June 2017 trip to NYC and Calvary; Baptist Church 123 West 57th St., that is, Princeton NJ, Washington DC June 28-July 6 2017, announcement of the Birth of God’s Son, Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ in Saint Mary and Andrew forever after.
Along with URL links to our review of the mathematical philosopher and logician Philip Kitcher’s summary of the book about ethics “On What Matters: Volumes I and II” NUMBER AND NUMBERS at http://bit.ly/LIGHTANDDARKNESS. Hopefully, this review will be considered a beginning of the creation of a new field in computer science, mathematics, engineering called Robotic Ethics. Also, it is another step in helping those of us other than God and Jesus Christ to understand, through mathematical theology, how Christianity and Judaism can be one religion for all of us to believe in and practice.
The Document on the left next to his throne bears the letters ALEF, which form the beginning of the Lamentations of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. ‘From ‘Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Up Close.’
The Book of Genesis, chapter 1, tells us that God created the number One, Himself, as a name on day One… He Borah (created it), He Ruach ( moved it as a spirit), He Omered it (spoke it into existence), He saw it (YHWH Yireh) affirmed it as being Good and Desirable, He named it (Korah).
But it was not until the third day that he (YHWH YHWH) created it as a set, a real object, really existing in our world. He Omered it (spoke it into existence as a set then), Asehed (turned it, spun it righteously, made it correctly), He Yireh (saw it), He brought it out (tozhayed it) as a “seed of a seed”, saw that it was good (Tov) existing as a recursively defined function that, like Himself, generates itself.
And, it wasn’t until the fourth day and fifth day that, using the Sun and Moon as timepieces, He put it, placed it (Yetayn et), saw that it was good (Tov), as a “real number” existing not only in eternity but our world’s everyday time… then let it afloat to swarm (Yesheer’tzu) inside the consciousness of His river of eternal life and fly in the heavens above us, seeing that so it was good. and Blessed (Barech) it inside of all of these creatures as a means to use, the idea of it, in order to increase.
And, it wasn’t until the sixth day that He placed inside of His own consciousness, His own individuality or “monad”, and the consciousness and “monads” of all his angelic friends at the beginning of the creation of the World as an image (tzelem) and likeness (domot) to use in order to be Himself (YHWH I AM THAT I AM, YHWH I AM WHO I AM) as Hope the expectation of Good, and Faith, the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, and saw that thus created it was good (Tov).
For more details see the How do You define the “number One”? topic at the Religion and Science discussion group of the yhwhschofchrist.org discussion board:
Article #35
Subject: How do You define the “number One”?How do You define the number One? Schemes for Sensor Data from Fractal Surfaces”, MS Academy of Sciences Annual Convention, Hattisburg, MS 2010.
“A Short History of Logic Diagrams”, MS Academy of Sciences Annual Convention, Hattisburg, MS, 2010. http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/LogicDiagrams1.pdf
“How Do We Define the Number One, Part II?”, MS Academy of Sciences Annual Convention, Hattisburg, MS 2012. http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/HOWTODEFINE1PT1
Article #35
Subject: How do You define the “number One”?How do You define the number One? Schemes for Sensor Data from Fractal Surfaces”, MS Academy of Sciences Annual Convention, Hattisburg, MS 2010.
Some Old Testament Bible study with, the Seven Haftarahs of Consolations, in the Book of Isaiah, and the Torah teachings from the beginning of the last book of the Torah, Deuteronomy, where Saint Moses explains the Shema again to us.
YHWH is our God, and YHWH alone…
or alternatively,
YHWH our God is a unique YHWH,
YHWH is our God,
YHWH is unique, in His extraordinariness…
YHWH is our God,
one indivisible YHWH…
depending on how we define the Number One
or the Number One as it is already defined.
cf: To later on in the blogs where I discuss my talks on this at the MS Academy of Sciences sections on History and Philosophy of Science Annual Meetings over the last several years.
