Prayers for the Month of May 2018:
“To see God more clearly,
to follow Him more nearly,
to love Him more dearly.” St. Augustine
Prayer meditations on the National Day of Prayer May 2, 2018:
Looks like President Trump is going to have to pay the piper and will be lucky if they don’t impeach him.
When you lie to reporters, even if you aren’t sent to jail for it, you are lying to the American people and are subverting our Democracy as much if not more than the Russians were trying to.
I did not vote for President Trump but was glad to see him get elected because both of the Clintons, if you count them a group, are admitting national leaders who have lied to us.
As, Ms Daniel’s lawyers said, and a lot of FBI agents whom integrity President Trump has tried to subvert for his own personal goals, the “Chickens (your lies) have come home to roost.”
“Friends don’t lie.” and “To have a friend, be a friend.”
Some Omer counting thoughts about the Kingship of Friendship:
44th day Gevurah of Malkuth “A friend in need is a friend indeed. Contribute to the needs of God’s people [sharing in the necessities to the Saints]; pursue the practice of hospitality.” St. Paul Romans 12;13
45th day Tiferet of Malkuth
“By seeing good in other: with God’s help, We see the Christ in you. ” Let your love sincere, a real thing.” Romans 12:9
46th day Netzach of Malkuth
By standing by our friends:
We will walk with you till the Son of God always shines.
“Hate what is evil [loathe lying and all ungodliness, turn in horror from wickedness], but hold fast to that which is good.” Romans 12:9
“Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others joy], and weep with this who weep [sharing other’s grief].” Romans 12:15
We are all fallible humans, but some of us are “humans of God” and feel compelled to repent and correct our mistakes, not concatenate our lies, when they are pointed out to us.
@realDonaldTrump So you do know what the word Truth means after all? Good for you and good for Rudi Giuliani for getting you to admit it. If the President of our country, if the USA does not tell the truth, to US and others then you and it are nothing. Something to pray about?
JEWS FOR JESUS AND JESUS FOR JEWS Topic: Simon Stout’s reply to my prayer questions
Article #703
Subject: Simon Stout’s reply to my prayer questions
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/26/2018 11:06:22 AM
Message: Hi, friends, this is Andrew Harrell talking with you. I was recently in Israel and interested in
finding there where the Messianic Jews who followed on after Joseph Rabinowitz worship. Is it
anywhere in Jerusalem? I went to Christ Church at the joppa gate and they didn’t know. He was a friend
of my great grandfather Adoniram Gordan. I am a Christian zionist Jew
I have a website and email address at and I have to go now. Thanks for your
help in advance.
God Bless
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for writing to us at Jews for Jesus. I’m Simon from our offices in Tel Aviv, Israel.
There are quite a number of Messianic Congregations throughout the country, though I’m not sure
which ones have been directly influenced by the teachings of Joseph Rabinowitz. As the Messianic
Body in Israel was only a handful of people during his lifetime, and has now grown to nearly 10,000 – it
is possible that we have all been influenced by his teachings.I do know that one of our staff members wrote a short article about him 20 years ago:
christianity/Many Blessings in Messiah,
Simon Stout
Executive Assistant
Jews for Jesus Israel—–Original Message—–
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2018 11:30 AM
To: Jews for Jesus
Subject: General QuestionsFirst Name: Andrew
Last Name: Harrell
Email Address:
Phone: 601-636-0938
Add/Reply to this prayer posting
Article #704
Subject: my prayerful reply to Simon’s helpful reply
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/26/2018 11:07:21 AM
Dear Long Time Prayer Friend Simon,
Thanks for your very helpful reply to my question about any living legacy of Joseph Rabinowitz
in Jews for Jesus Prayer Services. I have been to several Orthodox Saturday Sabbath Torah services
and noted that the Torah is carried up to the Bimah in the center by attendees. I even did it myself in a
Messianic service on Simhas Torah in a Northern VA congregation in 1983 I think. I also noted that the
Name of God YHWH is not used in the prayer verses but Adonai or H’Shem or Yod Yod.Have you considered using YHWH Adonai in the Amidah prayer requests as Joseph Rabinowitz did to
indicate that you believe that for some of us the Messiah, Jesus has already come?Also, you might want to carry both the New Testament and the Torah up to Bimah in order to read both
Testaments in the service. I know in some Messianic Jewish books on the Torah study, John Parson’s “A
Year Through the Torah” for instance both testaments are studied and read.You could also ask people to come forward like like in a Baptist Church and accept Christ in the service.
In my opinion you could be more like “Jesus for the Jews”, like I AM, if you did this.Blessings in Christ,
Andrew W.
Dr. Andrew W. Harrell
YHWH School of Christianity
Figure 3 Theodore Hertlz, one of the main founders of modern Israel. When modern Israel started in 1948. Nobody spoke Hebrew back then, There was a group of 56 settlers which became 66 families Maier Mayor one of the major founders of Tel Aviv, said “ A blessing will come out of this”. His prophecy was fulfilled in 1948
High Calvinist = supralapsarian
1. to create;
2. to permit the fall;
3. to elect to eternal life and blessedness a great multitude out of this mass of fallen men, and to leave the others, as He left the Devil and the fallen angels, to suffer the just punishment of their sins;
4. to give His Son, Jesus Christ, for the redemption of the elect; and
5. to send the Holy Spirit to apply to the elect the redemption which was purchased by Christ.
According to the supralapsarian view the order of events was:
1. to elect some creatable men (that is, men who were to be created) to life and to condemn others to destruction;
2. to create;
3. to permit the fall;
4. to send Christ to redeem the elect; and
5. to send the Holy Spirit to apply this redemption to the elect
The question then is as to whether election precedes or follows the fall.
A High Calvinist (as opposed to his more famous namesake Henry Drummond, 1851-1897 another evangelist, but more of a liberal Methodist who taught the importance of Natural Law and not predestination, wrote the famous Christian classic “The City Without a Church”. He was a friend of my great grandfather, Adoniram Judson Gordon also a pre-millenenist like the earlier Henry Drummond).
In 1849 the Anglican Christ Church was built in Jerusalem by the London Society for Promoting Judaism (LSJ) and it still functions today inside the entrance to the Joppa Gate of the Old City and just next to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Via Dialorasa, which itself it at the end of a pathway from the present Western Wall below the city going to the Church of the Holy Seplucher following the Holy path of Jesus’ cruxification after his entrance on Palm Sunday, going up to the Most Holy of Holies in Herod’s Temple. Shaftesbury was perhaps the main instrument of implementation of a Chritian pre-millenianist Zionism during this period. It was has vision that there be an Anglican Israel.
He was born and lived in Kishinev Russia (the area is now a part of
Moldava and the Jews there suffered much from Chrisitans). In 1881 he and has
brothers set up a Jewish agricultural society there. Believing the only
future for Judaism depended on it restablishming itself in the Holy Land, in
1882 he travelled to Palestine to set up a community of believers there. He
converted to Chrisitianity (chose to believe in Jesus Christ as God’s Son,
believed in Him as a savior and a brother, and was baptized a Christian in
Germany in 1885). He believed “our brother Jesus” to be the key to opening
the way for Jews to return to the Holy Land. A Christian council in London
was set up for his support in 1887 and he travelled to the U.S. to spend 35
days and attend the Moody Bible conference in Chicago in 1893. There he
shared a room next to A.J. Gordon at the conference. He was declared by him
(Gordon) to be a new Isaiah.
He chose to use the name YHWH in his group’s prayer service as opposed to the
name Adonai to reflect their belief that the Messiah for Judaism had already
come in the person of Jesus Christ.
Joseph Rabinowitz’s Seven articles of faith:
1. I believe with perfect faith, that our heavenly Father is the living
and true, and eternal God who created heaven and earth and everything visible
and invisible and invisible through His Word and His Holy Spirit. All things
are from Him. All things are in Him. All things to Him.
2. I believe with perfect faith that our heavenly Father has, according
to His promise made to our forefathers, to our prophets, and to our King
David, the son of Jesse, raised unto Israel a Redeemer, Jesus, who was born
of the virgin Mary, in Bethlehem the city of David, who suffered, was
crucified dead and buried for our salvation, rose again from the dead, and
liveth, and sitteth at the right hand of our heavenly Father, from thence he
shall come to judge the world, the living, the and the dead. He is the
appointed King over the house of Jacob forever, and of His dominion there
shall be no end.
