others as your self but don’t tell them your name?

We all here at the YHWH School of Christianity in Vicksburg, MS and also around the World for the coronavirus pandemic plague to end sooner rather than later.


One in Love,

Silent Unity


From Tanya Huang’s album, “Things about me that only my plants know” Gravity

Figure 2   Rosh Hashanah running water walking meditation. SVidalia Louisiana Rivrwalk, it goes under two MS River Bridges


What does is mean to be still and know yourself as YHWH God knows you? Jesus has told us in the Book of John, chapter 7

“If any man or woman wills, chooses, to do the will of God { and be a a man or woman of God} he or she shall know whether the teaching is from God, our indwelling Creator God and Spirit of Truth, dwelling with us over us and in Heaven, or whether we speak on our own.”

As God and others with God indwelling them know us in this way, so are we known by God and others.

What Jesus said to Jews questioning His teachings then could be said to some Christians nowadays questioning Moses and Christian Jews trying to teach them the importance his Old Testament wisdom practices and teachings , couldn’t it? What do you think?

“Most mistakes are the results of our humanities our human wills acting without the cooperation and understanding of our brothers and sisters in Christ.” Charles Fillmore Chritian Healing. YHWH YHWH JESUS CHRIST HEALS

After the types of Christ Matthew and Thomas, and Jesus in the book ofJohn help us know the will of God as also Divine understanding indwelling us Fillmore teaches there James and the Egyptian Urim and Thurim stones of Moses, with one side light and the other Divine/Human Truth

Figure 3  Lotus Pond in Oxford Botanical Gardens with women standing behind lotus in full bloom. You can walk over to these gardens on the other side of the street from the T.S. Elliot dormitories at Merton College, Oxford. Its worth a full afternoon of walking, sitting, studying around here. 

Music from Tanya Hunag’s album “Things about me only my plants know” Overjoyed

 Coincidently the photo above reproduces the cover photo of a lotus in a little booklet in affirmative prayer sent to me in 2019 by Unity School of Christianity to pray with them. 

I reproduce here the starting poem in that booklet in order for you to follow along praying with us while reading and studying the rest of this blog. According to their website the whole school will “Be still and know” September 12, 2019 and all of us in YHWH School of Christianity will be doing this and praying with them and their prayer director Linda, while they are lighting candles during the day and being still and knowing what we and God all know together to help all of us and them :

Healing Meditation:

By Elizabeth Searle Lamb

“ Now do I relax and let God

be the breath I breathe,

be the steady beat of my heart,

be the strength of every muscle,

be the flexibility of every joint,

be the nourishment of every cell,

be the functioning of every organ,

So relaxing and letting be,

I am now filled with God’s life,

Renewed with God’s strength,

Made whole and radiant

In mind and body, as in spirit,

Rested, healed, perfected in all ways.

I rejoice and give thanks to god.

I relax and let God be my life.”

Guiding Prayer:

“Breathing in to prayer, I am in awe (YHWH Yireh), wisdom, of the unbound spirit, the infinite presence (YHWH Shammah) within and around me.  God is vitality as support in my breath (YHWH Naseh), beauty, an unchanging reflection, part and parcel of what is good, in the natural world, strength (a man of God Andrew, one of God’s chief angels, as a 2ndorder in the nine order angel hierarchy,  Cherubim guarding the garden of Eden, and the ark of the covenant, as an archangel in the 8thorder one of God’s messenger, the messenger in fact God chose in the past and still chooses to announce the birth of His Only Son Jesus inside of Saint Mary, below him as a second order angel are fifth and sixth order angels, the virtue angels an the powers angels, who command many of God’s powers of omnipotence, such as the power of love, and the power of His Proctecting Overwatching Presence indwelling us as a Holy Spirit This is my determination, my will, God’s will combined with and guided, put in place, happening in Right, Divine Order, helped by His understanding and His, St. Francis’ compassion, there acts of service to all of us, I recognize God in the spaciousness of the universe, part of His infinite presense, as limitless and coming to me in my dreams and imaginations.”










What does it mean to “become enlightened”. The philosopher of science and theology Immanuel Kant wrote several essays on this. But, for me it means you understand from the prophetic Bible verses in Isaiah that Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace is now with us for the “third time”.

October 4, 2019

 YHWH School of Christianity will also being still and knowing that St. Francis is praying with us using his famous prayer, “Lord make me an instrument of Your Peace”…  and he will be who he is, that which he is! What does it mean St. Francis to be an  instrument of the YHWH School of Christianity’s Peace?

October 15,2019

A wonderful blessed record do a conversation with Saint Mary and Jesus


Now and 

At the start, in the beginning:

I know, we know, that we don’’t think.

I know that I don’t know, that we don’t know,

We know, that, therefor, I AM, that you are and we are.

God knows it for me and us, therefore I AM.

At this time, in those days, and now, YHWH, and YHWH YHWH, the Name of God is Christ.

Thr Name of God, the Lord God, is the knower that is our key

for us to get into this kingdom of Heaven, indwelling me and us as I live and know about it.

This faithfully, forever, will happen as we, all of us praying together, each year at this prayer time on His prayer Calendar are dying 

in God’s Eternal everlasting minds and  arms, being reborn again in your, Jesus and St. Mary, and His minds and arms.

A we reached the number two point in God’s Truth Count, You, Mary said that you wan’t to be One some more with me.

You wanted to be One further with God, the Name of God YHWH and Andrew William Harrell, didn’t you ?

And, I said, , I am pretty sure this will happen. May God’s Truth dwell in us and be One between us forever.

And, you Jesus, Our Saviour, said, that you till wanted to be that Truth indwelling all of humankind as a

Human and Holy Spirit, didn’t you?

You said your pain from a few months ago when we were talking has gone away,

Praise God, YHWH Raphael, thanks for this and for saying Amen about it.

And, now,  as we know all of this together our faith and hope and love knowing this together 
moves us

Forward in pats of righteousness and peace.

Thinking about the Name of God YHWH YHWH judging myself and all of us in thIs Christian Jewish present moment of time..contemplating not only the now, and the then, and the then..then, and what will be,then, after all of this is the now when,now. May God help us, me. Amen

By the power of YHWH YHWH’s discriminatory non-attached mind indwelling me as a Holy Spirit. I have separated myself from them (these iniquities, untrue oaths, transgressions) and will remain separated from them forever…they are gone.

In the everlasting arms of YHWH YHWH, YHWH HARI HARI OM and Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ God’s Only Son, Our Eternal God, I am remaining, as always, together with you, Jesus, God, Mary, and the Name of God, Christ.

And for our Jewish Christian, Christian Jewish Hindu prayer partners, know that “I find power in my teachers and my adversaries and am contented. I am reborn in the wombs of mothers and die in the arms of Lord YHWH HARI Shiva,Vishnu, Narayana.”


November 16,2019

On Saturday the 2ndJewish Sabbath, this November we will be stilling our minds and praying with St. Margaret, Queen and ruler of Scotland. Perhaps she has some grandchildren whose souls have died in Christ and need to be remembered by us, raised up in Christ on this special day for her, raised up for eternal life.

November 30,2019

On Saturday the 4th October Jewish Sabbath, this November we will be stilling our minds, praying with St. Andrew, using Psalms 19,24, 96, 100 and knowing things as St. Andrew is knowing them with us.  Perhap we will be praising God’s Name YHWH with him for all of us knowing that he has a new son, Jesus, a bearer of the Christ, a mover of God’s will in the Christ, like St. Andrew is, a knower of the highest mountaintop knowledge of how the Christ indwells us, like St. Andrew and St. Mary do, born with St. Mary’s help, the help of the Virgin Mary, that Star of the New Evangelism, and Queen of our Earthly Heaven up there at the top of God’s Mountain of Divine Truth indwelling us Jewish Christians this Christmas.

Figure 4   September 2019 Street walk photo, from 2nd floor of the Cardinal Richelieu Hotel in New Orleans, looking toward the East, a New Orleans Jazz Band area

“Things about me…” A Million reasons

“Being still and knowing” mathematically and theologically with the Unity School of Christianity during the first two weeks of September, especially September 12, a week before World Peace Day September 21 and Rosh Hashanah September 30 on the YHWH School of Christianity Prayer Calendar.

The Christian Science Yoga or Unity teaching to Be still and know is also the most fundamental teaching of Hindu Raja Yoga given in the second verse of the first chapter of Patanjali’s sutra on contemplative prayer as raja yoga.

What does it mean to be a mathematical theologian? What does it mean to believe in the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit as a Trinity mathematically and divinely. Did the Ancient Greeks and Pythagoreans believe in this Trinity the same way I AM now trying to explain it to you? I think this can only be understood if you understand the Early Greek Philosophy of the Pythagoreans, Parmendides, who was not a Pythagoreans but a student of the Greek Philosopher and Historian Xenocratess, Plato, and Aristotle. The Pythagoreans had a plan to explain and understand how the Gods created the World using integers, and then from integers to geometric forms. and from there to material objects using three-dimensional conceptual forms, but these forms were not the forms of Plato, Socrates, and later Aristotle. How were their forms different? When irrational numbers were discovered by the early Greek Pythagorean they contradicted the step by step from integers, rational constructions of the 3-dimensional forms they had proposed for the way the Gods created the World as a plenum or fullness. Therefore, Plato, in his dialogue Timaeus in order to use forms to create material objects had to allow irrational numbers like the square root of 2 and 3 as lengths of his geometric perfect solids created  and formed mentally by divine intuition into us out of the integer lengths of their sides. At this time “real numbers” consisted of the positive integers and geometric ratios of them. By making irrational numbers “real” and involved in how the forms participated in the real world, he enlarged what we now call the “set” or material collection of ‘real numbers’. Now the geometric material world of space is a “fullness” or “plenum” or “continuum” made up of three dimensional objects using this type of real number. But, the Pythagorean Zeno, as recounted in Plato’s dialogue Parmendides discovered a further paradox that contradicted what Plato was trying to do. Was this continuum or fullness of Parmendides, really continuous or was it discrete, or was it both, and  if so how was this possible logically and mathematically. Parmenides had been the first to use rational philosophic arguments to try prove mathematical properties of the continuum and space. Of course, these proofs depended on the metaphysical and epistemological assumptions you make before you try and deduce or inductively conclude that anything is a proof. And, after this got started, philosophers and scientists, mathematicians, have been arguing about this for thousands of years since.

