May 4 Pentecost/ June 9 Shavuous 2008
Thought for the last millenium and also the next:
“A committment to upholding a truth that we both know about together is more fundamental than hoping for one that we don’t [know about]. But, both are important.”
Continuation of Translation of parts of the 1st chapter of Genesis
(untransliterated Hebrew script and some of the ideas for these translations are taken from the book “The Linear Chumash by Rabbi Peasch Goldberg, Feldheim Publishers, Jerusalem/ New York. See last year’s postings for the rest of translations of the first 5 of the 10 sayings of God in Genesis chapter 1)
View looking down on the Colorado River below, toward the east, from Plateau Pt. (3640’), Grand Canyon, AZ The Bright Angel creek (not visible) goes off to the upper left from near the middle of the picture. The rock formations in the background are called the Zoroaster temple (7136’) and the Brahma temple.
Grand Canyon Rock layers from top to bottom:
Kaibab Limestone (deposited 250 million years ago)
Toroweap formation (d 260 m years ago)
Coconino Sandstone (d 270 m years ago)
Hermit Shale (d 280 m years ago)
Supai Group (d 300 m years ago)
Redwall Limestone (d 330 m years ago)
Mauv Limestone (d 530 m years ago)
Bright Angel Shale (d 540 m years ago)
Tapeats Sandstone (d 550 m years ago)
Vishnu Schist
Rock layers less than 250 m years ago have been eroded away
Rocky mountains begin to form 60-70 m. years ago
(information from
Picture taken 5/10/2008. You can take a short ½ day 12 mile mule trip from the south rim lodges (which are situated at 6860’) to get here/there and back.
The 6th saying (7th utterance) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 1st of the fifth day
“V’omer Elohaym
God said:
Yeesheer’tzu hamayim.
Let the water swarm
shehrehtz nehphehsh hayah
with creeping living souls
and birds
shall fly
al haerehtz
over the earth
al ph’nay
on the face of
r’kay hashamayim
the expanse of the heavens.”
Genesis 1:20
Another view of the Colorado River from Plateau Pt. Rock formations on the right of the river are (from right to left) Cheop’s pyramid, Horus temple, Tower of Set. On the left of the river canyon is the Dana Butte.
Picture taken 5/10/ 2008
The 7th saying (8th utterance*) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 1st of the sixth day
Havatsu Falls, Havatsu Indian Reservation AZ located in a side canyon further down the Grand Canyon toward the west. It is assessable from a parking area at the trailhead after a 10 mile hike down the canyon to the Indian village there. 5/2008
V’omer Elohim
And God said,
Totzay haeretz
Let the earth bring out
nehphehsh hayah
living souls
each of their own kind
and creeping things
v’chay’tu erehtz
land animals
each of their own kind.
Vay’hay kayn
And, it was so.
* If we count Barashayt as the 1st utterance but not a saying.
Genesis 1:24
Havatsu creek, Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) campground, Havatsu Indian Reservation NW AZ. Although the outside temperature was in the 80’s the water was very cool (maybe 70 degrees) because of loss of heat descending down the falls and across the rocks. 5/2008
The 8th saying (9th utterance) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 2nd of the sixth day
V’omer Elohim
And God said,
Nashehh Adam
Let us make man
in Our image
in Our likeness***
and they shall rule
bheed’agat hayam v’bhof hashamayeem
over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens
v’babh’haymah v’bchal haretz
and over the animals and over all the earth.
v’bachal harehmehsh haromaysh al haretz
and over every creeper which creeps on the earth.
Genesis 1:26
*** these words are also reflected as an important part of our own lives when we observe the Jewish community blessing, the birchas hamazon said after meals on the Sabbath and Holy Days.
“Blessed are You, Lord, Our God, King of the Universe Who yotzered (fashioned) Adam (mankind) , in his image and his likeness and tikayn( prepared) for him a structure unto our untoness.