3. I believe with perfect faith, that by the counsel of God and His
foreknowledge, our fathers have been smitten with hardness of heart for sin
and for rebellion against our Messiah, the Lord Jesus, in order to provoke
the other nations of the earth unto jealously, and to reconcile all through
faith in Christ, by the word of His Evangelists, in order that the knowledge
of Jehovah should cover the earth, and Jehovah be King over the whole world.
4. I believe, with a perfect faith, that through faith in Jesus, the
Messiah alone, without the works of the law, a man may be justified; that
there is but one God, who justifies the circumcised Jews by faith, and the
uncircumcised through faith and that there is no difference between a Jew and
Greek, between bond and free, between male and female. There are all one in
5. I believe with a perfect faith, in a Holy Catholic and Apostolic
6. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
7. I wait for the resurrection and renewed life of the dead, and for the
life of the world to come. Amen.
For Thy salvation, I wait, O Lord; I wait, O Lord, for Thy salvation, O lord
for Thy salvation I wait.
In a debate between Rabinowitz and other Jewish rabbis in Kishinev Russia in
1884 these articles were compared with those of the Church of England and the
differences were argued between Ziegler a brother in-law of Faltin
representing the orthodox Jews and Rabinowitz and other Hebrew Christians
It was noted that the first four articles are in almost perfect agreement
with the first four Christian ones. However, Rabinowitz omits mentioning that
there are three persons of one substance in the godhead. Yet he affirms that
God creates and upholds everything by His Word and His Holy Spirit.
See “Joseph Rabinowitz and the Messianic Movement” by Kai Kjaer Hansen, page
There is also a statement of his twenty-four and twelve articles of faith in
chapter 8 of the book “Joseph Rabinowitz and the Messianic Movement” by Kai
Kjaer Hansen
Now back to the narrative of our Cal/Berkeley Alumni Association trip to Israel, 2018:
On Sunday morning at Mt. Carmel I had a good discussion with Hadassah, one of the modern Jewish settlers whose husband now works for Microsoft in Seattle. She is an artist who practices modern expressionism or Dadaism as defined in the period after World War II in Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Spain. Why Dadaism, because Daaism had to do with expressing feelings where therr is no meaning and purity after the destruction of society. So, some of the pictures she paints look like they are part of a Buddhist Bardo, where God may or may not be in control. This is what Purgatory is called by Christians, but we believe God is in control of it.
Also, we had a discussion with Tom Elder, one of our group, who is an agnostic. His name is the same as Jesus’ Apostle St. Thomas, so one might expect him to be the “doubter” of the group. He believes if you, a human, ever “felt” the power of God you wouldn’t be able to “know Him”. But, I believe that if you ever have “known God” you would not need to feel Him to know He exists. So, Tom are you saying that Jesus who has and still is a human, never felt God, or that after feeling the power of Him, HimSelf, His Father, and the Holy Spirit, and the on the cross He wouldn’t still believe in Him. I would have to disagree about that, from my own experience. I still feel the healing power of the Blood of Jesus, His Father in Heaven, and the Holy Spirit, coming down from the Cross inside of me, from back then in my past, and I still believe I still know all Three of Them.
“If you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can move these mountains.” Gospel of Matthew, Jesus talking about the peaks around the Lake Tiberias region.
Figure 5 Ruins of Capernaum, where Jesus started his ministry, reading from the seven Hatorah’s of Isaiah. St, Peter, St. Andrew, John and Jesus all lived around here.on Lake Tibereas. It deeply feels like my home, as much as my wonderful house on Drummond St. in Vicksburg, MS, feels like home to me. And, in the area around it there is a good place to fish. Here in Israel, Lake Galilee is a good to place to fish because fish lay their eggs on its shores, around Vicksburg it is because of the many fishing ponds and lakes around the backwater floods here when the winding Mississippi River reaches flood stage. Because of the water resource problems in Israel, there didn’t seem to be any danger here of flooding from the water overtopping the shores of Lake Galilee into this ancient, venerable, important teaching site sacred to Christian Judaism.
“Comfort my people, [those in ourprayergroup that we pray with], says your God, Speak tenderly to him or her, tell them they have served their term and their sins are pardoned.”,
then 2) Parashas Ekev (“And, if you do obey these rules and observe them faithfully.”)
along with Isaiah chapter 49, verse 14 to chapter 51, verse 3,
then 3) Parashas R’ei (“See this day I have put before you with these rules and teachings the two-fold blessing and curse”
Isaiah, chapter 54, verse 11 to chapter 55,verse 5,
then 4) Parashas Shoftim (“You shall appoint magistrates and judges”).
Isaiah, chapter 51, verse 12 to chapter 52, verse 12,
then, 5) Ki Teitzei “When you take the field against your enemies.”
along with, Isaiah, chapter 54, verses 1 to 10,
then, 6) Ki Tavo “When you enter the land the Lord, your God is giving you.”, along with Isaiah chapter 60. verses 1-22,
then, 7) Nitzavim “You stand, this day, before the Lord your God” along with Isaiah,chapter 61, verse 10 to chapter 63, verse 9.
You can find many more details of the standard commentary on these verses in the book ‘Haftarah Commentary’ and ‘The Torah a Modern Commentary’ by Gunther Platt or on the online website http//
The joy that is in this song proceeds from my mouth to thank, to praise, to glorify my creator.
Haray…nay m’zamen et pay l’hodot ul’halayl ul’shabe..ach et bor’ee.
Baruch shamar v’hayah holam. Baruch Hu.
Blessed is the One by whose speech the world came to be. Blessed is He.
Baruch oseh b’raysheet.
Blessed is the One who creates everything.
Baruch omayr v’oseh.
Blessed is the One who creates by speaking.
Baruch gozayr vm’kayaym.
Blessed is the One who sustains by decreeing.
Baruch m’rachaym al ha…retz.
Blessed is the One who has mercy on the earth.
Baruch m’racharm al hb’rayyot.
Blessed is the One who has mercy on all creatures
Baruch m’shalaym shachar tov leerayav
Blessed is the One who rewards those who fear him.
Baruch chay lad v’kyam l’ne…tzach.
Blessed is the One who lives forever and endures for all eternity.
Baruch phodeh vmatzeel. Baruch sh’mu.
Blessed is the One who saves by redeeming. Blessed is His name.
* here are some thoughts and comments on this wondelful prayer, gained after many years of praying it: Among many of the purposes and benefits of this prayer
it helps us better understand how our faith is “The light of the One increasing”.
The One God in this prayer is undivided, but he is also an individual inside
of multiplicity. He speaks as well as acts. That is He does what He says, acting by speaking (decreeing). He has created all of us…and, He is compassionate to us all as different types of beings. Thus, when we dedicate
the merits of our own actions to the glorification and sanctification of His Name, YAH YHWH ADONAI SABBAOTH, we are at the same time dedicating them for the benefit of “all sentient beings.” We have preserved in Him the name of a responsible person that we can dedicate the merit of our work to… not just an absolute consciousness inside of us all. Our God is both the “Totum Bonum” (total good) and the “Summum Bonum” (highest good). This prayer affirms that, for us, He cannot have one of these titles and purposes without the other; and not the other without this one.
He or she who has God’s love in their heart and knows the total good that God has placed in our souls and spirits…they are themselves a source and blessing of His or Her hope and this Good unto others.
He or she who has God’s love in their heart and knows the highest good that God has placed in our souls and spirits…they are themselves a source and blessing of His or Her faith and this Good unto others.
(to be said upon arising)
My God, the soul you have placed… within me it is pure. You created it; You formed it; You breathed it into me; You keep it within me; and You will eventually take it from me… and return it to me in the time to come. So long as my soul is within me, I gratefully acknowledge your presence… Adonay my God and my ancestor’s God, Master of all creation, Lord of all souls, Blessed are you, Adonay, who restores souls to dead corpses.