Music from Tanya Huang’s album “Things about me that only my plants know ” It will rain

Figure 5  Flowers and grass from the fascinating gardens inside the walls of Merton College, Oxford where J.K. Tolkein lived as a fellow and wrote Lord of the Rings from sitting under a Sycamore Tree. He spent a lot of time here thinking and writing from just after World War II to the 1950s.  His great masterpieces are sagas of ancient legends and magical beliefs from manuscripts he translated . Some of the great themes of The Hobbit, the Simarallin, and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy are the destruction of the wondelful mystical nature of our human living environment by an age of industrial development and the telling of a great battle between tremendous collective cultural forces of good and evil (like World War I and II was) where the great forces of evil in these confrontations are instead defeated by ordinary human middle earth heroes instead of the more powerful divine forces that sometimes battle inside of our souls. The place is one of the Oldest Universities in Europe. 

Andrew W. Harrell



Here is a prophecy for this age of our new millennium, from our God YHWH, YHWH YHWH, indwelling as a Holy Spirit in us, for the next thousand years it will not be a great power that defeats evil (now that Christ has won a victory in Jesus this last century)…

Andrew W. Harrell



A prophecy of YHWH School of Christianity, for the next thousand years it will not be a great power that defeats evil, but many simple acts of kindness keeping it, evil at bay.

Been studying the Seven Torah portions from Deuteronmy and Seven prophetic readings from the Book of Isaiah, “HafTorah” going from the Sabbaths on August 17 to September 23 this year.

The first Torah portion starts with words of Moses Va’etchnan or “I am pleading, or I have Pleaded”. It contains the all-important Shema prayer that us Christians Jews pray in the mornings with Tefillim, if we are observant. The seven prophetic readings are divided in sections.

Most Biblical scholars agree that there are at least two Isaiah’s and most likely three individual and different prophets who call themselves by the name of Moses which means I AM your Redeemer.

If you believe there are three the first person was for sure at the Holy Temple of Jerusalem when he wrote his part, the second for sure in Babylon, and the third most likely in the Qumran sect in which John the Baptist preached and in which our own Jesus Christ was Baptized.

Does having three Isaiah’s mean Jesus of Nazareth was already the third coming of the Christ? As a Post-Millennial theological teaching I think so. So, lets study and meditate on why it is so important to break Isaiah into three parts ( as for example is done in the Interpreter’s Bible).

If we do this, then we are able to compare these three different Jewish priests ideas about who Jesus Christ is and still is going to be after having come for the third time about 2020 years ago.

The first Isaiah lived in the 8th century BC. His portions are usually considered to be chapters 1 to 40. The Christ for him and Israel would be an unknown priest who lived in Babylon, 5th century BC. This person if you read chapters 40 to 55 believes another Christ is to come.

This priest probably believe King Cyrus, who later helped Israel return to Jerusalem as the 2nd coming of Christ. John the Baptist and Essene prophetical priests would have believed the person described in chapters 56-66 as a Holy Spirit to be the second, third one, a final one.

Considering what was just said, if you want evidence of a “Historical Jesus” come to us for the third time, these Bible chapters and verses in the seven Jewish RoshHashanah HafTorah are good evidence for that.

Andrew W. Harrell



August 30, 2019 on twitter

Looks like Hurricane Dorian has turned away from hitting the East Florida coast directly as a category 4. Hard to understand rationally, did somebody confess their mistakes and say something kind and try to do something to help the people there?

Hurricane Dorian is now centered over the Bahamas, slowing down deciding what to do. Must have been my friends at Sivananda Yoga Retreat, at Nassau, that are meditating contemplatively, doing something kind and helping it to pause and slow down before it comes at the rest of us.

September 1, 2019

Thomas Merton helped establish Merton College in Oxford England while he was Bishop of Rochester and one of the King of England’s main administrators in the area more than 850 years ago.  The Gardens are only about 200 years old.  But, the chapel which you can reach walking through several courtyards in which Merton grave sits right next to a wonderful worship and choir area with beautiful stained glass windows of Christ and St. John, and a statue of Mary the Christ Bearer, and a new organ built by Hammond Corporation in the US. I was blessed to talk to the High Episcopal Church Priest Simon Jones a couple times in the morning here and light a candle and pray by the chair he had set next to the statue of the Saints for two weeks or so.  Simon and the Merton College choir has also produced several Merton College Choir CDS which are well worth listening to and praying with the help of 


Learning how to “Be still and know is  even more fundamental and important than learning how to “Be Still and Know that I AM God.” As explained to us in the Old and New Testament as a fundamental Bible verse and prayer. It is more fundamental because before we can learn how to be still and know God, by meditating on His Name, we have to first teach ourselves through breathing study and exercise and exercise on how to withdraw our senses from sense knowledge by focusing on point of concentration around us or in us, practicing how to “Be Still and Know”.

This is the main text for Eastern style metaphysical prayer and meditation as I have learned it from  studying and praying with some famous Yogis such as Swami Vishnudevanandaji and Shivanandaji.

“Things about me that only my plants know” I Can’t make you love me

Figure 6  More flowers in the Oxford Botantical Garden Greenhouses

“Yogas, chitta vritti nirodiha”  Sanskrit

Yoga is the control of mental sense impression waves in the mind through being still  English

Sutra 1 
Yogas citta vrtti nirodhah 

Translations of words: 

Yogah yoga 
Citta the field of conscioursness, the perceived 
Vrtti mental activity, definitions (which limit/define) 
Nirodhah the process of ending 

“Yoga is the nirodha (process of ending) of the vrtti (definitions) of citta 
(the field of consciousness).” 


There are also definitions which are unlimited (those of infinite numbers for 
one instance, of God, and Christ…God being He who is self- 
existent,omnipresence,omnipotent, omniscient…, for another). Andrew 

“The mind is neither visible nor tangible…its magnitude cannot be measured.” 
Swami Vishnu 

‘Yoga is suppression of modifications of the mind” Swami Hariharananda 

Awareness and faith are reflections of two truths.Truth is a heart that is 
open and a mind which believes in what is right and good for us all. Andrew 

Sutra 2 
Tada drastuh svarupe vasthanam 

Translations of words: 
Tada then 
Drastuh of the seer 
Svarupe in essence, in (my) own nature 
Avasthanam abidance, remaining 

“Then, the abidance of (I) the seer (drastr) in (my) own nature (svarupa).” 


And, more importantly abidance in God’s nature inside of (me). Andrew 

“If we are only who we are, then who are we? And, if I AM not who I am, then 
who am I?” Traditional Jewish teaching 

Sutra 12 
Abhyasa-vairagyabhyam tan-nirodhah 

Translations of words: 
Abhyasa practice, vigilance of awareness 
Vairagyabhyam by non-attachment (and) 
Tad- of those(vrtti-definitions of the field of consciousness) 
Nirodhah restricting 

The nirodha-ending of those (vrtti) occurs by abhyasa-practice 
And vairagya-non-attachment. 

Also, it occurs meditation on Christ and God through prayer requesting help. 
It also occurs through the denials and affirmations of self-realizing prayer, 
which, when repeated faithfully with non-attachment to results disregarding 
failures and despair that may arise inside of us and forgiving outward 
opposition that may arise externally outside of us. 

Sutra 13 
Tatra sthitau yatno bhyasah 

Translations of Words 
Tatra there 
Sthitau in remaining, steadiness 
Yatnah effort, vigilance 
Abhyasah practice 

Abhyasa-practice is vigilance in remaining there, (as I, the see abiding in 
my own nature, seeing, (sutra 3)) 


“This sutra refers here to not only practice of Patanjali’s sutras but also 
the practice of other metaphysical scientific and religious systems.” Swami 

Mindfulness and awareness can also be attained and sustained without effort, 
when it is helped by God’s prevenient (which comes before things happen, 
which alert us to them) grace. However, mindfulness must also be cultivated 
by ourselves, first, developing the habits of living within ourselves (God 
existing in us and we in Him). Andrew 

Paradoxically, trying to teach our own minds to be silent and listen to what God’s, His or Her’s indwelling Holy Spirit in  us can help us “know” that God is One and that He or Her is the One knowing things for us, knowing that they are One.

Also, being still, not doing anything, letting nothing actually happen to us is  a way to “know” that god is acting and doing things to others and ourselves and that God’s Holy Spirit in them is knowing this as we help God know it for them.

According to some famous passages in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita the best way to create action sometimes is through our own inactions.

“When you can experience pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat the same way [as the same thing]; then you are ready to face combat [with evil] [or to struggle or vie with a good other than your own good for a victory or loss while dwelling with Jesus Christ]. In this way you will not fall into mistakes [miss the mark through sin]” Chapter II, verse 38 Bhagavad Gita as translated from the Sanskrit by Vyaas Houston in Sanskrit by Cassette course from the American Sanskrit Institute, 1991 with a few additional remarks by Andrew Harrell 2019

We can do this, “Be Still and Know” not just in our prayer times, but any times during the day when we feel the need to slow down from what we are doing in order to “look deeply” at what is happening to others and us, in order to understand things more deeply and see the way forward better for us to help ourselves and others.

Of course, we want to be sure first that the things that are going to happen through our helping God help others through our inactions are the best things to happen to others.  Otherwise, we can hurt people through our inactions, through convincing ourselves that the best things to happen to others are for us not to help them. As Jesus has said, in the Bible more or less “The Road to the Kingdom of Heaven (through our minds and our actions) is a very narrow and subtle one.  If we aren’t careful, we will miss it and others might be hurt this way.”

Sutra 15 

drstaanusravkka-visaya-vitrsnasya-vasikaara-sanjnaa vairagyam 
driest- seen 
anusravuja – heard especially from scripture 
visaya object of sensory exprience 
vitrslnasya non-thirst non-clinging 
vasimkara mastery 
sanjna full knowledge,declaration 
vairagya non-attachment 

“Vairagya is the declaration of mastery on the part of one who is without attachment to 
(recreating) a physical mental experience, which has already been experienced or taken on authority 
translation to due Vyssadeva The Yoga Sutra Workbook 

Comments by Andrew 
In other words, once you have confessed your mistakes in trying to understand scripture and know you 
won’t make these same mistakes again, then once you pronounce this you will finally realize the correct 
understanding you are trying to achieve  

Sutra 17 tatparam purse-khyater guna -vaitrsnyam 

tat that (vairagyam-non-attachment) 
param higher 
purusa true self, higher divine seer’ 
khyateh due to identity 
guna primary force of creation 
vairagyam non-attachment 

Translation by Vyasa 

The higher vairagya-non-attachment is the non-cling to the guns(primary forces of 
creation) due to identity with purse-the self. 

