Light Upon the Path 2
Photo taken 10/26/2008 at 10,500’ latitude 35 deg. 10 min. longitude 93 deg. 20 min. from Cessna 182 8189G
while flying south easterly from Little Rock AR toward Greenville,MS
(for an enlargement of the photo click on it in your browser)
Another interpretation of how to understand a short summary of the Bible
hidden in, Genesis, the first book of the Torah.
We meditate while looking at the first words of the 12 Torah portions in the standard
yearly lectionary. This allows us to see the process of spiritual enlightenment
(working out of the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit) occuring in us through the soul and spirit of the prophet (man of God) Noah.
It occurs as a repeated yearly unfolding during this time of the Holy biblical year.
Furthermore, each of the twelve first words can be meditated on in terms of the individual
Hebrew letters and their corresponding sounds* .
See previous posting for more discussions about the significance of the Hebrew letter
Vav** as it appears in the Torah.
1) B’rayshit In the beginning
2) Noah the soul and spirit of Noah (with God’s help)
3) Lech Lekha separated and walked forward
4) Va-yera and appeared as
5) Hayyei Sarah
6) Toledot the story of Sarah’s life
7) Va-Yetze It left (Beer-sheva…the well of the seven)
8) Va-Yishlah and sent (messengers ahead to Esau)
9) Va-Yeshev while staying in place
10) Mikhetz to the end
11) Va-Yighehsh as it ascended
12) Va-yehi. Unto its place in heaven
*See “The Cipher of Genesis” or “Song of Songs” by Carlo Suares for much more on this.
** When you (a man or woman of God having done your share of your duty to God and Country) meditate on it as you prophesize… Vav becomes the light sword of the Holy Spirit of God’s Truth in us . As an example of one way to do this through meditation you can autiot or spell out the letter as a set of hidden letter eg. Vav Aleph Vav for the letter vav. Then meditate on the meaning (conceptual value or purpose) hidden inside of the meaning of the letter.
Photo from 13,500’ 104 deg. 30 min. longitude 37 deg. 10’ min. latitude. The mountains in
The center of the photo are called the Spanish Peaks.
for more photos from recent flight up the Red River Valley, Jackson, MS to Colorado Springs,CO and return flying along above the Arkansas River to Dodge City, KS, Fort Smith AR,Little Rock AR, Greenville, MS see postings at