In the prayers below you will note an important change from the current standard Jewish prayer book translations of these prayers, in addition to different transliteration schemes from the standard Ashkenazi. The Name of God YHWH Adonai, has the Pythagorean Christian Russian Christian Zionist, tetragrammaton Name of God YHWH placed before the Name of God Adonai in the prayers. This is because before reaching this point in our prayer we should have already sanctified the Name of God YHWH at the top chakra of the Holy Spirit coming down from Heaven to Earth to help us in our prayers. This is in accordance with Jesus Christ’s procedures in the Lord’s Prayer where he instruct to sanctify the Name of God YHWH, as standard procedure like He wore on the Essence Tefillam Shema prayers that He started then, His, Jesus Christ’s prayers, then, and still does now, every day.
Elohay n’shamah shenataeta… bee t’horah hee. Atah boratah, atah yotzeratah, atah n’pachtah, v’atah m’smarah b’keer’bee, v’atah ateed l’talah meem’ehnay… v’l’hachazeerah bay l’ateed l’bo. Kal z’man shehan’shamah v’ker’bee modeh aenee l’pneach… Adonay elohay v’elohay a’botay, rabon kal h’maeseem aedon kal n’shamot. Baruch atah adonay ham’chaezayr n’smot l’pgadeem mateem.
1) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler…of the Universe who opens… the eyes of the blind.
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam, pokay’ach eevreem.
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam malbeesh aerumeem
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam mateer aesureem.
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam zokayf k’fufeem
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam rokay h’aretz al ham’ayeem
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam sheasah lay kal tsar’kay
7) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who makes firm our steps.
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam hamaycheen meetsaday g’aver
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam ozer Israel b’gevurah
9) Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who crowns Israel with glory.
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam oter Israel b’teefarah
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h’olam h’noten layoayf poaych.
slumber from my eyelids.
Baruch atah YHWH Adonay, gomayl h’asadaym tobaym l’amo Israel.
If you want to visit the area, why not stay around the corner of the Sea of Galilee in the Scots Hotel, St. Andrew’s hotel in Tiberias like we did, where they have an adjoining church, now with an 2018 prayer calendar, and beautiful garden grounds, and delicious, good gourmet food in the restaurant.
In the back of the hotel there is a history room honoring the Scottish missionary doctors who came to the region to help and conduct evangelism in the 19th or early 20th centuries.
And, you will also want to visit the Mt. of Beatitudes using the hotel as a base.
Jesus teachings on the Mt. Beatitudes may have come from studying and performing the above prayers every day: His teachings should also be prayed in the morning in the correct order as given in the Bible, as a Daily Hallel, a Ashre prayer, an affirmation about how God’s greatness, goodness, Kingship, dwells in us as a Holy Spirit, in order to help us best find happiness.
Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
The Beatitudes
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Some thoughts and words I told St. Mary and others of the group visiting the Church of Annunciation, Palm Sunday trip, March 2018:
The purpose of visiting this place is to listen and be silent, in order to hear the still small voice of God, and what He is telling you here. “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you”,You can talk the talk, but if you do not listen you are not walking the walk.
The boat was discovered in the mud on the shore of the Sea of Galilee-Lake Kinneret, in January 1986, by two kibbutz members of kibbutz En Gev. It is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the kibitzers because of the endless stream of tourist money it will generate for the kibbutz. It should be thought as a blessing left for the current inhabitants of area by the former Christian Jewish people who lived there, the souls of Saint Andrew, Saint Peter, and Jesus Christ still living and dwelling here in this place similar to the way they did so long ago.
In order to “raise it up” from the sea bottom where the mud had acted as a preserving agent for it, to bless us visiting it in the new millennium, at first a small pit was dug around the boat and the mud cleared within it. Mud was removed from numerbered boxes within it. The pit was deepened and enlarged and a suspended platform constructed to enable the excavators to dig without causing damage to the boat. While the excavation was in progress a constant spray of water was maintained to protect it from exposure to direct sunlight. Fiberglass ribs were installed between the original frames and the craft was filled with polyurethane foam. Tunnels were dug and filled with the foam which hardened to serve as external supports and encase it in a fiberglass cocoon. A tiled reinforced concrete pool was built to shelter it during the conservation process. Finally a steam shovel cleared a channel from where it was resting to allow it to float to the present exhibit area where it is now on display to the public.
The original construction of the boat, as compared to other mediterranean vessels of this classical period, turned out to be quite fascinating in itself. The keel and planking had bee edge-joined in the classical fashion using mortise and tenon joints locked on place with tapered hardwood pegs. There are twelve wood types that comprise the boat: christ thorn, carob, aleppo pine, hawthorn, cedar, tabor oak, sycamore, laurel, willow, judas tree, plane tree, atlantic terebinth. The frames were made from naturally curved tree crooks and branches, mainly oak and provided transverse support. The vessel provides a major contribution to the study of water transport and the history of the Galilee area.
This type of boat was surely that from which Jesus taught the crowds and also gave his famous advice to Simon Peter: “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch” Simon answered: “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing! But, at your word I will lower the nets. When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets started to tear.”
Figure 8 The River Jordan, flowing out from the southeast corner of the Sea of Galilee southwards at the Yardenit Christian pilgrimage site. Perhaps it is where Jesus was baptized by John, perhaps, being a spiritual descendant of
To the southeast from here across the river Jordan is the Mt. Gilead region in Jordan which Moses gave to the tribe of Gad and the tribe of Manasseh, which fell to Machir Manasseh’s firstborn, who became the father of Gilead Joshua 17:1, 22:9Joshua, who followed Moses in our sequence of types of Christ, stepped over the River Jordan on twelve stones each representing the 12 tribes of Israel, We have the verse of the book ofJeremiah, 50:19 “I will bring Israel again to its pasture, and he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan, and his soul shall be satisfied on the hills of Ephraim and Gilead.”Jeremiah 8:22“Is there no balm in Gilead?Is there no physic there?Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?”Hosea 6:8 “Gilead is a city of whose who work iniquity it is stained with blood.”Amos 1:3 Thus says YHWH: “For three transgressions of Damascus, yes, for four, I will not turn away its punishment; because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron.”
Contemplative prayer and meditation for spiritual enlightenment, salvation, freedom from suffering and ills can be thought of as crossing a river of eternal, semi-eternal life, from earth on one side to an eternal kingdom of heaven in and on earth on the other side.
traditional afro-african southern us spirituals:
“Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?Are your garments spotless?Are they white as snow?Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?”
“Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen,nobody knows but Jesus.Glory Hallelujah.:
“There is a balm in Gilead to make the wound-ed whole.There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul.Some-times I feel discouraged, and think my work’s in vain.But, then the Holy spirit re-vives my soul a-gain.
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wound-ed whole.There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul.
If you can’t preach like Peter,If you can’t pray like Paul,Just tell the love of Jesus,And say He died for all.”Don’t ever feel discouraged.For Je-sus is your friend.Who if you ask for knowledge,will never fail to lend.
Here is one of my favorites from “Gospel Songbook Book3 by Madonna WoodsDavidson’s Music, Inc.
“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mind;O’ what a foretaste of glory divine!Heir of Salvation, purchase of God.Born of the Spirit, washed in the blood.This is my story, This is my song,Praising my Savior,all the day long.This is my story. This is my song,Praising my Savior,all the day long.”
Here are some more upbeat spiritual Gospel songs from Southern America about experiencing and crossing the River Jordan:
I want to go to heaven when I die,
To hear old Jordan roll.
O,brothers, you ought-er been there,
A sittin’ in the Kingdom, to hear old Jordan roll.
Yes, my Lord.
O,sisters, you ought-er been there,
a sitt-in’ in the River, to hear old Jordan roll.
I want to go to heaven when I die,
to hear old Jordan roll.
Yes, my Lord,
O,preachers, you ought-er been there,
a sitt-in’ in the River, to hear old Jordan roll.
I want to go to heaven when I die,
to hear old Jordan roll.
Yes, my Lord,
O,sinners, you ought-er been there,
a sitt-in’ in the River, to hear old Jordan roll.
I want to go to heaven when I die,
to hear old Jordan roll.
Yes, my Lord,”
Figure with no number or date: “Well, I looked over Jordan,
and what did I see.?”
Photo by Cheryl Resh
“Well, I looked over Jordan and what did I see,
coming for to carry me home?
A band of angels a-comin after me.
com-in for to carry me home.
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home.
Swing low, sweet chariot,
Coming for to carry me home.
If you get there before I do,
Comin’ for to carry me home.