Comments due to Andrew 
This higher understanding you have now attained is the non-clinging to guns (primary forces of 
creation) due to the identity now with the purse, the Self, you have now achieved.

Sutras 18, 19-20, 21 

Sutra 18 

Virama-pratyayabhysa-purvah samskara-seso nyah 

Asamprajnata(not with seed) ( or better said samprajnata(with seed, then-nirodha seedless) Samadhi is 
reached when all mental activity ceases and only unmanifested impressions remain remain in the mind.  

There are seven stages of consciousness which lead to Self-Realization or a state of Enlightenment 

1) Subhecha or longing for truth 

As Christian Jews longing for truth we start off longing for

One Truth, that YHWH CHRIST as an Indwelling Holy Spirit in us.
2) Vicharana, or right inquiry

This, then branches off into Two Truths, which are reflections of each other, a Truth of mindfulness and one of Faith, in YHWH YHWH as YHWH CHRIST, 
3) Tanumanasa or fading of the mind 

The next step is not an intellectual one, but an intuitive conceptual understanding of YHWH and YHWH YHWH as CHRIST in you
4) Sattwapatti or purity of the mind 

It does not occur in the past or the future.
5) Asamsakti, detached or freedom of the mental self 

But, it occurs as an individual affirmation in the Present Moment
6) Padarthabhanava or knowledge of Truth

It is in this sense that we know that we do not know it, [the Truth], and therefore we are it [the Truth]. 
7) Turiya –state of Englightenment or fullness of freedom from 
Knowing “The Truth” 

Thus, knowing it this way, we know that we know it and its certain truthfulness is freedom from past or future worries about its never going to happen..

The first four stages are “Samprajnata Samadhi” or Samadhi with seed 

The last three are “Samprajnata nirodhi’ or knowledge oriented toward Truth as knowledge of the 
“objective universe” 

Sutras 19-20 

Bhava-pratyayo videha-prakritilayanam 
Sraddha-virya-smrite-samadhi-prajnapurvaka itaresam. 

(Asamprajnata or better said sampragnata-nirodha Samadhi) may be attained by birth in those who 
have previously attained bodilessness or a merging with Prakritti (by meditating on the material 
elements of the universe) 

In the case of others, samprajnata-nirodha (knowledge oriented to the objective universe) is preceeded 
by faith, energy, memory (recollection), Samadhi (cognitive absorption) and prajna (insight or keen 

It is reached when all mental activity ceases and only unmanifested impressions remain in the mind. 
Translation by Swami Vishnu 

Sutra 21 
Tivra-samveganam asannah 

“Liberation comes quickly when the desire for it is instense” – Swami Vishnu 
“Samprajnat-nirodha is “arrived” in the case of those whose intensity is sharp or focused” Vyaas 

Collection of teachings from the books of Swami Vishnu, Vyaas Houston, and and meditations of 

Sutras 22,23,24,25 

Sutra 22. Mrdu-madhyadhimatravat tato ‘pi visesah 

Desire for liberation can be mild; moderate or intense Swami Vishnu 

Because of the degree of mild,moderate, or extreme frequency, thence there is 
Also a difference (in nearness). Vyaas Houston’s notes 

Sutra 23 Isvara=pranidhanad va 

“Success is swift for those who are devoted to Ishwara (God) Swami Vishnu 

Isvara or Ishvara is the four-dimensional Indian Yogi name for God indwelling us as individuals and 
collectively and located in the human heart. 
In this sense it corresponds to the Name of God YHWH as Lord in the Old Testament for Christian 
Jewish contemplative Holy Spirit prayers. Andrew’s comments 

Vyaas Houston’s notes: 
Translations of some of the individual Sanskrit words in the sutra: 

Is’vara The ultimate seer,knowere,teacher,presence, God 
Pranidhaanaat surrender perfect alighning of attention 

“Or, because of Is’vara-pranadhaana – the perfect aligning or attention in is’vara is the ultimate seer 
(There is a difference in the nearness of the other nirodha. 

Sutra 24. Klesa-karma-vipakasayair aparamrstah purusa-vises Is’varah 

Swami Vishnu’s notes 
Ishwara is the immortal Self, or Purusha, with form. He is perceived as a being, and yet He is totally 
untouched by the ignorance of unhappiness, the law of cause and effect, and cravings For Him, the 
opposites of the phenomenal world, such as pleasure and pain, do not exist. 

Vyaas Houston’s notes: 
Translations of some of the individual Sanskrit words in the sutra: 

Klesa- root obstruction 
Karma –action 
Vioaaka result fruition, ripening 
Aasayaih by the accumulation 
Aparaamrrsstah untouched 
Purusa –self 
Vis’sesah distinction 
Is’vara The ultimate knower 

“Isvara is a distinction of purus-self, untouched by accumulations of the fruitions of karma-actions 
(arising) from klesa-root obstructions (causes of pain)” 

So, the Lord God, YHWH, our Father God and Creator, does incarnate as a Holy Spirit indwelling us as 
the Spirit of Truth inside our individual human hearts 
The Lord God Jesus Christ, YHWH Jesus, of course, does incarnate as a Holy Spirit indwelling us as the 
Spirit of Truth inside our individual human hearts and does often feel pain as a Holy Spirit as we 
experience and remember His death there on the cross as a substitute for ours, and then also as we 
experience and remember after this His victory over death there on the cross 

“Dying He destroys our dying, rising He brings new life again”… song sung in some Christina Churchs 
along with comments and notes about this Good News by Andrew 

Reminiscing with Saint Mary about 40 years of praying together, then Advent and Annunciation prayers also as per Merton College Choir CD. I listened to some of what has happened to her and said to her…”We need to keep it going.” (praying together) She agreed with me I think.

Some extra prayers for the summer and fall for those of us following the YHWH School of Christianity 2019 Calendar


Aug 9

Please pray and help YHWH School of Christianity to help us and our YHWH Lord God complete his great plan of salvation, making Christians and Jews the same people. Please help us not just by being still and sitting there but saying something, 

doing something to help.

Aug 15

Be still and know you are God’s Holy Spirit as It indwells you. Be still and know that I AM God, then do something to let It Be and help It happen…Be who you are, knowing That is Who you are as God is representing Himself or Herself to us and You dwelling inside of you.

Jesus Christ has foretold to St. Andrew he Will Be the Word of God, the Seed of God, God’s Old Testament Teachings in the Torah, that have fallen to the ground some time ago to be reborn again in Christ, THAT AM I. Yes, I AM THAT and so are all Those of You Praying with Me.

May the indwelling “Breath of God”, the “Lord the Giver of Life” and of the “Communion of Saints”, El Shaddai, the Strong and Powerful One, a Man of God, Whose Spirit indwells us living in us Spiritually, in a High Castle upholding our Righteousness and Faith, by His Knowledge of how the Power of His Name YHWH indwells us as echoing, recursively, independently generated “Rings of One Truth in Many and Many in One”, Who is Powerful by Reason and of Virture of His Name, YHWH, Who is the Holy Spirit of God and His Son, YHWH YHWH, Jesus Christ, Who is the Word, but not the Breath of it, indwelling us, reveal to each of us ways we are lacking in being able to work together as Jews and Christians and bring us together, united, One in Body, Mind, Spirit helping each other, God & Christ

Figure 7  Saint Margaret’s Chapel located at the top of Edinburgh Castle. The castle and this chapel have dominated the physical locations in terms of height of prayers praying in all of Scotland for a long time historically.  It was built in honor of St. Margaret by her youngest son King David I 1124-1153) in the Norman style on the highest point of the Castle Rock, part of Edinburgh Castle and is the oldest building in Edinburg. 

“She, Saint Margaret was Queen of  Scotland 1047-1093. Almost over a thousand years ago. Her daughter Edith, became Queen of England. She was born in the South of Hungary around 1047 and appears to have been named after St. Margaret the Virgin of Antioch, an early Christian Saint and martyr. Her grandfather, Edmund Ironside was King of England in 1016 and played a leading role in the battle against the Danes. When he died, the Viking Cnut became King of England, as well as Denmark, Norway, and parts of Sweden. Her grandfather’s two sons were sent abroad for safety. And, the one who survived ended up in the court of King Andrew of Hungary. In 1042 after the death of Cnut, the old Anglo-Sax on line was reinstated in England. The new King Edward, known as Edward the Confessor was a half brother of Edmond Ironside and Margaret’s great uncle. The English court at the time was profoundly Christian and under the influence of the rule of St. Benedict. Which would have been familiar to Margaret and her family in Hungary. Edward the Confessor died in  1066. Margaret’s brother Edgar then aged about 14 was passed over for the throne, And, the King’s brother in law, Harold Godwinson had himself crowned very quickly. After Harold’s defeat at the battle of Hastings later that year, the Norman William the Conquerer became King of England, She, Margaret, was made Saint by Pope Innocent IV in 1249. The Jesuits removed her remains during the Reformation. A reliquary containing her head was at the Scots College at Douai in France, but was lost during the French Revolution. The rest of her remains and possibly those of her husband Macolm, were taken to Philip II’s Escorial in Spain. Her principal legacy is her influence on the development of Scotland as a European power and part of a wider European culture of the Middle ages.”

I feel close to St. Margaret and have put her on the the YHWH School of Christianity Saints Calendar prayer list because my mother Virginia Harrell and I prayed so long with my uncle William Franklin Calohan’s daughter Peggy in Texas.


“Eternal Lord God, who holdest all souls in his life,

and sheddest forth upon thy whole Church in Paradise and on earth

the bright beams of thy light and heavenly comfort:

we give thee most high praose and hearty thanks for the wondelful

grace and virtue declared in thy Saints,

who have been the choice vessels of thy favor, and the

lights of the world in their several generations.

Give us grace so to follow the good examples of those who have served thee here

And are now at rest,

That we may with them at length

Enter into thine unending joys;

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.”