“The priest and prophet Ezekiel lived in the early sixth century BC. Michelangelo depicts him as an old man who was engrossed in his reading but has now suddenly turned around to look behind him. Ezekiel’s gaze is focused on the hands of the small accompanying figure in the background, which are stretching up towards the heavens. They refer to the source of God’s message. Gestures play a central role in a large number of the ceiling frescoes painted by Michelangelo. Ezekiel’s open right hand, for example, can also be understood as a gesture of both amazement and readiness to receive the message.” From ‘Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, Up Close’
and continuing with Moses He talks to us in the first Torah section in Deuteronomy using two short discourse forms, He has told us before he died, “Va-et-chanan (515 gematria)I have pleaded with you with 515 prayers” These 515 prayer pleadings or supplications should be enough. But, the haftorah before from Isaiah chapter 1 tells us that God does not desire our prayers as sacrifices, but tells us to “wash yourselves; cleanse yourselves, put your evil doings away from My sight. Cease to do evil”.
If Moses is a Saint living in heaven on earth today, and I believe He is, He would probably pray with God more contemplatively, using denials of his own ideas of what is evil and good in the face of God’s judgement, and affirmations that bless us all for happiness and well-being.
He would probably tell you that the Name of God YHWH expresses itself in us as Truth in Three ways:
1) When God is One, His Truth is One, YHWH Christ,
2) When God is Two, His Truth is Two, YHWH Christ,
3) When God is Three, His Truth You..,
starting the week from July 29 to August 5 using the dates for the Holy Days in our calendars,
along with
1) Haftarah Isaiah, chapter 40, verses 1 to 26
“Comfort my people, [those in ourprayergroup that we pray with], says your God, Speak tenderly to him or her, tell them they have served their term and their sins are pardoned.”,
then 2) Parashas Ekev (“And, if you do obey these rules and observe them faithfully.”)
along with Isaiah chapter 49, verse 14 to chapter 51, verse 3,
then 3) Parashas R’ei (“See this day I have put before you with these rules and teachings the two-fold blessing and curse”
Isaiah, chapter 54, verse 11 to chapter 55,verse 5,
then 4) Parashas Shoftim (“You shall appoint magistrates and judges”).
Isaiah, chapter 51, verse 12 to chapter 52, verse 12,
then, 5) Ki Teitzei “When you take the field against your enemies.”
along with, Isaiah, chapter 54, verses 1 to 10,
then, 6) Ki Tavo “When you enter the land the Lord, your God is giving you.”, along with Isaiah chapter 60. verses 1-22,
then, 7) Nitzavim “You stand, this day, before the Lord your God” along with Isaiah,chapter 61, verse 10 to chapter 63, verse 9.
You can find many more details of the standard commentary on these verses in the book ‘Haftarah Commentary’ and ‘The Torah a Modern Commentary’ by Gunther Platt or on the online website http//www.torah.org.
Another prophet, who lived in the 8th Century BC, the first in our trilogy of Isaiah, Jeremiah 7th Century, Ezekiel 6th Century. Is Isaiah, whose name also means, Jeshua, or God saves, foretold the coming of and the sacrificial death of Jesus or Joshua. In this painting he has placed the fingers of his right hand between the pages of his book, as if he wants to carry on reading shortly. His attention, however, is focused on the small angelic figure standing behind him. In these depictions of prophet, these figures are considered to be conveyors of God’s message.
Figure 6

Joel, one of the oldest prophets in the Old Testament. Michelangelo shows him in a fully concentrated pose, with his attention focused on the writing on the parchment school in his hands. noel heralded a divine punishment that would be inflicted on the sinful Israelites in the form of an army. Michelangelo used a large amount of detail when painting the prophet’s facial expression, with Joel’s puckered brows and wrinkled forehead bearing reference to his sorrowful prophecy.
Dear prayer friends your home is the same home as mine. We are after the same ever-after, God’s Kingdom dwelling inside and outside of us here on this same earth on which we were both born. To live here you must first “get saved”, having faith in and being Jesus Christ is God’s way of us “getting saved”.
Short intermediate discourse on the nature of God:
God does not need love, for He is love. He does not need sacrifices, for He is the sacrifice. This is why He gave His Son as a sacrifice to us, so we would not have to be the sacrifice and He could be the Love. What He wants from is not love, not sacrifice, but faith in Him being love and being the sacrifice, from us God is both knowable and unknowable. He is first unknowable, then He is knowable. He is both you and not you. First He is not you, then He is you. He is both like and unlike you. First He is unlike you, then He is like you. He is both explainable and unexplainable. First He is unexplainable outside of you, then He is explainable to you, then He is explainable again as Love Truth inside of you. God is both seen and unseen, heard and unheard. First He is unheard and unseen outside of you, then He is heard and seen there. Then He is seen and heard again. Inside of you. But, as for whether His nature is Truth, He is not both Truth and untruth, but only Truth. Because He is an end in a beginning and a beginning in an end, He is the First and the Last, The Truth forever and forever-after. Jesus Christ, Saint Mary, Saint Francis, please say Amen!