Tell all my friends I’m coming, too,
Comin’ for to carry me home
The brightest day that I can say,
Coming for to carry me home,
When Jesus washed my sins away,
Coming for to carry me home.”
“Michael row the boat ashore, hallelujahsister trim the sails, hallelujah.
Jordan’s river is deep and wide, hallelujah.Meet my mother on the other side, hallelujah.
ordan’s river is chilly and cold, hallelujah.Chills the body, but not the soul, hallelujah”
A teaching from the ancient Holy City of Safed Israel
The town if full of shops selling jewery, artwork, calligraphyt
Photo due to Cheryl Resh
It consists of a short dialogue between God and Moses after his soul finally became a Saint, through redemption in Jesus Christ, and ascended to heaven.
The 1000 year old, but not 3000 year old teaching of these Kabbalists asserting that God is a Verb, and hence by sin of omission that He is only a Verb, can be found in the book Shulcan Aruch (prepared table0, Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation), and the Torah commentary Zohar.
Here is my parable about it:
God said, “How are you doing old friend, what is my Name?”, then Moses said: “Your Name Lord God Almighty is a verb that says “I AM WHO I AM, OR I AM THAT I AM.”
But, God said, “No, you got it wrong, my Name is not only a verb, which by itself is not a sentence or Truth or the Truth which my Name is, but My Name is “ IAM the Way (a verb), the Truth (a sentence), and the Life ( a person).”
“I guess I AM going to have to send My Only Son, as a person, down to heaven on earth to be the Life and the Way, in order that all humanity can be Truth or the Truth as well as you and I.”
“The Temple Mount, where the First and Second Jewish Temples once stood, is the holiest place for the Jewish people.
( comments from Andrew: To give equal time to Ron and many other orthodox conservative and reform Jews who don’t believe this, they claim that when the Temple was destroyed the Presence of God left the place and since that time it was transferred to the Western Wall, God instantiated in space and time as a wall, an obstacle to us attaining our spiritual goals and perfections.. But, I believe that our God is much more omnipresent and compassionate than that, instantiating Himself as as perfect “emptiness” a “righteous dharma Truth” as the Quran foretells and seals to help Muslims learn about Him, even though they claim it is impossible to “know” Him in the fullness of Truth in Him that His Son Jesus became and still is, or definitely not in whatever or some sense that we want to spiritually. Perhaps the ancient temple of Herod or Solomon will be rebuilt in the future. I do not know, and so far it has not been given to me to prohesize about this. So far, from talking to God about it a little, it seems to me He is satisfied with the current situation in which Israel has been restored to His Homeland, his descendants are as manifold as the stars, and the Throne of Christ, God’s Only Son Jesus Christ has been restored inside the hearts and minds of those who believe in Him and call upon Him as their Savior and Lord of all.)
Today, two famous houses of prayer – the al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock – the third holiest site for Muslims – reside on the Temple Mount. For the Jews, the Temple Mount – Mount Moriah – is sanctified by the belief that here God’s divine presence (the Shchina, in Hebrew) resides for eternity.1 For Muslims, “Haram esh-Sharif” (“the Noble Sanctuary”) – the Arabic term for the Temple Mount – is sanctified by Muslims’ belief that adjacent to where the al-Aqsa mosque stands was the destination of the Prophet Mohammed’s Night Journey from Mecca to Jerusalem on his winged steed (al-Buraq) and that it was from this spot that the Prophet ascended to heaven.
the Mount was transformed into a religious-national symbol for all Muslims and became a hub of protracted national and religious conflict between the Jewish world and the State of Israel, and the Muslim world, the Arab states, and the Palestinian public. Over the years, the conflict over the Temple Mount has been the catalyst for many waves of violence and terrorism.
Despite the fact that the State of Israel respects the sanctity of the Temple Mount for Muslims, limits Jewish visitors, and even prevents the exercise of Jewish rights at the site, Muslims deny any Jewish historic and religious connection to the Temple Mount and harass Jews who visit there. In April 2016, after a request from the Palestinian Authority, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an organization dedicated to protecting heritage and culture worldwide, handed down a decision to no longer use the term “Temple Mount,” but to only refer to the area as “Al-Aqsa.”
Figure 12 One of several Ancient Mikveh sites in the ancient community of Essenses who lived in Qumran. These meditators and prophets were an exiled sect from the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. There writings were found preserved in the the caves surronding the archeological ruins. They were sheep and goat herders, eating meat had the first Jewish head and arm Tefillim that we have uncovered. We think, John the Baptist, the originator of our Baptist religion was a trained member. And, that he Baptised Jesus, who was of the line of David, into their beliefs. The mikveh, like modern day ones, have a series of steps that you used to descend slowly into almost total immersion.
If you believe that Saints are real people living today among us you can meditate on the candles of the Menorah as types of Christ, branches of righteousness in God’s Eternal Tree of Life.
What are the liberal Protestant theological beliefs required to understand how people’s eternal soul’s can be living Saints among us? I believe you have to be a mathematical theologian like Plato and me and believe that numbers have a reality inside of people and us and the World. During October we will be studying some of the complicated details of this theology starting from my review of UC Berkeley philosophy professor’s Oxford U. Press book “On What Matters” which states the opposite arguments for a logical positivist approach to theology and ethics which I don’t believe.
See for a posting of this review at our amateur theological website. For an opposite theological view, but, a conservative Protestant one, you might want to read Dennis P. Hollinger’s book “Head, Heart and Hands:Bringing Together Christian Thought, Passion and Action” which tries to argue that all this complicated “head” theology is not needed.
Speaking of how God’s Name indwells us and our Names as a Eternal Tree of Life:
On the Sabbath March 24, we visited Yad Vashem the Jewish memorial to six million Jews who perished during the Holecaust.
Scultpure art work in Yad Vashem garden area.
Picture of Moses leading the Israelites across the Nile. Cheryl took the photo. I think it is from an art shop in Safed.
I was inspired spontaneously to reply:
“God does not play favorites. (whether or not He plays dice}”
I guess I should have said, “God does not always play favorites”, sorry Ron
This area from which the picture was took looks toward Mount Morah, Genesis 22:4-5, where Abraham first saw Jerusalem and from where tradition says that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his Son Isaac. It is in this chapter of Genesis in this place where God’s Name Most sacred four-letter name YHWH appears in the Old Testament used as YHWH Yireh or God will provide, or God will provide by seeing, or God will provide by guiding us toward this providence.
Children drawing water from “Mary’s Spring” in Jerusalem.
There was, and also still is I hope, a “Mary’s Spring” in Nazareth which was worshipped by Christian pilgrims in the Middle Ages. But, Christian Jews, because of this place’s association with movements of the “Ark” and also John the Baptist’s birthplace, should consider the one in Jerusalem of very special significance.
Also on this west side, not visible is the village of Ein Karem (the “spring of the vineyard” the childhood home of John the Baptist, who is another main forerunner of Christ, and which has a nice restaurant and water well, Mary’s spring*. According to Jewish Christian tradition, before Israel in the wilderness broke camp to conduct movement [the same Blessed Spiritual movements of our souls forward in the world which now occurs on Pentecost/Shavuous just as it did after Jesus was crucified and resurrected) supernatural healing waters surrounded and separated different parts of the encampment into a Divine, Holy Spirit order for movement]. Five churches the visitation church for the annunciation of John, Russian and Greek Orthodox monasteries, and a Catholic monastery of Notre Dame. We visited this site earlier in the previous day for a light lunch. Even today, the Holy Spirit directs Christians Jews forward as a Shepherd, Jesus Christ indwelling us being the first fruits of this Divine Comforter, Director forward of our soul’s movements in Eternal Time.
Garden and Pool area in the Courtyard of the King David Hotel, of the Dan Hotel chain in Israel, across the Valley from the Jaffa Gate where if you walk across to it and enter, you will encounter many Muslim shops and vendor stalls in the narrow walk way to the Via Dolorosa and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Between that and the western wall is the King David Hotel near the Jaffa Gate where we stayed. The Garden of Gethsemane and Mount of Olives are near and off to the right,
Now, back to how to invoke God’s Name as a Holy Spirit comforting and guiding us forward on
This area from which the picture above overlooking Jerusalem looks toward Mount Morah, Genesis 22:4-5, where Abraham first saw Jerusalem and from where tradition says that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his Son Isaac. It is in this chapter of Genesis in this place where God’s Name Most sacred four-letter name YHWH appears in the Old Testament used as YHWH Yireh or God will provide, or God will provide by seeing, or God will provide by guiding us toward this providence.