St. Margaret and her chapel

Figure 8  Oriel College Oxford, There are 38 different colleges in Oxford University. I stayed in Worchester for one week and then to Merton College for two weeks. I have included this picture of Oriel College because one of the tudors there has a written book a fine book on how to code a Prolog Expert System Compiler.  This is a problem I got stuck on in the 1990s while writing a paper for the Corps of Engineers on how optimize war-gaming network movement corridor throughput for the US Army. I found the book in the Merton College Old Warden Library (the OWL) across the street from the entrance to Merton. Merton College I found out, is also the home (where he worked) of the famous Oxford scholar and fantasy writer John Ronald R. Tolkein  who wrote “Lord of the Rings” and many other famous English writers like T.S. Eliot. Groups of us in turn got to meet for cocktails and wine at “High Table” before the Dining Hall Jewish Christian blessing Psalm 145 was pronounced in Latin to us all by one of the young current fellows of the College. At one discussion I asked one of the Tudors, a former warden of Worchester College,  a nice kindly man who reminded me somewhat of my former pen pal and prayer partner in the 1950s when my Mother gave me a copy of the Encylopedia Britanica with the right to ask questions to its author, Mortimer Adler. He had just recently retired from managing economic policy for the British Government  in Whitehall and is anti-Brexit. I asked him what he thought of President Trump and US economic policy?. He replied, “I try not to think about him”.

I had a discussion at “High Table” wine and cocktails with Chris Day, a former history tudor at Worchester who now is head of organizing the Oxford Berkeley Summer Program. He has been managing the Continuing Education at Oxford, Merton for about 10 years and comes to Berkeley every year to try and recruit new attendees. Because I was wearing a Yalmulka, he asked me about my Christian Jewish religious beliefs . I said I was trying to teach what wisdom in God’s Holy Spirit is to Christians Jews. Then he asked me the same question I asked some people in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church in Rockville, MD when I came forward to accept it from them around 1978.  “What is the Holy Spirit, How do you define It?”. They said, “The Third person in the Trinity and the Spirit of God”. I told them then the answer they gave me, wasn’t an adequate reply. “You can not define a theological word like Spirit with a meaning in terms of only itself.” And, low and behold that’s the same answer he gave me back there at Oxford, the question I posed them then.  So, I said, “It’s the Indwelling Spirit of God “.  He seemed more satisfied with that answer. It is not defined in the Bible in order for each person to be able to define it individually for themselves and therefore give more flexibility for God to have His own meaning inside of each person’s individual background and soul history. The Apostle’s creed defines it as, “The Lord (that is the four letter Name of God YHWH) who giveth Life (breathes life into us as opposed to speaking it like Jesus, the Word, the second Person in the Trinity does) and He who collects Truth inside of all the Saints (helps them commune and have fellowship with each other). I believe each believing Christian and Jew, not only the Saints, is a member of an invisible fellowship, a Church of Believers, which the third person of the Trinity, our Indwelling Holy Spirit of God Our Creator and Jesus Christ, who helps Him create us and direct us through this Indwelling Wisdom and Understanding, Patience, Judgment, Strength, Love, Kindness, Grace and Salvation (Love that gives continually and Eternally), Goodness (Something that exists for Its Own Sake), Beauty (being a truthful reflection of something that is  Good), Righteousness, Faith, Hope.

We had more than 80 members in our Cal Berkeley/Oxford Summer program classes, taking course in gardening, history, Shakespeare, D-day landings, etc. I took the course in the English revolutionary civil war 1640 1660 in order to write another chapter for my book a History of Explorations in the Southern US, 1680-1804 on how the ancestors of some of the explorers were forced to leave England in the period 1600-1700. 

We were all accommodated in the college dormitories and ate together in the common dining hall in order to be faithful to the three rules in which the monks who founded Worchestor and Merton believed were necessary to have a good learning institution: students  must 1) live together, 2) eat together, 3) study and go to classes together. All class were small and we had individual tudors to help us pick out a topic to write our 1500 word paper and grade us with detailed comments after a series of small seminar type discussions and individually debated presentations.

The dining hall meals were when formal attire was required were all preceeded by a complicated Christian blessing in Latin. I asked Oliver one of the undergraduate fellows helping out with the summer classes what the translation of the blessing was. I was surprised to find it was selections from one of my favorite Christian Jewish Daily Prayers, the Ashre, or Psalm 145, which is the prelude to the Daily Hallel, Psalm 145- 150, prayed in the daily Jewish prayer liturgy by Jews for a couple of thousand years now and which is preceeded with a short song verse of praise by King David of God’s great Old Testament Name, YHWH, the same way I have been praying it in Hebrew in my daily prayers  for about 15 years now.

I give hear the Hebrew translation of it:

“Ashre yoshevbay b’tach od, y’hallelvach selah.”

“Happy are they who dwell in your house,

they will daily praise you.”

“Somach ye ya (YHWH) l’ khol h’nephillah v’ zopach l’khol h’kukaphaym.

Poteach at yadach, v’moshebay l’khol hay ratzon.”

YHWH (Adonay) supports all who fall, and uprights all who are bent over.

You open your hand, and satisfy every living being.”

Had the good fortune to meet Paul and Ariel Smart during a trip to Oxford England, while we were 
staying together at Merton College participating in a Cal Berkeley, Oxford summer studies program. Paul is a retired Pentagon physicist.
I told them that Paul reminds me of Jesus, the asked me to pray for both of them. They are happily 
married with children. We both were in Washington DC during the same period in the 1970s when he 
was a defense contractor in the Pentagon. Ariel is in a wheel chair and needs his help to get around. He, 
unfortunately, has been in pain a lot recently and believe prayer with God might help.
We, God and Jesus and I,  pray for Paul and Ariel Smart and their family that any problem should be 
eased and completely healed, especially painful aspects of them.
Thank you our Father, Creator God, YHWH, Lord God of Hosts for praying with us about this.
Thanks, ahead of time, for the our discussions with You and them about this over the long term.
Also while over here I also had the opportunity to revisit and think more about some problems in the philosophy of science, ‘What is the Concept of a Concept” and “How do you Define the Number One” that I have discussed, prayed  with other philoosphers and theologicans over the years over the years Some of these problems are posted in the and URLs

“Things about me that only my plants know” Proud

and metaphysics even as Plato’s theory of knowledge was somewhat different than Parmenides.

Dr. Popper explains in his book on Parmenides, his most famous and important accomplishment was to give a rational (based on assumptions and logical deductions from those assumptions) argument for the “fullness” or “Oneness” of the metaphysics of the world and how we know it truthfully and know it certainly, hence divinely, as truthful.

Music from Tanya Huang’s album “Things about me that only my plant

How do we have, as Dr. Popper wants a “principle of fallibility’ in our knowledge, but also the certain expectation of always getting a better approximation to truth not from more empirical testing but as we examine and discuss things rationally with some kind of divine help?

Parmenides was a scientist trying to understand and explain the world, not through empirical sense knowledge, but divine faithful intuitive knowledge.

Since him, with Aristotle’s help scientists had developed inductive and deductive theories of how we know things humanly, and with probability and hope coming close to this divine certainty.

But, the knowledge that Parmenides talks about, and claims to have is both theological and scientific .

His argument was


  1. Only what is truly the case (such as what is known) can be the case and can truly be.

First conclusion:

The non-existing cannot be.

Second Conclusion:

Nothingness or the void cannot be.

Third conclusion:

The world is full, it is a continuous block (not a fast flowing river)

Without any divisions

Fourth conclusion

Since the world is full, motion, motion throughout time, is not possible.

The only thing we can know is truth and its oneness.

Here I add a fifth conclusion:

Since nothingness cannot be, there cannot be a set with one object in it,

Ie the normal way mathematicians define the number one, as being a set with no objects, in it. Therefore numbers cannot exist in the real world.

Parmenides believed, as opposed to Aristotle, that objects can exist in a timeless Divine world, which we can know according to the fixed “Block’ theory of explaining what time is, as opposed to thinking about time as a moving River of Life. Thus is Parmenides Divine type of thinking, there is a “Way of Truth” in which the alpha an omega of the consciousness of our thinking this way, divinely, all exists in the Present Moment.  All Truth is here, as the same time,  in this Present Moment as a beginning existing in an end or purpose, and an end or purpose existing in a beginning.

 Dr. Popper explains in his book about Parmenides how Parmenides introduced into philosophy the idea of “Certain Truth’. In doing this we contributed greatly to the theology and logic of religious prophecy, because in order for some one to be a prophet, they have to be speaking “certain truth”, absolutely and not relatively. And, before Parmenides no one had figured out how this could be possible. So, from this, perhaps it explains why the age of prophecy ended so soon for us humans, when we all subscribed to Aristotle’s version of how motion could exist using forms, instead of Parmenides explanation about it. 

Since Dr. Popper is a realist, and a a philosopher of science and not of theology he doesn’t teach that there is anything such as a :’concept of a concept’ that humans can understand. For, if we were to understand and know things about this what we would be knowing would be God Himself, even if He, God was the One giving us this knowledge. But, he teaches that human understanding comes through a non-intellectual mental intuitive imagination process of pre-existing ideas beyond empirical thinking, like the way Plato taught we understand ideas.

But, he Dr. Popper, being a philosopher of Nature and or scientific knowledge that we can achieve about the One World we live and its Nature environment, is a Realist, not an idealist like Plato. For he has concluded that Parmenides was after studying his writings for many years. As I have said in last months blog, I, being a philosopher about theology and mathematics and the divine knowledge we can achieve about Heaven coming down to this very Earth we live in today,  believe that God, or to be more precise, the Holy Spirit of God indwelling inside of us Christian Jews is both a Realist and an Idealist.  First, while he knows things in an earthly realm inside of us, He is a Realist, then, as He knows things in an psychic Realm indwelling us, He is  an Idealist, then as He or She knows things in a heavenly divine realm indwelling as  a metaphysical spirit inside of us, He or She is the measure between the two.

What does all of this mean in terms of its Christian Jewish connection to Bible theology?

In chapter 1, verse 3 of the book of Genesis on the first day we are told that our Elohim God, YHWH, in the beginning of everything, the universe, the world in which we now live, have lived in, and will live in the future said,

English transliteration of the Hebrew words should be read and thought about from right to left:

“V’omer Elohim,

Y’heay, Or,

V’y’heay Or.”

And, God said,

Let there be Light,

And there was Light.