“To have loyalty from a friend, be loyal to a friend.” Virginia May Calohan Harrell Mid-1980s
Thoughts in quotes are the Rev. Thich Nhat Hanh, the other thoughts are Mother’s and mine.
Mary to Andrew: “How are you doing Andrew”,
Andrew to Mary “I would say I am good, but do you agree with me[ do you get along with me]”?
Mary to Andrew: she thinks a while then says, “I would agree”
Andrew to Mary “Then that makes two of us saying that. But, how are you?”
Mary to Andrew “I am good, do you agree?” Andrew “Yes, I do.”
Your Salvation is not something a minister shouldn’t talk with you about unless you go to or attend his Church, it’s bigger than that.
Being saved, Knowing Salvation, if it’s something that happens inside independent of outside events is not something you don’t talk about.
Andrew to Mary, Mary are you aware of the different translations of the Jesus’ reference to the Deuteronomy 8-9 verse Torah portion Ekev, teaching of Moses from God, second Sabbath of consolation before Rosh Hashanah saying “Man does not live, i.e. is saved by Bread alone, but that man may live on anything that the LORD decrees”
Yes, Andrew I am aware of those verses from the Torah, but since I am already saved by my faith in God’s Word itself, Himself, as Jesus taught I do not need that teaching.
Andrew to Mary, be careful Mary, it might help you understand how to be both the Jew and a Christian, that I believe you are.
ie. We live and are saved not just by faith in the teachings of the Word of God, but from actually carrying out all the details of God’s
commandments to you in the Bible, Old and New Testaments in your life.
Andrew to Mary, ” I am praying this Rosh Hashanah for the Tashlich prayers that any old problems that Saint Joseph and you have will be cast into the sea, for
“Who, O God, is like You, Who pardons iniquity and overlooks transgression for the remnant of his heritage?
Who has not retained His wrath eternally, for He desires kindness! He will again be merciful to us; He will suppress our iniquities, and cast into the depths of the sea all their sins.”
Pope Francis, Saint Francis, entered the conversation at this point:
Saint Andrew you are pretty smart, I did not figure that out, that we don’t have to ask for forgiveness until I was in my 60s.
Saint Francis, I did not figure it out, Jesus Christ explained it to me. I am not Jesus Christ, and we need to be careful, you and I not confusing ourself with Him, even though we love him and believe in him and trust in him for help. Otherwise, we, you and I might end up on the cross again, and this is not necessary.
a seven-paragraph V’Hu Rachel, “He is Merciful”
affirming God’s 1) mercy,
3)that He listens, hears us,
4) is compassionate toward us,
5) forgives us,
6) guarantee of acceptance of penance
7) is gracious toward us.
then while bowing our heads or prostrating ourselves
Psalm 6 of David
then the “Guardian of Israel or Shomer Israel’
then the “We do not know what to do [without your help] Conclusion”
And, the key Jewish prayer, the half- or full-Kaddish [see our detailed discussion and explanation elsewhere in the website’s prayer’s section of this wonderfully helpful eternally grounded inner soul’s prayer] is required to be said before and after this section of the prayers.
In the Catholic tradition of course, we go one to one to a human priest, confess, He listens, then suggests prayers and penance.
Understanding the differences in theology that requires these different actions, is key, of course, to understanding how we can all worship God a little differently, but together in all of this.
Question to St. Mary, ‘Mary, what is the best kind of free Love.?” Answer from Andrew, “Loving Kindness…Am I right, Mary”?
Saint Mary to Saint Andrew: “As a liberal Protestant do you take communion from Catholics?”
Saint Andrew to Saint Mary; “Mary, I not only take it, I give it…in prayers, in dreams, on the street talking to whoever stops me to talk, or I run into, in Churches, in heaven and on earth.” Amen
Saint Andrew to Saint Mary, ” I AM the seed the life in whose seed is dedicated to God’s Son dwelling in you.”
In order for nothing to be impossible with God, Luke 1:37, He must store up the seed of past-possibles in us so they can still be growing.