In invoking God’s Name in this way there is a Biblical sequence of prayer contemplation and meditation: 1) YHWH Shammah or the Lord is Present as a Presence or I AM God, 2) YHWH Yireh, the Lord is our Providence of Faith, and sustenance , initiating it in us, 3) YHWH Naseh the Lord is our upholder, our supporter the One who catches us when we fall, 4) YHWH Rohi The Lord is our guide or shepherd, 5) YHWH Nissi, the Lord is high and lifted up as our banner who lifts the road up to follow in front of us and keeps us pointed in that direction, 6) YHWH Mekadishem The Lord is our Sanctifier, 7) YHWH Tzedkanu the Lord is our righteousness, All these seven uses of the Lord’s Name in the Old testament have their Biblical chapters and verses, and can even be meditated on as prayer centers in the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you, see elsewhere in the Bible and in our Jewish Christian prayer site posting and discussion areas for more on this.
Why in the Lord’s prayer do we say first “Lord may thy Kingdom come, and then Lord may thy will be done.”
We say this first because if we want to know God through our own prayer words, through the knowledge, coming down from Him or Her indwelling in our topmost Chakra, the thousand lotus pedal Sahasraha spiritual center to which our souls ascend to heaven above us when we die and come back down again in themselves inside of us, still indwelling as spiritual knowledge of God as part of the Eternal soul’s going through karma in the bardello, if we have any, Jesus didn’t, and back down toward the divine lotus feet of what has already happened to us, now in this life and also in our past lives, in order to be known as divine truth indwelling as a glorification up there in heaven and down here on earth in our souls eternally we first need to have the Divine Name YHWH instantiated well and known well in us first, then later the knowledge happens as the spiritual instantiates itself for the second and third time in a divine truth or logical syllogism which has three comings, three happenings and then more, 1,2,3, infinity in me and also you.
Here, for instance, is an arrangement of some of them, inset in verses from the Book of Micah, in the important Tashlich, washing away, prayers said a couple of days before the Jewish High Holy Days prayers each New Year:
In distress I called(YAH) upon YAH,
with abounding relief (YHWH Nasi…Levicticus) YAH answered me,
YHWH is with me (Emmanuel of the Book of Isaiah)
I do not fear (YHWH Rohi Psalm 23)
What can man do to me? (YHWH Eloheynu Psalm 99:8)
YHWH is for me (YHWH Rapheka Exodus 15:20)
So I shall see the downfall of my enemies (YHWH Mekeddeshem Exodus 1:13)
It is better to take refuge in YHWH (YHWH Sabaoth Samuel 1:1) than to rely one man
It is better to take refuge in YHWH than to rely on princes (YHWH Adonai).
Yah, O God, who is like you (beyond wisdom, enthroned in wisdom inside of all of us)?
Who pardons iniquity (YHWH Elohim full of grace, immanence, and understanding)
and overlooks transgression (El…The Lord most high, raised up, and full of mercy)
for the remnant of his heritage (Strong and upholding justice)?
Who has not retained His wrath eternally. ( YHWH Sabaoth….Patient)
For he desires kindness (YHWH Elohim.. Obedient)!
He will again be merciful to us (YHWH YHWH… the beauty and glory of what is beautiful and glorifiable…when God is One, His Truth is One, when God is Two His Truth is Two, when God is Three His Truth is You)_,
He will suppress our iniquities (El Shaddai The Holy One of Israel, Blessed be He).
And, cast into the depths of sea all our sins (YHWH Adonai… The Lord God Himself, Yourself as an indwelling Holy Spirit);
Grant Truth to Jacob (YHWH Rohi… The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, He leads me, peacefully, in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s Sake. Psalm 23),
kindness to Abraham (YHWH Nissi, The Lord is my banner, the shield and blessing of Abraham which protects us from harm. Exodus 17:15)
As you swore to our fathers (YHWH Yireh… The Lord shall be the One who sees the Christ in us
and provides for us Genesis 22:8-14)
YHWH Shammah (The Lord is present in His temple among us Ezekiel 48:35).
Just around the corner in the Garden of Gethsemee from this area is where Jesus prayed before he was condemned and crucified. You might wonder whether Jesus also thought at this point whether God was only testing Him here as He did Abraham requiring Him only to sacrifice His Son, only to be told at the last minute that it wouldn’t be required. But, we know that Jesus had already understood all of this, that the sacrifice would be his life as well as his Son when he confronted Satan in the wilderness trying to convince that total obedience to God in this wouldn’t be necessary.
You can see parts of the old city of David, and the Jewish Quarter, some of the gates of the Eastern Wall, the Dung Gate with the Hurva Signagogue on its left, where you enter to go up to the Dome of the Rock, and a corner of the Western Wall.
On a clear day you can see forever. When we pray contemplatively for this we declare YHWH Shammah YHWH Yireh, God is present, God sees for us. A lot of what we see contemplatively is through dreams. Or in what the Buddhists call a semi-ambulatory enhanced light state that prophets that ancient and current day prophets spend a lot of time in while they are praying contemplatively.
There is a fascinating discussion of the Church on the National Geographic Explore Channel program Secrets of Christ’s tomb on the 1016-17 excavation and restorations which were conducted t the Church of the Holy Sepuchlar.. In the center of the rotunda of the main floor of the church is a structure called the aedicule which contains the tomb under a vault which had not been opened for restoration for thousands of years until then It contains a Crusader cross carved about 1100 AD, but the main rock has been dated back to 300 AD confirming that it was probably built by Constantine. On the second level of the Church is said to be the site of Golgotha itself where the cross stood. It is hard not to be suspicious that these two sites are inside the same Church, that the cross is is so close to the tomb. But, its possible.
The building and the aedicule has been damaged by fires during the Muslim conquest which occurred befoee the Crusaders were in charge. But, now it has been restuored and shored up structurally so that it is safe to go it. There was also a brief mention of the new discovery of a possible tunnel escape route, hewn out of the solid rock 30 feet below the crypts and caves and with a staff straight up leading out. Was this tunnel part of Constnatine construction in the Church or did it exist earlier in the time of Christ Ron didn’t get into any of this, I wonder if he is aware of it. When we arrived it was 1155 on Palm Sunday and the procession of the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem was just departing after the Mass. Ron took us into the Syrian chapel where Joseph of Arimathea’s crypt is and where the mass was conducted and we lit candles.
TO THE HOLY LAND (MARCH 20-26, 2000)
Sunday, 26 March 2000
Figure 11Mosaic inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchar which encompasses inside itself the ground on which Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and the tomb of Joseph of Arimethea where he was buried and resurrected. That is if you don’t believe General Gordon who instituted a Garden Tomb across the city, It does seem a little suspicious that they would have crucified him so close to the tomb where he was resurrected.
Here are some “Mug Shot” cell phone photos, my friend Herb took of us (some earlier in the trip on the bus and other stops) as we passed through Christ’s tomb, in that place (Calvary), at that time (Palm Sunday):
Figure 12 Picture taken from inside the crypt of Joseph of Arithemeia itself where our Lord and Savior was entombed nearby and rose again after dying in order to save us all. I lite a candle in the antechamber next to the tomb and said the prayer:
Some of the skins used to make the tent which held the Holy Presence and the Ark of the Covenant were made of Dolphin skins. This was to remind us of the happy days at sea sporting with these creatures. And, even today as I write this (May 20,2018) and pray the Akdamus Shavuous prayer there is a story on national TV about the happy births of several families of dophins in a bay on the USA Gulf Coast and pictures of fisherman enjoying and watching them jump out of the water, sing their happy songs of chirping as they sport with those other human souls watching them. Perhaps they are sharing with us in the joy of answered prayer of Carol Wojtyla an I from back in August of 1997 when Princess Diana died so tragically in a car wreck. Prayers for healing and recovery of blessings and well-being of the British Royal families’ line of succession through Queen Elizabeth who prayed with my mother and step-father often.
Candle someone lite in the antechamber to the cave of Jesus’ entombment. I think it was me. Photo by Cheryl.