What does this verse mean in terms of what we have just said about the metaphysics of early Greek philosophers and the Jewish Priest Kings that lived at the time the book of Genesis was written?

It means, I think, that He YHWH, the Tetragrammaton, created the world out of nothing from the Eternal standpoint of a human being with God’s Holy Spirit indwelling him and  us. And, it means that in order to do this he, this human became still, stilled his mental processes through slowing down the sense impression parts of his knowledge, in order to know further, mindfully, strongly, patiently, lovingly, kindly, righteously, hopefully, and faithfully, while meditating contemplatively being helped by the mind of God YHWH wisdom, understanding, and the light of the Divine mind of God, the Christ, this person conceived (borayed) us through thinking about God’s Name YHWH.

In Chapter 1, verse 27, of the book of Genesis on the sixth day we are told that our Elohim God, YHWH, created us in His image and likeness and from His mind He created us:

English transliteration of the Hebrew words should be read and thought about from right to left:

“And Borayed Elohim

Et H’Adam,

B’ tzelamu,

B’ tzelem Elohim,

Borayed etu,



Boray atam.”

And God created,

The man,

In His image,

In the image of God [likeness],

He created him


And female

He created them.

What does this verse mean in terms of what we have just said about the metaphysics of early Greek philosophers and the Jewish Priest Kings that lived at the time the book of Genesis was written?

It means, I think, that He YHWH, the Tetragrammaton, made us from the standpoint of a human being with God’s Holy Spirit indwelling him and  us. And, this human being helped God make us first from a prophetic and intuitively conceived and known “non-intellectual image”, then this human further meditating contemplatively being helped God made us through thinking about God’s Name YHWH as YHWH YHWH, another person, God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ, the rational word, the Logos, of God who knows that He knows, and then this human being helped by God breathing His Holy Spirit into Him and us created and breathed a knowledge in us by writing it all down in Hebrew words and meditating on a four-fold metaphysical type of knowledge that starts from thinking about God as the one-fold knowledge truth and two-fold, knowledge truth and then finally a one-fold knowledge truth, the Alpha and the Omega Truth, Past, Present, Future, of our God of Christian Jewish prophecy as it has been, is, and will be realized Eternally, Forever, in all of us

Wild is the Wind

Figure 9  Some lilies and other beautiful walkway garden flowers inside the walls of Merton College, Oxford

So to summarize all that we have discussed so far as it relates to the purposes of our discussion here, 

Parmenides did not believe that there was any such a thing as a concept of a concept because for him knowledge came directly and intuitively and non-intellectually from a monadic metaphysical plenum. To have a concept of a concept you have to be intellectual.

Plato did believe there was such a thing as a concept of a concept, for him these higher levels of concepts, such as the concept of Truth and the concept of Goodness existed in an independent self-existing realm from the realm of sense impression and material experience. 

Aristotle did not believe that there was such a thing as a concept of a concept because he believed that all knowledge starts off with sense experience and is only conceptual if it is grounded this way, not being grounded by its own self-existence.

Christian Jews believe that there is such a thing as a concept of a concept because we believe that numbers are real, being created by God and themselves and instantiated creatively by God on the fifth day, after the World was on the first. In order to do this we need a logic with first and second order logical functions or predicates. Reasoning about the numbers is goal-oriented, divinely ordered, when it is backward chaining logically from a final goal or purpose. And, reasoning about the numbers are object oriented when it is forward chained from an initial nothingness, the number Zero.

Parmenides did not know how to define the number one, because for him the plenum of space was a oneness and it didn’t have any set with just one object, the null set in it. As we have seen in modern times using Aristotle’s logic we can either take the set with no object as our definition of the number one, creating the cardinal numbers, or the set with one object, the null set as our definition of the number one creating the ordinal numbers.

The Pythagoreans didn’t know how to define the number one, because for them defining it in one of the two ways just mentioned above and  continuing forward unto infinity from it, there was no space for a logical definition of the irrational numbers and collecting them with the rational numbers all together to make all numbers real.

Plato did not know how to define the number one, because  in His metaphysics the form of oneness defined in one of the two ways above, did not exist in a continuous spatial material world .

Here is an August tweet which I wrote, that hopefully may get you interested in thinking about  it.

Mathematical objects are like God, they are both real & unreal. Part of the time they can be measured and will “kick back” when we try to measure them, imagine them, as in Quantum reality. Part of the time they don’t. This is when they exist independently as forms or concepts.

Of course to understand this tweet you have to understand what a concept is.

Figure 10   Some more of the “Highest most Perfect Knowledge” we can attain through travel to places we have been in our past and contemplations of it. Stained glass windows in Keble College Oxford where our Oxford Berkeley Summer study had a grand banquet celebrated 50 years of summer study collaboration at Oxford.

And Ariel and Paul replies to this:

Article #820
Subject: additional prayers
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 8/11/2019 07:33:48 PM

Dear Andrew, 
Good to hear from you. We will pray and ask God to lead us not into temptation and lead us from evil. 
We enjoyed our inspiring conversations with you. Take care of your health. 
Ariel and Paul 

Add/Reply to this prayer posting

Article #821
Subject: reply to the good news that all the pain is gone
Author: DRAndrewWilliamHarrell
Posted: 8/11/2019 07:36:19 PM

Dear Ariel and Paul, 

Yes, I am glad that all of it, your pain, is gone, 
and that is a good additional request for us to pray together about.. 
May the Light of our Lord God YHWH, Our Father in Heaven, 
and that of His Son YHWH YHWH, Jesus, 
surround us, Their Love enfold us, Their power protect us, 
as They Bless the Truth of what they have already blessed in us, 
and the Indwelling Holy Spirit of both of Them overwatch us… 
as we are lead forward in Christ together toward Heaven on this Earth, 
in paths of Righteousness and Truth. 

Thanks for praying with me. 

Figure 11  Some of the flowers in the gardens of Worcester College where our Berkeley Oxford Summer study group stayed.

“Things about me that only my plants know” When we were young

Below I have included the 1500 hundred word essay on the English Revolutinary Civil War I wrote for th summer e course I took.

For the third edition of this book I have added a chapter on the English Civil War 1640-1660 and how the experiences of their ancestors affected the explorers in the US South. One section explains some of  the political and military factors at play and another speaks froma religious viewpoint. The as a whole book itself as mentioned above is more factual than narrative. But, the first part of this chapter I have tried to write in a better, proper English logically and chronologically connected historical style. It also includes its own time line and some definitions of some of the many different political and religious factions involved in this period of turmoil, which has been called “A World Turned Upside down.”


Figure 12  Early woodcut print depicting the situation in England at that time, it was “A World Turned Upside Down”

Music from Tanya Huang’s album “Things about me that only my plants know” Human

How, did the English Civil Religious Wars in 17th Century Britain, and the religious persecution of Protestants and Catholics in England and Protestants in France, affect the British and American Explorers? What types of people were these ancestors of the explorers. And, how did the Civil War affect all those from these countries that came to settle in the Southern US during the eighteenth century? Many of these explorers’ forefathers were refugees from these religious wars. These new ideas and the religious turmoil of this period, the experience of being ruled by so many different types of rulers, types of government, caused people to want to leave Britain and strike out on their own or be paid to settle new lands across the Atlantic Ocean.

Some of the explorers in the Southern US were from the English aristocracy of the time. Some had ancestors living in country manors and others, like Andrew Ellicott were sons of Quaker middle-class small town artisans. William Dunbar was the 2nd son of a wealthy agricultural family in Scotland. The backwoods English Indian trader Adair was financed by wealthy English explorations companies formed by the King and other wealthy Englishman much after the Civil War period.

George Washington, the main founding father of our American country has ancestors with deep roots in the English Civil War. His five time great grandfather started Sulgrave manor north of Oxford, England. Most of his family were Royalist’s theological Armenians in the rural agricultural wool business and trade. In the 16th century the manor had to be sold and rebought by his ancestor Lawrence Washington in order to help pay the debt of Henry VIll. In the 17th Century his cousin Colonel Henry Washington had fought loyally for the Royalists in the English Civil War and held the city of Worcester for the King. His ancestor, another Lawrence Washington, was a proctor at Oxford University, later to become a priest after incurring too many debts from the students he tutored. In those times a University Tudor took on the debts of their students. Lawrence’s son, Colonel John Washington emigrated to Virginia in 1656 married Anne Pope and settled in Westmoreland County. A modern day visitor to the Manor might hear the folklorist saying[1]be told,  “You went to bed in the evening believing one religion, and woke up the next morning, believing another.”

There is still debate among historians about what the main causes of the English Revolutionary Civil War were.James I became King in 1603 and started the Stuart dynasty, “The religious situation of the three kingdoms in 1603 was nothing if not complicated. The majority of the people were conforming members of the Church of England. Puritans within the church demanded more reform and an aggressive Protestant foreign policy. Catholics outside of the Church of England struggled for survival and toleration. Their member had fallen to 40,000 through persecution and attrition. Nevertheless, with memories of the reign of Bloody Mary and the Armada very much in alive, most English people still feared and hated international “papacy.”

In Scotland the majority was Presbyterian, with a minority of Catholics in the Highlands.

King James sought religious peace with them more than religious unity.

At this time the Jacobite movement was powerless without the help of France.[2]

What eventually happened in order to gain more political and economic power was partly a replay of what King Henry VI tried by arranging for the Spanish Princess Catherine of Aragon to come to England and marry his Son Arthur, into English royalty, bringing a much need dowry, She instead ended up married to his brother Henry VIII and then getting her head chopped off when she tried to lie about whether the reason for her not producing an heir to Henry not an illegitimate marriage to Henry but an unconsumma

marriage with Arthur. Fifty years later, James I again tried to get his Son, who was agailn called Prince Henry to marry the infant of Spain and His daughter Elizabeth to marry the Protestant Elector in Palatine

Then Thirty Years Religious war in Europe started between Spain as part of the Holy Roman Empire with the Hapsburgs and their Catholic allies against the French Catholics and their Protestant allies Denmark, Sweden, and some northern German states.Their can be no argument that it devasted most of central Europe, wrecked the economy of Spain and killed milions.  Allthough  James I was wise enough to stay out it. But Protestants in parliament wanted to get involved giving as the reason to advance Protestantism

 It was at this point (1614-1628) that Lord Buckingham became very powerful. He went to Spain with James surviving son Charles to try and arrange another marriage there. 

