Trip to Tanzania,Africa

Travel posting and photos from the Serengeti in Tanzania, Africa
the photos are by Mary Doak, Lynne Jewel, Bonnie Seay
Vanderbilt Alumni Association Tanzania Safari Trip June 18-28 2012
for some of my own see the corresponding posting: July, August 2012
early morning takeoff of balloon flight over the Serengeti Tanzania National Park
a herd of zebras, as seen from above in the balloon
The Sayonara river which flows throught the Serengeti Park
The four photos above are by Mary Doak

                                   Four photos of an African Eagle

                                         pair of cheetahs observing everything in the Serengeti
                                         short grass prairie, 360 degrees. for miles

They are standing on a kopje (rock outcropping)
lying on the Oldevai-Seronera Road


                                             another cheetah resting with her baby on the top of a larger kopje

              leopards in the Gol (badlands of arid thorny hills) on a kopje
(rock outcropping), overlooking,
watching for pray over miles of open expanse in the Central Serengeti Tanzania National Park
pride of lions near a body of flowing water along the Seronera River,
by the Oldevai-Seronera Road in the Serengeti
National Park, Tanzania
3 photos of antelopes
small birds near the lunch garbage at the Oldivai Gorge tourist shed 

                                                    wild boar

flamingos and wildebeasts, Lake Magadi inside the Norongoro Crater
four photos of giraffees
Lake Magadi
group of Masei gather for dance
Masei women singing
Masei Warrior jump during dance and song
two photos of a monkey

                                             the two photos above are from Olduvai Gorge
                                         site of the earliest known humanoid remains on earth

                                         Catholic primary school children in Northern Serengeti


                                                 water buffalo

                  zebras grazing and drinking at the river