Figure 21 Palm Sunday Light from the sky over Jerusalem Israel on our Lord’s final place of entombment, before ascension back to heaven 49 days in the Omer prayer count later on Shavuous, Pentecost
*But, not necessarily forever, even if you are a Catholic. I need to be careful here to respect the fact that it certainly seems like it was in Karol Wojtyla during year 2000, and still is to a great degree. Karol’s birthday, re-birth day, by the way, is May 18, one day before the Christian Jewish Holy Spirit re-brith in us day, Shavuous, this year, on our prayer group 2018 Calendar.
who neither know who they are, or who is leading them, or why, or how. It is controlled by unrighteous teachers and priests, unrighteous in both what they have done and what they have not done, in whether they have tried to do too much without asking God for help, or too little, whether they have asked the rest of us who have God inside of us for help too much or too little, in what they have believed and what they have not believed, whether they have tried to believe too much without asking God to help them, or too little, whether they have asked the rest of us who have God inside of them for help too much or too little, unrighteous politicians, unrighteous preachers and evangelists, halfway committed to helping you, answering your prayer letters with faith and hope, and love, committed and willing to pray with you, and discussing things with you, and listening to you, as long as you send them money, that is, who do not know what they think they know, whether it has been told to them by God or not in the Bible, or in other Holy Scriptures, or in private while they are praying with Him, what they think they know, most of the time.
This world, and hence if we are going to place heaven inside of it and us, with God’s help, is not only an unthinking machine, a runaway train controlled by no one, or is it a clockwork universe that computes time in only one direction…forward. We now know that it, the World we live in, is what is called a “complex system” having the ability to adapt when you change it, like us, but not clocks. It is diverse, not being made up of everybody thinking the same way, as some people have claimed heaven on earth is or should be. It is interconnected in its diverse parts, like we are, but an unthinking machine is not. it is robust, you can change it, it can collapse or die, like we can, but a lot of objects can not, and it will still survive.
The World, We The World, by itself, will eventually pass away for a lot of us, when we reach heaven on this earth. we will become men and woman of God, dwelling with Him or Her, and depending usually only on Him or Her for our help. We will become “Andrews” or “”Andreas” to use an ancient Greek name an individual human person dwelling in heaven or on earth or in heaven on earth, or an angel, or a Saint dwelling in heaven or on earth or heaven in earth, who is created by Him or Her, dwells with Him or Her, and lives their lives doing what comes from, is, of Him or Her. But, it remain for other’s who haven’t accepted and learned their own salvation, wisdom, and understanding God is constantly helping to teach them.
The recent interest in the science, not the religion, of systems has come up with an interesting discovery. In the system theory of developing, self-emerging, and non-self-emerging systems (such as the study of the human history of Christian theology for example) it is possible for group knowledge systems to do better in increasing in self-emergence, and self-improving if not everyone fits into one class of enlightened beings, eg the class of knowing that you know. If you divide those that know that they know from those that don’t know that they know the system can reach what is called a “Nash equilibrium in economic game theory” or for one single rich and powerful executive, like a King or a Pope, or even a President, to attain a local Mt. Fuji, single peak optimum, and the system as a whole, while individuals or the group discourage those not there by shaming them excessively about little things that happen, in order to keep the new attainers from trying to upset those already at the top, the system as a whole, gets stuck in these local peaks before it actually attains its full potential in its maximal global and not local equilibrium.
That’s why our wise fore-fathers in the US put “balance of power” provisions in the US Constitution.
IIt takes a lot of advanced mathematics to fully explain this but most of us have an intuitive experiential understanding, that pastors or preachers or evangelists that claim to “know it all” whether they claim this knowledge comes from the Bible, an unbroken line of spiritual descent passed on through a special priesthood, or other supernatural experiences, and who don’t want to take the time to listen much to us, or discuss things in groups or individually with us, or don’t want to keep track with us whether our prayers with them are answered or not, who want to us to do work for them, and they not do any work to help us, aren’t the ones that make the best healers or spiritual helpers solving any really hard spiritual problems we have.
Subject: Kaddish
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 2/21/2009 12:06:31 PM
A full Kaddish combined with a rabbi’s Kaddish for Christians who study the Torah, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah and pray the Amidah***** (for those who pray it, may it be a sealing, filling, anointing of the Holy Spirit inside of us)
preliminary notes on the transliteration scheme used for this translation of the Kaddish as it compares to the more tranditional Ashkenazi Hebrew to English one:
Ashkenazi English ei iff ay (iff is a mathematician’s shorthand for if and only if) s iff t bb iff bh w iff silent h at end of word ee iff e or i v iff b u iff o
Yit’gadal v’yit’kadash sh’mayh raba.
May (God’s) great name grow sanctified in us
B’alama de b’ra cheer’otayh.
In the world that he created and willed.
V’yam’laych mal’chotayh, b’chayaychon v’b’yomaychon
May he establish this sovereignity in your lifetime and in your days.
vb’chayay d’chal bayt Is’raayl.
And in the lifetimes of all Israel.
B’agala vbhz’man karayv
May these days (that have been foretold) come quickly and soon.
v’am’ru: Amen (here the people say amen)
Y’hay sh’mehh raba m’barach l’olam vl’al’may al’maya.
May his great name be blessed in the universe inside of that which flourishes (or prospers) inside of the flourishing (prosperity)
Yit’barach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar v’yitromam v’yitnashay v’yithadar v’yitalehh v’yithalal sh’mayh d’khuhd’sha b’rayach Hu
(B’rayach Hu – Cong.)
Blessed and praised and glorified and exalted and supported and strengthened and raised up and praised Holy in worshipful song be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He. (here the congregation says Blesed be He)
L’ayla meen khal beer’cata v’shayrata tuhsh’bh’chata v’nehchehmata,
Though its well-being flourishes beyond all blessings and songs…praises and consolations.
damayran b’al’ma. Vam’ru: amayn. (amayn-cong.)
That are said where it prospers (or flourishes)…now we say Amen (here the congregation says amen).
Kabayl b’rachmaym vbh’ratzon et t’pheelatanu. Accept our prayers with compassion and favor (cong.)
Teet’paybayl tz’lot’hon v’bhaot’hon d’chal bayt Yisrael kadam Abohon day bheeshamay.
May the prayers of all Israel be accepted by their Father in Heaven.
Al Yish’raayl v’al rabbanayn. V’al tal’maydayhon v’al khal tal’mayday tal’maydayhon. Va’ khal man d’as’qayn b’oray’ta, dhay b’at’ra hadayn v’day b’khal atar v’atar.
Upon Israel, upon the teachers, their disciples and all of their disciples and upon all those who engage in the study of Torah, who are here or anywhere else.
Y’heh l’hon vl’chon sh’lama rbha, cheena v’chees’dha v’rach’mayn, v’chayayn adaychayn, vm’zonay r’vaychay, v’phehr’aqana meen k’adam abohon dhay beesh’maya (v’araa). V’am’ru: amayn. (amayn – cong.)
May they and you have abundant peace, grace, kindness, mercy, long life, ample nourishment, and salvation from before their Father who is in heaven (and on earth). Now we say Amen (here the congregation says amen)
Y’hay sh’alma raba meen Sh’maya, v’chayaym (tobaym) alaynu v’al chal Yish’rael v’eem’ru: amayn. (amayn-cong.)
May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life(goodness) upon us and upon all Israel. (here the congregation says amen…) amen.
Asehh shalom bheem’romayav, Hu bh’rachamayav y’ashehh shalom alay…yanu v’al chal Yeesh’raayl. V’eem’ru. (amen- cong.)
May He who makes peace in the high heavens, may He, in His compassion, make peace upon us, and upon all Israel. (here the congregation responds amen) Amen.