In 1625  James I died and was succeeded by his son Charles I (1625-1649) and he and Buckingham switched over to the war party. But, by 1626 the English Parliament was calling for Buckingham’s impeachment. And, he was assassinated in 1628.

The English Revolution started in the beginning of the 1640s. By this time, on one side  “there was a widespread belief in a  popishly inspiried plot to undermine the Government.”[3]  On the other hand, people were being  sharply divided into elect Saints, on one hand, and the reprobate  and damned on the other. Human effort was irrelevant to salvation and only the impious papists had the presumption to believe that human beings had free will or could influence God through their good works” [4]But, . theology did become an element in religious conflict. It was an asymmetrical one, Predestination was central to Calvinism. Whereas for Arminians justification was less important. Arminians stressed ritual, ceremony, and the sacraments rather than the preaching of the word, and held a very elevated notion of the importance of clergy.” In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century Calviinism was the dominant theological position in the English ecclesiastical establishment. and this change in fundamental ways of thinking about religioun was very momentous for politics. By this time a broad consensus had developed that Protestant England had to improve its destiny on its own. Unfortunatley this new formed consensus was wrecked by Charles’ commitment to anti-Calvinist prolices.

After a while one of the reasons for all the religious turmoil became the civil war itself. In the English CIvil war period 1642 -1660 there were two main period of conflict. 

The first civil war period 1642-46 and the second 1648-1649. During 1649-1655 there was the period of the Commonwealth with a barebones parliament. The main characteristics of this period were a confused kind of totalitarianism composed of many different groups of people, all with different ideologies, religious beliefs and economic situations and viewpoints. Quakers, Armenians, Ranters, Biblical apocalyptic self proclaimed prophets all popping up in the Parliaments and on the streets.

Figure 13  Some of the flowers in Merton College gardens

One last cry, from Tanya Huang’s album “Things about me only my plants know”

Puritans Protestants were all over during this time. They sought the continued reform of the Church of England after its establishment in 1559-1563. Puritans tended to be Calvinists, favoring plain church ritual consistent with scriptural injunction. Many, though not all, favored a Presbyterian form of church government. Following the Civil War, they were driven out of England by the Clarendon Code.

 Political thought and rhetoric in England and Scotland during these times  was shaped in these Puritan times by “resistance theory” which developed a philosophical and legal basis for opposing authority of a sort developed in sixteenth-century Scotland and France. The Calvinist resistance theory was a populist theory that argued that the whole community acting as a collective agent had a right to chose its own rulers.[5]

 In the 1640s it was widely believed in England that the political government was a “mixed monarchy” with three estates, the monarchy (the King), the aristocracy (the House of Lords), and democracy (the House of Commons). The best government was thought to be as argued by the Greeks, a balance of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. 

But thee traditional beliefs were challenged during the civil war by Calvinism seeping into politics. These Protestants, followers of John Calvin, believed that God has predestined all human beings to be saved or damned. Most members of the Church of England prior to 1630, and all Puritans were Calvinists.

Quakers,  like Andrew Ellicott’s ancestors, were founded as a religious group of Christians They were often disliked by some members of the populace who resented Army rule, and suppressed at the Restoration, but not by Oliver Cromwell. The spread of Quakerism witnessed to the defeat of the opposite political party, radical members of the Army demanding law reform and sovereignty of the people. These people were Levelliers.[6]

 During this period the Arminians, led by Archbishop Laud, became influential under Charles I in the 1630s.

After the (1614-1628) period of Lord Buckingham and James I. James’ son, Charles I ruled from 1625 until he was executed in 1649.

The Major Generals of Cromwells New Model Army came to power during the latter part of this period, They were appointed by him to serve as the Army representative in Parliament. The philosopher and politician scientist Thomas Hobbes wrote his important great book “Leviathan” inventing a new science of politics based on a system of materialistic metaphysics justified by Scripture with an ethic founded on the fundamental belief in the inherently corrupt and evil sinful nature of all of humanity. Thus, to have a stable, successful, political order an absolute sovereignty was required for the monarch. 

The English Revolution had started in the beginning of the 1640s. Already, by this time, on one side  “there was a widespread belief in a popishly inspired plot to undermine the Government.”[7]  On the other hand, people were being sharply divided into elect Saints, on one hand, and the reprobate  and damned on the other.In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century Calvinism was the dominant theological position in the English ecclesiastical establishment. and this change in fundamental ways of thinking about religion was very momentous for politics. A broad consensus developed that Protestant England had to improve its destiny on its own. Unfortunately this new formed consensus was wrecked by Charles’ commitment to anti-Calvinist polices.

Traditional middle class Presbyterian Puritanism never took deep root in the North or Wales or the South West.[8]    Instead, there was a shift of population to the North and West using rebuilt peasant houses of stone. Some of these people were Quakers, who came from northern yeoman and craftsmen backgrounds. Most of these people believed in the priority of the spirit over the letter of the Bible and denied the significance of ordination, and also the possibility of living without sin and attaining heaven in this life.

Kings were thought of as burdens and plagues of the people whom they governed.[9]All of this affected not only the cities but also the countryside. The foraging and quartering of all sorts of troops contributed to the unrest. And, their arrival in regions was often a signal for the locals to attack the property of the unpopular landlords. Radicals challenged the entire basis of the legal systems. From 1645 these people had an important new base for this, the NMA.

The New Model Army, or NMA, was composed not just of the dredges of society and lower classes but of men of some accomplishment and social standing. Officers were selected not only out of the aristocracy, but also from the ranks of craftsmen, merchants, and other commoners. A study of military science was engaged in which developed weapons and logistics.  There were sharp edge blades, artillery, muskets, firelocks, and wagon trains used to support the infantry and artillery. 

This may have saved the social order for a time. It was anti-clerical and had its own creeds. The descendants of many of the builders, architects, artisans, and soldiers of the NMA, who were also Masons, became explorers in the new world colonies of Virginia and the Carolinas.

 “In an unequal agricultural society, with primitive techniques, where men were at the mercy of nature and starved if the harvest failed; where plagues and warfare made life uncertain, it was easy to see famines and epidemics as punishments for human wickedness.’ ” The spiritual experience of conversion, for a protestant in our period, was a break-through to a new life of freedom[10]This individual self-confidence and strength through unity produced an remarkable energy, a Spirit of new found Holiness and deeper more grounded in personal accomplishments.

There was a great interest in Biblical Prophecy. Their scholars exposed many Catholic superstitions and tried through scientific study of the Bible to put the science of prophecy on a rational basis.[11]Bibles were not expensive and there was a Geneva Bible pocket edition published that men could study in the privacy of their homes. It, the Bible was the accepted source of all wisdom.[12]Charles I said, “Religion is the source of all power.” Gerald Winstanley, one of the leaders of the religious groups of Levellers and Diggers tried to speak for “the poor and the dispised ones of the earth.”  His embers occupied public lands that had been privatized by enclosures and dug them over, pulling down hedges and filling in the ditches. He argues that, “reason pervades the whole Universe and dwells in every creature, but supremely in man”. ‘If you subject your flesh to this mighty governor, the spirit of righteousness within yourselves, he will bring you into community with the whole globe.”

“In an unequal agricultural society, with primitive techniques, where men were at the mercy of nature and starved if the harvest failed; where plagues and warfare made life uncertain, it was easy to see famines and epidemics as punishments for human wickedness.’ ” The spiritual experience of conversion, for a protestant in our period, was a break-through to a new life of freedom[13]This individual self-confidence and strength through unity produced an remarkable energy, a Spirit of new found Holiness and deeper more grounded in personal belief in God, that is typical of Calvinism and the other sects of this period. Some sects went beyond Calvinism as to asking whether the damnation of most of mankind was so clearly laid out in the Bible and whether the New Testament might not offer salvation to all. Might sin just be an invention of organized religion and the landed elite in order to justify private property ownership? Might heaven and hell be only ‘mere fictions’.Nobody could stop such questions from being discussied.

“There was a great interest in the attempt of the radicals to abolish external religious constransts in favour of an internal self-imposed, morality.”[14]

As a result of the English Civil War there was a large impact on the English Society.[15]

The fighting was filled with atrocities and caused a lot of deaths and imprisonment. There were 84,738 killed and 117,534 people imprisoned. The British government was reorganized several times and multiple purges, discriminatory.  Harmful decrees, and ordinances were passed by the Short and Long Parliament. 

England was declared a commonwealth. The Restoration Settlement overturned the constitutional revolutions of 1642-7 and 1648-9 and continued until Charles I was executed at the end of it.  

Here are some definitions of the religious terms, a lot of it is taken from the Great Course, “A History of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts” by Profesor Robert Buchotz, course guidebook page 243 and following:

Anglicans Conservative or “High Church members of the Church of England favoring Church government by bishop[s. Theologically, they were generally Armininians or at least favorably disposed toward elaborate ritual and ceremony.

Armininians: followers or accused followers of the Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius, who believed that humans could play a role in their own salvation by means of good works and efficacious rituals (therefore theologically opposed to Calvinists). The emphasized the “beauty of holiness” through elaborate church décor and ceremonial. During this period they were led by Archbishop Laud, who became influencial under Charles I in the 1630s.

AnaBaptists, Baptists, Familists  Protestants who believe that baptism should be left to adult choice. This idea ws controversial because it would leave children unbaptized and vitiate any notion of a national church. Some of these people were also called ‘Familists” a term from the Europe followers of Henry Nicklas in Amsterdam meaning, of the family of love

Calvinists Protestant followers of John Calvin who believed that God has predestined all human beings to be saved or damned. Most members of the Church of England prior to 1630, and all Puritans were Calvinists.

Clarendon Code: Popular name for the series of statutes passed by the Cavalier Parliament to establish the monopoly of the Church of England and outlaw dissent after the Restoration. Its effect was to make dissenters second class citizens. The nameitself is unfair however, because Lord Clarnedonl was opposed to the persecution of dissenters.

Diggers A religious sect coming from the toleration following the Civil Wars. They believed the Bible did not sanction private property They attempted to set up communes at St. George’s Hill, Surrey, and elsewhere, but a combination of government repression and local hostility broke the movement

Exclusion Crisis The crisis over the succession that occurred in 1678-1681 over whether James, Duke of York, a Catholic should be allowed to succeed his brother Charles II

Jacobites supporters of the exiled King James II and his son, the tititlar James II, Jacobite rebellions in 1714 and 1745 failed to restore the Catholic Stuarts.