Saint Andrew to Saint Mary, “I AM the seed of the seed of the Christ that dwells in God’s Tree of Life Living in you.”
Let’s hear that love tweet together again and again, Mary:
“Breathe, Mary, you and I are alive forever, eternally in our only Son Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ. May He sing His song of life, forevermore, forever after, eternally with us bringing Joy and Peace to us, the World and Himself.”
Andrew W. Harrell @AndrewWHarrellWhen Christ is born there is Peace and Joy in the World. But, in our hearts there is something more, a happy feeling that lasts forever.-
Saint Mary to Saint Andrew: “What would you like me to pray for you Andrew?”
interruption occurs here as a total eclipse of our hearts occurs at this moment.
Andrew to Saint Mary, “I would like you to pray for me that ‘every day would be like Christmas, when we pray together Mary?”
Saint Mary, “How is today like Christmas Andrew?” Andrew, “There are sounds, the silent drum beats of peace, joy, happiness in our hearts.”
Andrew answering Mary, “There are sounds, the silent drum beats of faith, hope, love singing their song of eternal happiness in our hearts.” -
Saint Andrew to Saint Mary, “I am the seed of God’s Son, The Christ that dwellw in His Tree of Life Living in you.”
“Blessed are You YHWH YHWH our God, ruler of the world, who forms light and creates darkness, makes peace and creates everything, illuming the earth and those who dwell there in mercy, in his goodness forever renewing daily the work of creation.”
Yotzer Blessing on creation
“You have loved us most lovingly, YHWH YHWH our God, cared for us greatly, even exceedingly caringly…Bring us to peace from the four corners of the earth and lead us upright to our land.”
Blessing on Revelation.
“True and established and accurate and enduring and right and steadfast and beloved and precious and desirable and pleasant and awesome and might and correct and accepted and good and beautiful for us are these words for ever and ever.”
Blessing on Redemption
From “The Shema and its Blessings” Jewish Lights Publishing
At this point, after saying these ancient blessings, St. Peter entered the conversation:
Andrew’s brother, Saint Peter: “How are you doing Andrew, well?” Andrew: “I want to say good, Peter, if you will agree with me that will be two of us saying it.”
Saint Peter:” I agree with you, Andrew. ” Andrew:”Peter, you never did like to say that much.”At this point the archangel Gabriel entered into the conservation. Saint Peter had already represented the archangel Ariel in it.
Gabriel: “Andrew, Dearest Self, how can I serve you.” Andrew to Gabriel: “Dearest Self, go down to earth from heaven, from heaven to earth, and tell Saint Mary the good news that she is about to have another Saintly human angelic child with me.” May all the people and angels say Amen. here
Gabriel: “Mr. Andrew may I ask you a question. Yes, Gabriel. Is this new child going to be the same Jesus Christ you and Mary already had, because you know I believe that it is ordained that you and Mary can only have one child?”
Andrew: “He is going to be the same Jesus Christ, just reborn again. Is that alright Gabriel?”
Gabriel: “Yes”, Andrew: “Well go do it.” Gabriel “OK”
YHWH OM SHANTI, SHANTI, YHWH CHRIST JESUS HARI OM MANI PADME HUM, YHWH HARI OM MANI PADME JESUS CHRIST TAT SAT OM SHANTI, SHANTI YHWH OM.Some ROSH HASHANAH seed words of prayer faith from your author of creation, the Lord of every man, to those in FL, GA, SC, NC under threat of hurricane IRMA.added: later “Thank you God for minimalist the damage to our prayer friends from this hurricane.”
YHWH SHALOM. YHWH SHAMMAH, YHWH YHWH, YHWH YIREH, YHWH NASEH, YHWH ROHI, YHWH NISSI, YHWH RAPHA. YHWH MEKADDISKEM, SHANAH TOVAH 2017-2018.through the valley of the shadow of death, your cup runneth over, He anoints our head with oil, surely goodness and mercy [salvation, redemption, justification, sanctification] shall follow your soul throughout time. Psalm 23
The Lord is your shepherd, he leads you into green pastures,
This interesting recent dialogue between Saints, between Saint Andrew in me, Jesus, and St. Mary in me and others, has some very important amateur theological teachings if you think about it. Any thoughts about it? You can go to our Meetup.com Christian Jewish healers site [enter 39180 into the search box] and you will be able to enter in with us in the dialogue. You can play the role of St. Mary, Jesus, or St. Andrew. Be comfortable in what you say but be careful. Words can have immense consequences…especially when we try our best, with God’s help, to speak good ones than help others and ourselves.