*****The Kaddish is somewhat of a different prayer than the Kaddosh (some of the Kaddosh prayers are included the April 10 posting of this blog). This posting has the Amidah with its 18 intentions and requests said to God to give us knowledge of him, his Son, his Holy Spirit in us and their will for us for our repentance, forgiveness, redemption, complete healing, a good year, justice for us, peace in and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, answers to our personal intentions, and thankfulness for the nearness of his Son the anointed One, the Christ to us and all Israel during the year. According to tradition the Amidah needs this full Kaddish to come after it for its completion…the earlier blog posting also includes the Baruch shamar v’hayah holam..omayr v’oseh, Baruch Hu (the blessing of the One who acts as well as speaks and by whose speech the world came to be), the Ha El, Et Shem, and Shoken Ad prayers and the Yishtabach which embellish and add to the Kaddosh) The Kaddish blesses God in all directions (10 in fact) inside and outside of the present moment in the world to come on earth and in heaven (above, below, around…past, present, future). Thus when we say it we don’t request a change in our situation only our awareness or mindfulness of our circumstances in it. The Kaddosh blesses God and exalts God in an upwardly direction toward his throne or most high place in the heavenly realms. All study of the Torah, all blessing prayers of the departed souls of those near and dear us can benefit from a Kaddish. And, all prayers in which we request God’s help and providence in more human terms can benefit from a Kaddosh. This prayer is addressed to Christians because there are many complexities and traps involved in learning Judaism as a Christian and I believe this blessing is much needed nowadays to bless, help, and benefit us all together as servants of God. The full Kaddish which contains additional lines requesting Our Father in Heaven to hear and answer the prayers in the Amidah is,by tradition, said at the completion of this service. The rabbi’s Kaddish blesses us and our study of the Torah whether we are in Church (Temple or Synagogue) or not. Combining the two eliminates any confusion about whether we, who write these prayers, want all of the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are trying to learn things as they go along, to be answered.
Subject: further rules on the Kaddish
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 8/27/2009 10:51:33 AM
have been recited! Didn’t know this, But, since I have been doing it this way
already I guess I’m alright.
Subject: The mourner’s Kaddish
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 4/16/2014 10:30:09 AM
contains ten praises of God’s Name and is said to help someone’s soul be
blessed by us and God for happiness for a long time. It focuses (by omitting
the last lines in the prayer referring to the teacher’s and the communities
intentions) on praying for God’s unfullified purposes and promises in the
individual’s own intentions to be passed forward in us. So, by omitting the
last lines this prayer helps the whole community to slow itself down in order
that we might become more mindful of what the individual’s soul was trying to
accomplish for God here on earth and continue this forward. I am sure we said
this prayer for Jesus Christ as YHWH Yeshua, Yeshua YHWH, Jesus Christ when
He died on the cross and was resurrected, so I would heartily recommend it to
those who believe trusting in Him can also help there souls fulfill God’s
promises to them in the afterlife :
Here is a translation of it, part of which was taken from a Artscroll Mesorah
series book called the ‘Kaddish Prayer’
Each of the ten praises in Hebrew rhyme so they can work together and be
memorized better when we say them repeatedly. And you might want to study how
each of the ten types of Hebrew prayer praise words occur in other parts of
the overall service during the liturgical year.
May God’s great (Yitgadel) name be 1) exalted and 2) sanctified (Yiskadash)
May He establish His Kingship (and cause his salvation to sprout and bring
near His Messiah)
during our lifetime and during our days and during the lifetime of all of
Israel, swiftly and soon.
May His great Name be blessed forever and ever
3) Blessed (Yis’bawrach), 4)lauded (yishtabach), 5) glorified (yispawar), 6)
extolled (yisroman), 7)upraised (yisnassei), 8) honored (yis’hadaw), 9)
elevated (yisaleh), and praised (yishalawl) be the Name of the Holy One,
Blessed be He (even though it is)
beyond all blessings, songs, praises, and consolations that are uttered on
earth. (let the people say amen)
May there be abundant peace from Heaven and (good) life, upon us and upon all
Israel (let the people say amen)
May He who makes peace in His heights, may He (in His mercy) make peace upon
us and upon all those who follow His commandments.
Subject: the full 15 total levels of praise
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 4/16/2014 12:12:24 PM
with the 15 sometimes given and taught in the Passover Haggadah service.
According to tradition the 15 levels (and hence the 10 as part of them)
correspond to the steps in the Temple on which the levites sang Psalms during
the Holidays and the pilgrims approached the holiest part of the temple
The other levels given by God as spiritual gifts to those who worship Him
this way during the Passover Seder are:
Y’Shetabach ( a prayer of ascents… using fifteen expressions to God of song
and praise…to be said while standing)
Y’Shetabach sheem’ach laad mal’, ha ayl hameh..lech hagadol v’hakadosh,
basham..aym vba…retz.
May your name be praised forever, our King, high God,
our great and Holy King, in the heavens and on the earth.
L’ach…naeh Adonai E’lohaynu vAylohay a’botaynu,
For thanks befit thee, Adonay our God and God of our fathers,
Shayr vchabachah, halayl v’zeem’rah,
song and praise, uplifted praise and melody,
az vmehm’shalah neht…zach g’eduhlah vg’borah, t’heelah v’teeph’…ehreet,
strength and power, eternity, greatness and might, worship and beauty,
k’duhchah vmeel’chot, b’rachot, v’hodot maytah v’od olam.
holiness and dominion, blessings and praise, forever are in you.
Barch atah Adonah, ayl meh..lech gadol bateesh’bahot, ayl hahodaot,
Blessed are you Lord, high God, greatly lauded King, God of thankfulness,
Adon haneeph’laot, habochayr b’sheeray zeem’rah, meeh..lech ayl chay
Lord of wonders, Our God, our God of eternal life, who chooses melodious
1) majesty (Malchut), 2) song (Shir), 3) strength (gevurah), 4)power for
victorious eternal power, which we Christians have named ‘Victory in
Jesus'(netzach) 5) dominion (mem’shalah)
Article #392
Subject: Prayed by Jesus, repeated by us
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 2/16/2015 03:12:09 PM
Since it is usually accepted that this prayer predates the Life of Our Lord
Jesus Christ and is fundamental to the Jewish Prayer service, we can assume
and Jesus and His disciples, being good Jews prayed and meditated a lot on
the details of the meaning of it (and still do and will still in the future).
Let the people say Amen
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Article #401
Subject: Old Testament Hebrew, Aramaic sources of some of the text of the Kaddish
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 3/5/2015 10:34:48 AM
Tne Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 38
וְהִתְגַּדִּלְתִּי, וְהִתְקַדִּשְׁתִּי, וְנוֹדַעְתִּי, לְעֵינֵי גּוֹיִם רַבִּים; וְיָדְעוּ, כִּי-אֲנִי יְהוָה.
23 Thus will I magnify Myself, and sanctify Myself, and I will make
Myself known in the eyes of many nations; and they shall know that I am the
LORDThe Book of Daniel, Chapter 2
19 Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a vision of the night. Then
Daniel blessed the God of heaven.
כ עָנֵה דָנִיֵּאל, וְאָמַר–לֶהֱוֵא שְׁמֵהּ דִּי-אֱלָהָא מְבָרַךְ, מִן-עָלְמָא וְעַד עָלְמָא: דִּי חָכְמְתָא
וּגְבוּרְתָא, דִּי לֵהּ-הִיא.20 Daniel spoke and said: Blessed be the name of God from everlasting
even unto everlasting; for wisdom and might are His;
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Article #700
Subject: A minyan not required
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/17/2018 05:52:50 AM
Jesus Christ did not believe that a minyan .. ten people were required to pray the Kaddish when
He was Baptised by John, nor in the synagogue when he started His ministry, nor the mount of
beatitude, but there was , nor in the garden of gethsemine or the desert where there wasn’t, nor
did the Old Testament prophets in the mountains or the desert, nor should Christ Jesus, nor
should you anywhere you are .. for wherever you are I AM THERE, I AM WITH YOU FOREVER
Subject: Kaddish as the Holy Spirit
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 2/1/2016 07:46:44 AM
You might as well ask what is the Kaddish?
One short but adequate definition of both of them is :
The Holy Spirit is the Controller or Director of the Spirit of God as we know
it in us. [being a Spirit He/It is not a body and not a mind but something
that has Divine Energy and Life and “Knows” how to express Himself or Herself
for His and Our benefit outside of us and in us Eternally and in the Present
The Kaddish is an ancient way of helping us control the expression of God’s
Name in us.
Subject: Rabbi’s Kaddish
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 6/17/2018 05:03:13 AM
The full Kaddish contains the additional requests affirmations to our God YHWH Sabaoth that
“Upon Israel, upon the teachers, their disciples and all of their disciple and upon all of those who
engage in the study of the Torah (Old and New Testamens), who are here or anywhere else; may
they have abundant peace, grace, kindness, and mercy, long life, Emile nourishment, and
salvation from before their Father Who is in Heaven (and on earth) .Now respond, Amen. (Cont.
