Day of the Holy Name of Jesus 2010/2011

Day of the Holy Name of Jesus 5771/5772 2010/2011

We thank God for a good prayer year that we have
experienced in Christ.
And, we pray that the day may soon come
that we all may be One in God’s name. We pray that
this year the Christ Jesus we experience during
the Christmas season will find a permanent home
in all our hearts during the whole year ahead.
Partners in God, partners in Christ, we are one family.
John 17:21

Vista up the river valley from top of canyon rim overlooking Mt. Zion National Park, Western US
Yearly Prayer Calendar:

View from above of part of the Angel’s Landing rock formation from lunch stop at the top of the eastern canyon rim. Christmas vacation hiking trip to Zion National Park 2005

Water Flowing down the rocks into Petroglyph Canyon Mt. Zion National Park, US

Holy Days 5771-5772/2011 Confession of St. Peter (Jan 18 Psalm 23), Conversion day of St. Paul (Jan. 25 Psalm 67), ,Tu B’Shvat (Festival of the Trees January 20), International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan. 27)
, Saint Benedict’s day (March 2), Ash Wednesday (March 9), Saint Gregory’s day (March 12), Saint Patrick’s day (March 17), Purim (March 20), Saint George’s day(March 23), Holoacaust Remembrance Day,(inside of Israel April 31) (outside May 2)
Passover (April 18), Easter (April 24), ,St. Mark (April 25 Psalm 2), Lag B’Omer (May 22), Shavuot (Jume 8), Pentecost (June 16),
St. Peter and St. Paul’s day (June 29 Psalms 66, 87,97,138), Independence Day U.S.A.,St. Mary Magalene (July 21 Psalms 30,42,116,149),
St. James day (July 25, Psalms 7, 33,34), St. Ignatius Loyola’Saint Bernard’s day (August 20), Saint Barthomew’s (Nathaniel’s ) day (August 24 Psalms 15,67,86, 91),
World Peace Day (September 21), Rosh Hashanah (September 28), Yom Kippur October 7,Sukkos October 13,Gabriel, Michael, Ariel, Raphael and All Angels day (Sept. 29), Saint Francis of Assisi’s day Oct. 4 , St. Luke (Oct 18 Psalm 103)
Shemini Atzeret October 20, Saint James of Jerusalem day (Oct 23 Psalm 1),
All Souls/All Saints Day (Psalms 111,112,148,149,150), Veteran’s Day(Nov. 11) St. Martin’s day, Saint Margaret’s day (Nov. 16), Thanksgiving day November 24,
Saint Andrew’s day (Psalms 19,24,96,100), Channukah (December 20), St. Thomas’s day (Dec. 21 Psalms 23,27,121,126),
Christmas,St. John’s day (Dec. 27 Psalm 92,97,98,145), Holy Innocent’s day (Dec. 28, Psalms 2,26,19,126), Day of the Holy Name of Jesus (Dec. 31, Psalm 8).

[For Bible readings and Psalms that go with these Holy Days see the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (both the two year daily office
and the two year lectionary readings) or the three year revised common lectionary at http:\ .
The revised common lectionary was created for the occasions of common prayer and worship services among Protestants, Catholics and Jews.
It has more readings from the Old Testament than the ordinary episcopal or catholic lectionary.
Using these two or three year daily offices is an excellent way to keep track of an intention for reading most of the Bible in two years.
The best translation of the Bible I have found is “The Amplified Bible” published by Zondervan.
It has cross-references in the text to related passages and prophecies which make this translation even more of a “Tree of Life” than others.]

New Moons of Shevet (January 6), Adar I (February 5) , Adar II (March 7)Nissan (April 5), Iyar (May 5) Sivan (June 3) , Tammuz (July 2), Av (August 1), Elul (August 31), Tishrei / Rosh Hashanah (September 28),Yom Kippur (October 7), Succot (October13), Hoshana Rabba October 19,. Shimini Atzeres October 20, Simchas Torah October 21,Chesvan (October 29), Kislev (November 27),Tevet (December 27) (months of correct eating, laughter, speaking, thought, movement, seeing, hearing, action, feeling, smell, relaxation, judgement) tribes of Asher (Psalm 100 ), Naphtali (Psalm 98) Judah (Psalm 92),Issachar (Psalm 95), Zebulun (Psalm 96), Reuben (Psalm 90), Simeon, Gad (Psalm 94), Ephraim (Psalm 97), Menashah (Psalm 97) , Benjamin (Psalm 93), Dan (Psalm 99))

Vista overlook, Zion Canyon Christmas vacation 2005

[According to Jewish tradition, Moses gave the eleven psalms 90-100 to eleven of the tribes of Israel., the tribe of Simeon was excluded because of the events in Numbers 25-1:15. Psalm 91 was given to the tribe of Levi. Psalms 95 to 99 have been called the “Coronation Psalms” and are used in the Jewish Saturday Morning Kabbala Shabbat service. For some Baptist Christian Hymns related to the Messianic age see “The Coronation Hymnal”, by A.J. Gordon and A.T. Pierson, Revell and Co., N.Y., Boston, Chicago.( which is now out of print, but copies are available in several University

Jewish and Christian Blessing
“May the eternal light and good energy in the Lord Bless you, protect you, and keep you,
May he lift up his face upon you while being gracious unto you,
May he uphold you and that which you value, and give you peace. ”

Area north of the Angel’s Landing rock formation.

Please pray with us assisted and helped by the prayers at
(you may register there and post your own prayers if this is helpful to you)

Irish Prayer and Blessing
“May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back.
May the Sun(Son) shine warm on your face, And the rain fall soft upon your fields.
And May God hold you in palm of his hands.”
(Until we talk and pray together again and he blesses you again through us