Evaluating the Effect of Off-Road Obstacles on Unit Movement, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS,WES ,l989,Declassified from Noforn, RPT# GL-89-4.
“A Logic Programming Approach to Network Flow Algorithms”, Proceedings 8th Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing,Unclassified, Cornell U., Army Research Office, Report 91-1,Durham, North Carolina,l991. http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/NetCombLogic1.pdf
“Network Routing and Unit/Task Scheduling Examples”,Transactions of the Mathematics,Computer Science, Statatics Division,MAS Report 97-1,MS Academy of Sciencs,l997. http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/KorNetLogistics1.pdf
And, I also wrote a paper for the Army Computing Conference, when it was held at the Mathematics, Computing Science Robotics Institute at Carnegie Tech. It explains how to organize the more than 100 different rules for stream bed formation in rivers in order that when you ask the program a series of questions on how to classify the situation it doesn’t stop asking and chaining the database until all possible questions have been asked. It is posted there with the URL:
“Implementing Mixed Chaining in a Classification Type Expert System”, Proceedings 11th U.S.Army Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computing, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, l993.
Chart above from “Fundamental of Fluvial Geomorphology” by Ro Charlton, displays some of the different ways, channel width and depth, configuration of gravel beds in streams, meander wavelength, reach gradient, and profile concavity and gradient affect the time formation of various component in river channels.
The river beds modeled in this expert system were in the Corps of Engineers Seattle Northwest District. It doesn’t have any rules, I don’t think about the effect of supercritical flow rates in the river during short term flash flood events or large scale river flooding to the channel. And, the report generated by the sets of rules and questions to be asked to them doesn’t give any precise numerical answers to exactly how big the river bars and bed clasts are that form. It gives give the best answer to whether they are increasing or decreasing in size. But, it does make use of everything the Corps knows from past experience about the general nature of how they form and disappear.Implementing Mixed Chaining in a Classification Type Expert System”, Proceedings 11th
Some notes from talks at the Annual MS River Commission Low Water Inspection TripPresentations Vicksburg, MS August 11,2017 :
According to MS Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, the State of MS currently supports the Corps of Engineers doing a re-design study on the Old River AtchalayaCut-off Control dams and structures which affect the percentage of river discharge and flow southward toward the city New Orleans. A 2016 study considered the economic affects to farm land and agricultural production of rerouting a 65/45,50/50, 60/40, 70/30 split. Some of the effects, depending on which mix is chosen would be addition flooding of agricultural lands, salt water intrusion back up channel affecting fish and river animals. According to a State statute passed in 1963 and based on hydrological studies of the river lands at the time, the Corps was encouraged to work on the problem considering the use of the Bonnet-Carre Spillway, but not cutting off the flow of the river toward New Orleans.
According to another speaker, Mr. Williams the backwater areas north of Vicksburg are currently being flooded in periods of high water by up to 200,000 acres. If, as his group is proposing more flow was directed southward during periods of low water in the river that would ameliorate the discharge problem toward the flood stage in Vicksburg causing the backwater in the Vicksburg District. In the 2011 flood of the Vicksburg District the water overtopped the levee by 4”. However, he granted the point of the Commission President that doing this could cause a sediment deposition problem south of the cut-off, either on the MS or the Atchalaya which would then limit discharge there during high water periods.
According to another speaker, height of the river stages in the floods, the length of time and highs and lows of maximum discharge rates of the MS river has increased significantly over the last 50 years: From 1940-1972 high water marks went up 3’, from 1973-2107 4’. However, the average discharge from the Old River structures allowed by the Corps in the last 3 years has only been 20% of capacity.
Professor Serre, Weil, Grothendieck form among themselves a very influencial group of the French school of theoretical mathematics that goes back to Henri Poincare in the early 20th century and perhaps even to some wandering Neo-Platonist monks of the millennium before the last I found out as I explored some of the monasteries of geographical region of Provence in the south France. Their history goes back to the Roman times when some wandering theoretical Celt and Scottish mathematicans and theologicans migrated up from their travels in the Middle Eastern Levant back into that region which was a crossroads of travel from Britian and Europe at that time into Italy, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and were the first to try and map it using Greek Pythagorean and Egyptian mathematical trigonometry.