Up to now it has been taught put in these verse, Torah but from now we will all Old and New
Testaments. Now respond, AMEN (CONG. AMEN)
Since we are praying with the LordGod of Hosts here as an in dwelling Holy Spirit of multiple
instantiations of divine angels and human person in dwelling each of us here there can be no
question of whether any of us or all together we have a “minyan…tene” here at this point Now
Subject: Shavuos
Author: Andrew W. Harrell
Posted: 3/3/2009 01:58:50 PM
Subject: 49 great ideas/concepts (along with some additional prayers) to helpcount the omer from Passover to ShavuosAuthor: Andrew W. HarrellPosted: 9/14/2008 01:31:59 PM
Seven Thoughts About Loving Kindness(Chesed)**1stday
Chesed ofChesed
Loving kindness is compassionateand forgiving
(it does not keep a record of wrong)
Gevurah ofChesed
Loving kindness is stronger than death(Song of Songs)
Tiferet ofChesed
Loving kindness seeks more to givethan receive. (It is beautiful)
Netzach of ChesedLoving kindness is patient(while having integrity and supporting the rights of others)
Hod of ChesedLoving kindness is obedient and submissiveto God’swill (it therefore shares in his glory)
Yesod ofChesedLoving kindness rejoices not in wrongintentions, but in the truth (2 Corinthians)
Malkuth of ChesedLoving kindness fears God and doesnot consider what will happen toitself.
(This is its royalty)
**note: For those who believe we are at many moments of our lives livingright now, in the fullness of time in God’s heavenly present moment we willreturn to this topic considering passages from the Book of Romans, Chapter12, during week seven of our Pentecost/Shavuos this year.
There is another order of praying these Bible verses from the Beatitudes along with the Omer count
YHWH YHWH concepts of concets:
It corresponds to the order listed in the Gospels and also on the path to the Mount of Beatitudes
Church in Galilee Israel which ourprayergroup.blogspot visited this recent March
Perhaps this is the best way corresponding to the correct Divine order of praying them that I didnt do
back in 2011?
Beatitudes #1 41st day of Omer Count and rest as below:
36th day of the Omer count
Chesed of Yod
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Yachayd geehh
Unique and exalted one
37th day of the Omer count
Gevurah of Yesod
Blessed are the meek and poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of
For in this hope we were saved. But hope [the object of] which is seen is
not hope.
For how can one hope for what he already sees?
But, if we hope for what is still unseen by ys,
We wait for it with patience and compromise.
So, too the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness;
For we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it
Up worthily as we ought. St. Paul
38th day of the Omer count
Blessed are they that hunger for righteousness, for they shall find it.
Lamach pneh,
To your people turn ABK
39th day of the Omer count
Netach of Hod (Patience and obedience)
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall find mercy
40th day of the Omer count
Hod of Yesod (obedience as the foundation of righteousness)
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
zocray kduhshtehach
who remember your holiness ABK
41st day of the Omer count
Yesod of Yesod (the foundation of the foundation of righteousness)
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are the children of God.
42nd day of the Omer count
Blessed are you who are persecuted for my sake, for great is your
Reward in heaven.
Malkuth of Yesod (The Kingship of righteousness)
For those interested I have posted 49 days worth of these great ideas, great concepts prayer thought and affirmations at our http// … Jewish Chrsitianity prayer subdirectory. Also, a travel blog discussion of the prayers, days 28 through 49 as they relate to Mystical India trip is discussed at the end of the May 2017 posting there. And, there are several travel blog postings as they relate to earlier trips discussing them and what this divine concept of a “concept of a concept” might be as how it relates to God creating the World through being the “One who Speaks as Well as Acts” and using utube meditative contemplative thought in Genesis chapters 1 and 2, in the blogs postings before that.
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You know our route from the ternary I gave you. Everything went as
planned, with addition of an exciting trip to the platform of the Dome of
the Rock. Our guides, both the Cal Berkeley professors and an Israeli
former paratrooper were fantastic. I have about 500 photos from my cellphone
and will write up a maybe 200 page blog on it. But, this will take some time.
Bought you some tefillim and a prayer shawl as promised.
If you can come to a Passover Seder friday night at my house I will cook
the meal and show you how to use them.
It starts at sundown, maybe 6pm or so.
Also, I’d like to hear then whats happened with regard to the
city problems we are both facing.
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Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
Tiferet of
By seeing good in others:
with God’s help,We see the Christ in you.
“[Let your] love be sincere (a real thing).”
Romans 12:9
us’ma tzakatenu
Hear our cries ABK
4th day of the weekly count, 46th day of the omer
Netzach of
By standing by our friends:
We will walk with you till the Son of God always shines.
“hate what is evil [ loathe all ungodliness, turn in horror
from wickedness], but hold fast to that which is good.”
Romans 12:9
“Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing other’s joy]
, and weep with those who weep [sharing other’s grief].”
Romans 12:15
Hod of
By loving our enemies:
we are the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World.
“Bless those who persecute you [who are cruel in their attitude
toward you]; bless and do not curse them.”
Romans 12:14
“Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is honest
and proper and noble [aiming to be above reproach] in the sight of
Romans 12:17, Proverbs 20:22, II Samuel 16:12
“Love one another with brotherly affection [as members of one family]
giving precedence and showing honor to one another.”
Romans 12:10
May 16th
6th day of the weekly count, 48th day of the omer
Yesod of
By setting a good example:
we are the holiness of what is holy
Inside of those who are holy.
“Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient
in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.”
Romans 12: 12
Yodeha ta’alumot
Knower of the mysteries of God’s worlds of creation ABK
May 17th
7th day of the weekly count, 49th day of the omer
Malkuth of
words of Gospel Song by Jame McGranahan
music to accompany words and good instructions to
learn how to play the music on the piano may be found at Ms Madonna Woods website.
“There Shall be Showers of Blessings”
“There Shall be Showers of Blessing,”
“This is the promise of love;”
“There shall be showers refreshing, sent from the Savior above.”
“There shall be seasons refreshing, sent from the Savior above.”
“There shall be showers of blessings,”
“Oh that today they might fall.”
“Now, as to God we’re confessing”
“Now, as on Jesus we call”
“Showers of blessings we need,”
“Mercy drops round us are falling,”
“But, for the showers we plead.”
arranged by Madonna Woods in B flat Major
by James McGranahan, Marian B. Talley in G Major with some extra words by E. Nathan and Andrew
“There shall be showers of blessing,—-
This is the promise of love;
There shall be showers of freshness,—
Sent from the Savior above. crest.
Showers of blessings,
Showers of blessings we need;
Mercy drops round us are falling,
But, for the showers we plead.”
By taking responsibility
“We are servants of the servants of the Lord.
“Why are the glorified souls of our prayer friends during this lifetime more beautiful than a flower or a tree.”
added 7/8/18: “A tree is more beautiful than a flower because it lives with us, some longer than us, in our lives here on earth, as a ‘living witness’ to the life around it. The birds that build nests in its branches are supported on its branches and witnessed by the tree and in return when they fly around the area they take its seeds to plant a new tree like itself and pieces of its branches in order to build more nests.”
“The tree, in order to be a living witness for us, and if one such kind of tree is a living witness for us, they all are, must be a Unity, a number one for us. But, not just any kind of number one, it must be a number one that last not just inside of the present moment unifying collecting everything around it as a unity, but it must be a unity inside of time, long term, surviving, being reborn eternally for us.
And, if that tree is going to be that kind of number one being and essence and witness of everything around it and us for that long of a time, it must be what we call in ontology, epistemology, metaphysics a
“One Presence and a One Power, eternally”. It is a One presence because its being is a Oneness surviving over time, and it is a One Power because its life participating and giving vitality survives also with its One Presence over that long of a period of time. Wow that means a tree is really beautiful in that it is that special and unique in that way.”
“So, to sum up, to whosoever is listening to this, God…Me inside of that Tree is a Wonderful Oneness that exists Eternally and beautiful, because of these special and unique things we know about it. It is a Oneness inside of Multiplicity as we look at it and experience it in the present moment, but more than that and a Multiplicity and a Oneness as it continues to exist Eternally in time. Wow, no wonder now that we know why it is so wonderful.”