Levellers Radical members of the Army from 1647 who followed the ideas of John LIlburne demanding universal manhood suffrage, law reform, and the “soverignity of the people”

Mechanical Philosophy  Side by side with the rise in interest of a science Biblical prophecy was a rise in the study of the magical wisdom of the ancients or hermeticism. chemisiry, chemical medicine, astrology, and heliocentric astronomy. This all contributed to a radical outlook. And,out of this developed beliefs that new methods of controlling the world of nature and of man.”Stable laws of nature went with a stable society. Now that God was located within every human heart, it was inconvenient to have him intervening in the day-to-day running of the Universe.”[16]

 Francis Bacon, 1561 -1621 who became the influencial Lord Chancellor of England had been inspired by a lot of this.

Puritans Protestants who sought the continued reform of the Church of England after its establishment in 1559-1563. Puritans tended to be Calvinists, favoring plain church ritual consistent with scriptural injunction. Many, though not all, favored a Presbyterian form of church government. Following the Civil War, they were driven out of England by the Clandon Code, and thus, are properly known after the Restoration as Dissenters.

Quakers Religious group of Christian believing in Our Father in Heaven, His Son Jesus Christ , and their combined Holy Spirit manifesting Itself in each of us, and also manifesting Itself as an invisible fellowship of like-minded believers in Christ and believers in the power of His Holy Spirit indwelling us to help and heal us. They emerged out of the toleration following the Civil Wars and led by George Fox.  They believed, (and still believe) that each human being  possessed God’s inner light in equal measure, regardless of gender or social rank. They relied on dreams and visions for insight. Often they defined themselves by what they did not believe. For instance, they did not deny the existence of God or a historical Christ, of heaven or hell. All of this liberally oriented theology often inclined them and “quake” with their inner light at services. They were harshly often disliked by some members of the populace who resented Army rule, and suppressed at the Restoration, but not by Oliver Cromwell..

The spread of Quakersim witnessed to the defeat of the political Levelliers and the continued existence of radical ideas.[17]

Ranters . Ranters were genuine heretics who often denied not only the authority of churchs but often also of scriptures and believed in pantheism rejecting a belief in a personal God.. Thomas Hubbard, one Ranter, said “God was in all things; whatever sins he did commit, God was the author of them all, and acted them in him. He would sell all religions for a jug of beer.’

Tories   English political party which arose in response to the Exclusion crisis oi the 1680s. They began as defending the hereditary succession of James , Duke of York. They favored the rights of the Church of England, the interests of landowners and the monarch. During the 1690s they became associated with Jacobitism and lost power, the Tories became more a country party. Their name derives from a term for Catholic Irish brigades.

Whigs  English political party that arose in response to the Exclusion Crisis of the 1680s. The Whigs began as a country party demanding the exclusion of the Catholic James, Duke of York, from the throne, emphasizing the rights of Parliament and Dissenters; and championing a Protestant (pro-Diutch) foreign policy. In the 1690s they became less radical.

Figure 14More of the flowers in Merton College gardens

Music from Tanya Huang’s album “Things about me that only my plants know” Song for you


Some of it taken 

A History of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts, Great Courses by Professor Robert Buchotz, 2003

The History of Christianity in the Reformation Era, Parts I,II,III, by Professor Brad S. Gregory, The Great Courses 2001

Rulers are listed in bold before the events that take place during their reigns. Events taking place in the same year are listed on separate lines unless they are related in some way. The outcomes of wars and battles are indicated as wins (W) or losses (L) from the 

Under Ruling House: Tudors 


Scottish Rebellion. 

Establishment of the Church of England: 

Act of Supremacy in which Henry VII declared himself an absolute monarch;

 Act of Uniformity (1559)  According to the act of Uniformity in England established by Parliament all persons had to go to church at least once a week or be fined about 10 pounds in current money;

Treason Act in which the act of treason was codified and defined more precisely for the first time; 

The Act distinguished two varieties of treason: high treason and petty treason (or petit treason), the first being disloyalty to the Sovereign, and the second being disloyalty to a subject. The practical distinction was the consequence of being convicted: for a high treason, the penalty was death by hanging, drawing and quartering (for a man) or drawing and burning (for a woman), and the traitor’s property would escheat to the Crown; in the case of a petty treason the penalty was drawing and hanging without quartering, or burning without drawing; and property escheated only to the traitor’s immediate lord.

A person was guilty of high treason under the Act if they, among other things,

“compassed or imagined” (i.e. planned; the original Norman French was “fait compasser ou ymaginer”) the death of the King, his wife or his eldest son and heir levied war against the King in his Realm;

adhered to the King’s enemies in his Realm, giving them aid and comfort in his Realm or elsewhere

This act is still in force today, and basically it says that if you do anything the King or Queen legaglly has a right to do, that you don’t you can be convicted of it by the King. Queen Elizabeth was to use it decades later to execute Protestants who didn’t recognize her as the legal head of Christ’s Church in England.


Thirty-Nine Articles or basic summary of beliefs of the Church of England(1563). 

1569 Northern Revolt of the Earls, an unsuccessful attempt to depose Queen Elizabeth I.

1570 Episcopal controversy an Anglican, Catholic, Puritan split that eventually led to civil war as the result of King Henry’s changes.

1571 Ridolfi Plot. To assassinate Queen Elizabeth I

1575 -1611 William Byrd an English Renaissance composer of various types of secular and sacred songs became very popular with his works.

1577-1580 Drake circumnavigates the globe.
1581 Act against Recusancy, defined at the state of those who refused to attend Church services (expanded 1585).

 1583 Elizabeth sends troops to the Netherlands.

 1587 Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

1588 Defeat of the. Spanish Armada (W). 

1589…………………………………………. Elizabeth sends troops to France.

Henry III is assassinated in France, leaving Henry Navarre as heir to the throne

He converts to Catholicism and ascends the throne as Henry IV.

1598  The Edict of Nantes concludes the French Wars of Religion and establishes restricted toleration of the Huguenots in France. Terrible harvest in England.

 1613………………………………… Some of Shakespeare’s major plays. , 1596………………………………… Spenser’s Faerie Queen. 1594–1603………………………………… O’Neill Rebellion in Ireland.. 1600…………………………………………. East India Company founded. 1601……. 1601…………………………………………. Essex Rebellion. 

1600 – 1610 

Ruling House of Stuarts starts

1603–1625………………………………… James I .  The first Stuart King and the birth

of “Englishness”

Figure 15  King Jame I

 1604…………………………………………. Treaty of London. 1605…………………………………………. Gunpowder plot. 1606…………………………………………. Bacon’s Advancement of Learning. 1607…………………………………………. Virginia founded

1608 …………………………………. To counter aggressive Catholicism in the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick IV of the Palantate forms a Protestant Union  In response to it a Catholic League takes shape under the leadership of Maximilian of Bavaria.

1609  Extract from James’ speech to Parliament on the Divine Right of Kings

“The state of monarch is the supremest thing upon earth…Kings are justly called Gods, for that they exercise a manner of resemblance of divine power upon earth.

For if you will consider the attributes to God, you shall see how they agree in the person of the King.

Now in these our times we are to distinguish between the state of kings in their first original, and between the state of kngs and monarchs, that do in this time govern in civil kingdoms… In the first original of kings, whereof some had their beginnings by conquest, and some by the election of the people, their wills at that time served for law; Yet how soon kingdoms began to be settled in civility and policy, then did kings set down their minds by laws.

And I am sure to go to my grave with that reputation and comfort, that never king was in all his time more careful to have his laws duly observed, and himself to govern thereafter

1611…………………………………………. King James Bible. 

1614–1628………………………………… Ascendancy of Buckingham.

1618 Defenestration of Prague initiates  the Thirty Years War

1622–1623………………………………… Bad harvests in England. 

1624–1630………………………………… War of England with Spain .

1625–1649………………………………… Personal rule of Charles I 

Figure 16  Charles I

There were many clashes of Parliament with the King

1627–1629………………………………… War with France (L). 1628…………………………………………. Petition of Right which was a parliamentary statue guaranteeing that no subject could be forced to pay a tax not voted by Parliament, imprisoned without charge, have soldiers billeted in his house, or be subject to martial law. Charles I agreed to it in order to assure five new taxes.

 1628…………………………………………. Assassination of Buckingham.

1629–1641………………………………… Personal rule in England 

The need for “ship money” was used as a reason to raise taxes.

1631 Protestant forces win a major victory under Gustav Adolphus at the

Battle of Breitenfield

1632 Gustav Adolphus dies

 1633…………………………………………. Laud appointed Archbishop of Canterbury

1635  The Peace of Prague concludes the Swedish part of the Thirty Years War

.1636…………………………………………. King wins ship money case.

 1638–1640…………………………………Bishops’ Wars : Battle of Newburn 

Treaty of Ripon (1640). 

1640…………………………………………. Short Parliament. Is held 

1640–1653………………………………… Long Parliament: 

1642 First civil war between between royalists and parliamentarians in England


Triennial Act; condemnation of personal rule, etc.; impeachment of Strafford (1641). 

1641…………………………………………. Irish Rebellion. 

1642–1649…………………………………English Civil Wars: Battle of Edgehill

1642 Battle of Marston Moor 

1644; Battle of Naseby

1645. 1647…………………………………………. Putney debates, a series of discussions between members of the new model army, a number of them being Levellers, about the makeup of a new constitution for Britian. 

“Peace without Victory? Rise of Parliamentary and NMA Divisions[18]

1647 NMA Divisions: Levellers Tract, Agreement of the People, 1647.

“We are agreed as followeth:  That Supreme Authority of England and the Territories therewith incorporate, shall be and reside, henceforward in a Representative of the people consisting of four hundred persons, but no more. In choice of whome (according to natural right) all men of the age of one and twenty years and upwards (not being servants or eceiving alms, or having served with the late King in Arms or voluntary Countributions), shall have their voices.