3000 Drummond St., Vicksburg, MS 39180
Some interesting philosophical questions arise when we try to understand the nature of mathematics? Is mathematics about reality? Are numbers reality? Are they Truth? When I went to undergraduate school at Vanderbilt and studied philosophy the opinions of the logical positivists was that mathematics is not about reality. In order to know what we are talking about here we have to explain that we can understand reality as something that “kicks back” and can be empirically tested or observed. The famous mathematicians and philosopher Bertrand Russell and G.H. Hardy claimed that mathematics was pure and beautiful but not related to applied science in any important way that could be demonstrated. I never quite saw how they could believe this, considering all the key scientific and computing results that come out of logic, mathematical logic, and what we call analysis, geometry, calculus as it relates to applied mathematics.
Statistics comes into this study when we ask what are the nature of the numbers we are counting up in it. In order for statistical results to have any significance the numbers we collect must be able to “sample” some underlying reality. And, if the reality of what we are trying to understand is to have any “meaning” or “truth” associated with it, what we “sample” must have an identifiable underlying probability distribution associated with it, and it must talk back to us about itself in a meaningful way when we ask it quesitons. The CAL Berkeley logician, philosopher, statistician, mathematician Alfred Tarski had a “Theory of Truth” in which “truth”, what Dr. Tarski called “Mathematical or Scientific Truth”, is the “instantiation” or substitution of values of sentential variables, using what we call in computer science, a logic programming unification algorithm. And, the logical formulas or predicate function use facts from an underlying model which contains the facts being, either object oriented data structures or logic programming recursive predicate functions… the “reality”.
Integers, rational numbers, real numbers, various types of algebraic numbers can also be defined using these recursive predicates of logic programming or the object oriented data structure ones of ordinary computer programming languages. Now comes the really interesting part. Is there a way to “sample” numbers in order to determine the nature of their “truth”, that is the nature of the underlying probability distribution of their digits in a decimal, or other base representation? My fellow Army Officer and Cal Berkeley Math. Dept. 1970s Alumni Theodore Hill has written an interesting autobiography in which he describes his search to find a way to do this using some theorems he has proved about “Benford’s Law”. Benford’s Law arises in sampling a lot of different types of real data, including the integers themselves, but not all types. It has a lot of practical implications, like providing a way for the IRS to determine if you are fabricating data on your tax return. His book has been recently published by the American Mathematical Society and is titled “Pushing Limits, from West Point to Berkeley and; Beyond.” It is a fascinating read, especially for anyone trying to be both in the Army and a Mathematician. He basically got out of the Army after Vietnam and became a full-time teacher of mathematics. While I decided not to go into College teaching full-time but work for the Government and the Army about the same time period.
But, I did write a couple of papers for the Army Computing Conferences on how to sample the statistics of digital maps using a Monte Carlo algorithm approach. How do you determine the number of samples to take in order to get a good level of confidence in the results. Basically, you have to assume the spatial data statistics come from a probability distribution we call Poisson then do a series of what is called “likelihood ratio tests” on the data from the sampled histograms of the results of repeating the tests a lot of times. When I wrote the papers I couldn’t come up with any philosophical justification of why to use the Poisson distribution other than it was the one other researchers in the field had been using when I read their papers. There might be a way to use Dr. Hill’s theorem’s on how “Benford’s Law” can help you test the results you have gotten with risk analysis and propagation of errors against the actual measured vehicle test data as opposed to the theoretical predictions from the differential equations simulation we have in the Army off-road mobility models. The goal would be to determine how good a job the mobility models do in simulating the vehicle movement across actual terrain, which usually has a fractal character versus the artificial terrain the models used, as being composed of Fourier combinations of sines and cosines, usually not as discrete and fractal as the actual surfaces off-road vehicles go over. I have posted copies of my papers on my website if anyone is interested in thinking about this with me.
Back to deformations of spaces of crystal lattices and the application to physics:
notes from above:
*So named for the French mathematian named Dr. Sophius Lie, who lived around the turn of the 19thCentury.
Where sorrow is unknown;
A long eternity of love,
Formed for the good alone;
And faith beholds the dying here
Translated to that glorious sphere.”
And oft the cloud which wraps the present hour
Serves but to brighten all our future days.”
“good” read.