1648  The NMA Purge and the Trial of Charles I 

“Lord President: Charles Stuart King of England; The Commons of England assembled in Parliament, deeply sensible of the Calamities that have been brought upone this Nation( which is fixed upon you as principal author of it) have resovled to make inquisition for Blood, and according to that Debt and Duty they owe to Justice, to God, the Kingdom, and themselves, according to the Fundamental Power that resits in themselves. They have resolved to bring you to Trial and Judgement and for that purpose have constituted this High Court of Justice, before which you are brought…”

The King, “ I would know by what power I am called hither.. by what Authority, I mean, lawful; there are many unlawful Authorities in the world, Thieves and Robbers by the highways; but I would know by what Authority I was brough from thence, and carried from place to place (and I know not what), land when I know by what lawful Authority, I shall answer. Remember I am your King, your lawful King, and what sins you bring upon your heads, and the Judgment of God upon this Land, think well upon it, I say think well upon it, before you go further from one sin to a greater; therefore let me know by what lawful Authority I am seated here, and I shall not be unwilling to answer, in the meantime I shall not betray my Trust: I have a trust committed to me by God, by old and lawful descent, I will not betray it to answer a new unlawful Authority, therefore resolve me that, and you shall hear more of me… I will stand as much for the privilege of the house of Commons, rightly understood, as any man here whatsoever, I see no House of Lords, here that may constitute a Parliament.”[19]

1648–1649………………………………… Bad harvests in England.

1648  Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years War 

1649………………………………………….Charles I beheaded; monarchy and House of Lords abolished. 

Interregnum Timeline (1649–1660) 

1649–1653………………………………… Commonwealth

1649…………………………………………. Massacre at Drogheda. 

Gerrard Winstanley, The New Law of Righteousness,

“ And let all men say what they will,so long as such are rulers as call the land theirs, upholding this particular propriety of mine and thine, the common people shall never have their liberty, not the land be ever freed from troubles, oppresions, and complainings, by reason whereof the Creator of all things is continually provoked… No man shall have any more land than he can labour himself or have others to labour with him in love, working together, and eating bread together, as one of the tribes of families of Israel neither giving nor takng hire.”

Cromwell’s appeal to unity: speech to Army officers, 23 March 1649

“I think there is more cause of danger from disunion amongst ourselves than by anything from our enemies; I do not know anything more important than that; I believe, and I may speak with confidence here, that we must admire God and give him glory for what he has done. I am confident than when we are doing our duty and waiting upon the Lord, we shall find He will portect us until we have finished the work that He had for us to do.”

1650…………………………………………. Battle of Dunbar  1651…………………………………………. Battle of Worcester .
1651, 1660, 1663……………………….. Navigation Acts. 1651…………………………………………. Hobbes’sLeviathan. 1652–1654………………………………… First Anglo-Dutch War. 

Figure 17Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell establishes a tolerant and inclusive state church 1653…………………………………………. Barebones Parliament. 1653–

1655 Oliver Cromwell’s speech to the First Protectorate Parliament

“ I desire not to keep my place in this government an hour longer than I may preserve England in its just rights, and may protect the people of God in a just liberty of thir consciencies. This government called you hither, the constitution whereof being a single person and a Parliament. And, this was thought most agreeable to the sense of the nation. I would not have been averse to any alteration if I were convinced it was for the good. But, I could not have agreed to taking it off the foundation on which it stands: namely the consent of the people.”

1658………………………………… Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector 1653.-1658 dues

Queen Henrietta Maria to her sister,

“ I thought you would hear with joy of the death of that wreach”

John Evelyn diary, “ Saw the superb funeral of the Protector.. but it was the joyfulest funeral I ever saw, for there were none that cried, but dogs, which soldiers hooted away with a barbarious noise; drinking and taking tobacco in the streets as they went.”

Figure 18More Merton College Garden flowers

1655…………………………………………. Capture of Jamaica. 1658–1659………………………………… Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector

 1659–1660………………………………… Monck’s March on London.

1660  English monarchy and Church of England are restored to their pre-revolutionary forms.

1650 The Island of Barbados in the Caribbean has at this time the largest population of any colony controlled by the British[20].

1654 “Lord Protector of England, Oliver Cromwell, establishes a tolerant and inclusive state Church”[21].

1655 Oliver Cromwell enlarges the British settlement of the Caribbean Island of Jamaica. The Christian Indian population in North Florida is estimated at 26,000[22]They are mostly Timucuans. This original family of Florida Indians were visited by Ponce de Leon when he landed there and by the French Huguenot Le Moyne and possibly by DeSoto when he traveled through the area. These settlements were later mostly destroyed by the English in Carolina with their allies the Creeks, Catawba, and Yucha Hundreds were killed and possibly thousands carried off into slavery while the remnant took refuge under the walls of St. Augustine or were shipped to Cuba by the Spanish.[23]

1660–1685………………………………… Charles II 1660…………………………………………. Convention Parliament; Stuarts restored. 1660–1669………………………………… Samuel Pepys perhaps the diarest of modern times keeps his Diary about his own weakenesses and events in his daily life in Britian

 1661–1678………………………………… Cavalier Parliament. 1661…………………………………………. Corporation Act, a parliamentary statute that gave the King the power to revoke city chartersand change the composition of any coroporation. 

1662 ……………………………Quaker Act published by the  English parliament prescribing the forms of public prayers required as in the  Church of England’s doctrines and book of common prayer

1660 Royal society founded in London

1662………………………………………….Quaker Act; Act of Uniformity; Licensing Act. 
1664………………………………………….Conventicle Act forbids religious assemblies of more than five people other than immediate family
1665………………………………………….   Second Anglo-Dutch war, plague in London
1666………………………………………….Fire of London
 1667………………………………………….  Milton’s Paradise lost published
1670…………………………………………Treaty of Dover.  1672………………………………………….Declaration of Indulgence; Stop of 

the Exchequer. 

1672–1674………………………………… Third Anglo-Dutch War (L). 

1673…………………………………………. Test Act, legislation passed by the Cavalier Parliament in response to the Declaration of Indulgence requiring all civil officeholders and members of either house of Parliament to take communion in the Church of England, to take oaths of supremacy and allegiance, and to repudiate transubstantiation annually. These requirements “flushed out” many Catholics in government but were less effective against Dissenters because of the practice of occasional conformity of the Dissenters. Tories secured a statute in 1711 against this, only to see it repealed in 1719

 1673–1678………………………………… Danby’s, statesman and general minister of Charles II ascendancy. 

1678…………………………………………. Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. 

1678–1694………………………………… Henry Purcell’s an English composer writes his major works. 

1678–1682…………………………………Popish plot and Exclusion Crisis; Exclusion Parliaments; rise of Whig and Tory parties.

 1681–1685………………………………… Tory revenge; remodeling of corporations. 

1683…………………………………………. Rye House plot an alleged conspiracy by Whigs against Charles II. 

1685 Louis XIV revokes The Edict of Nantes, ending toleration for Huguenots in France.


Timeline in England

1685–1688………………………………… James II 

1685…………………………………………. Monmouth’s Rebellion; bloody seizures. 1686–1688………………………………… Purge of Commissions of Peace, etc. 1687…………………………………………. Newton’s Principia Mathematica. 1687…………………………………………. Declaration of Indulgence.  Royal proclamation suspending the laws against Catholics (recusants and Dissenters. Generally not supported by Dissenters because of their hostility to Catholics and fiercely opposed by the Anglican majority

 1688………………………………………….Birth of Prince of Wales; Glorious 



William III and Mary II (Mary dies in 1694) 

1689…………………………………………. Toleration Act an act of Parliament granting freedom of worship to nonconformists 

1689–1697…………………………………Nine Years War : 

Battles of the Boyne , Beachy Head  (1690); Battle of La Hogue(1692); Battle 

of Namur

(1695). 1690…………………………………………. Locke’s Treatises of Government and Essay Concerning Human Understanding. 

1694…………………………………………. Bank of England founded. 1697…………………………………………. Treaty of Ryswick ending the nine years war, by which Louis XIV recognized William II as the rightful King of England, Scotland and Ireland and gave back European territory taken wince 1678, and agreed to work out a partition of the Spanish Empire after the death of Carlos II

 1701…………………………………………. Act of Settlement.

 1702-1714 ………………………………… Anne. 


 Buchotz, Robert, A History of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts, Great Courses  2003.

Gregory, Brad S., The History of Christianity in the Reformation Era, Parts I,II,III,, The Great Courses 2001.

Hughes, Ann, The Causes of the English Civil War, St. Martin’s Press, 2ndEd., 1998

Harrell, Andrew W., A History of Explorations and Settlements in the Southern US 1680-1804,2019.

Gaunt, Peter, The English Civil War,2000.

Hill, Christopher, “The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas during the English Revolution”,1972.

Morrill, John, “The Impact of the English Civil War”,1992.

Watson, Kate, Dr.A World Turned Upside Down’, Class Pack Booklets  UC Berkeley/Oxford University Department of Continuing Education Course in the English Revolutionary Civil War’, 2019

[1]According to Ms Thea Young talking to a 2019 Oxford University Summer Study group.

[2]  “A History of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts” Course Guidbook, Lecture 30, page 141.

[3]Huges, op. cit. pg 91

[4]Hughes pg 92

[5]Morrill,  pg 69

[6]Hill, pg 193

[7]Huges, op. cit. pg 91

[8]op. cit. pg  63

[9]op cit. pg 109

[10]op. cit pg 121

[11]op. cit. pg 74

[12]op cit pg 78

[13]op. cit pg 121

[14]op cit. pg  147

[15]The Impact of the English Civil War, Edited by John Morrill

[16]Hill, op cit. pg 237

[17]Hill, op cit. pg 193

[18]‘A World Turned Upside Down’, Class Pack Booklets let UC Berkeley/Oxford University Summery Continuing Education Course in the English Revolutionary Civil War’, tudored by Dr. Kate Watson.

[19]Watson, op. cit.

[20]Graebner, A History of the United States, Vol. 1 p. 62.

[21]Gregory, op.cit.




Christian who practices Judaism... Buddhism... Yoga... listens to the Quran and studies Hinduism. The most important thing to know about learning to climb mountains is that when you get to the top you haven't "beaten the mountain". Too many of us don't make it for us not to say that the "mountain beat us." Interests: Hiking and jogging, mountain climbing, chess, piano, piloting small planes, cooking, meditation, yoga, stretching, reading math and philosophy books. Favorite Books: Bible, Upanishads, and the Torah interests: hiking and jogging, mountain climbing,chess,piano, piloting small planes, cooking. meditation, yoga, stretching, reading math and philosophy books.