According to my friends, the rabbis in Brooklyn NY, the image mentioned here is the intelligence and spiritual free will of man.
The image of the likeness is his or her physical body which serves as host to the soul or image.
Baruch atah Adonay, yotzeayr h’Adam.
Blessed are thou Lord, who creates man in two parts.
But, note, why does the first part of the verse not say yotzeayr (forming us with his imagination) when Elohim God creates us in his image and likeness? This is because Elohim God inside of us is asehh or making us (creating us in four parts with his own hands) in this verse. For Jews the Spirit and Soul of the Holy One of Israel and his Bride (What Christians call our Holy Spirit) according to the Torah,is Bahir (inside of the mountain of God in us) at this time. Begotten creation (as when we say in the Eucharist that Jesus Christ was created, begotten, not made by God and the Virgin Mary) occurs on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This is the Unity School of Christianity. The Yotzer, or the formation of man’s image and likeness as a part of God in our imagination occurs during the Passover Seder. It is also reaffirmed with denials and affirmations during the two months of the Jewish lunar fall calendar after Elul. This is Our Prayer Group YHWH School of Christianity. Making (as Moses inscribed or made the tablets of the Ten Commanments when God lifted up his face upon him)* occurs at Shavuous. This is YHWH School of Christianity informing Our Prayer Group.
*and as the prophet Isaiah explains in his transcendent teachings that God made humankind out of a potter’s clay turned in four directions being assisted by the instruction and knowledge of his four archangels…Ariel, Gabriel, Raphael, Michael
The 9th saying (10th utterance) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 3rd of the sixth day
Vay’bharehch atam Elohaym
God blessed them
V’omehr lahehm Elohaym
And God said to them,
ph’ro urabho
Be fruitful and multiply
umeel’o et haretz
and fill the earth
V’cheeb’shehha ur’du
and conquer it and rule
bheed’agat hayam v’bhof hashamaym
over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens
v’bchal hayah
and over every living being
haromaysheht al haretzwhich creep on the earth.
Genesis 1:27
Navaho falls, located around the corner from the Havatsu falls.
The 10th saying (11th utterance) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 4rd of the sixth day
V’omehr Elohaym
And God said,
Heenayh natatay lachehm et chal eyshehv
Behold, I have given to you every herb
zray zehra
seed of a seed**
ashehr al ph’nay chal haretz
which dwells on the face of the earth
v’et chal haaytz ashehr bho ph’ray aytz
and every tree which bears a tree’s fruit
zrav zehra
as a seed of a seed**
lchehm yeeh’yehh lach’lah:
which will be your food.
ul’chal hayat haretz v’bhof hashamaym
and to all living creatures and the birds of the heavens
ul’chal romaysh al haretz
and to all which creeps on the earth.
ashehr bho nehphehsh hayah
which bears a living material soul [outwardly visible]
et chal yehrehq ashehv l’ach’lah
all green herbs…for food.
Vay’hay kayn:
And it was so.
Genesis 1:30
** Note to the above: the words seed of a seed remind us of the philosophical term “concept of concept” see last year’s blog for the 1st part of an amateur philosophical/ theological paper about this.
Flying back up the Pearl River after departing from New Orleans Lakefront Airport 3/15 2006. The first part of the trip passed the north shore area of Lake Pontchartrain then kept a straight line course at about 3000’ as I flew to the Vicksburg MS area. This is indicated on the altimeter and Garmin 300 GPS in the above photo. The last leg of the flight continued to return the aircraft to its base at Jacobs Aviation, Hawkins Field Jackson MS.
Cockpit instrument rack as viewed from the pilot’s seat in an instrument flight rules equiped (IFR) Cessna 182, N8189G. On left of center there is clockwise from upper left : the altimeter, the two very-high frequency omni directional receivers (VOR) course deviation needles. These are tuned from the frequencies set in radios stacked in the second level on the middle (above the required transponder which identifies the aircraft to flight controllers. Finally finishing the trip around the circle there is the vertical speed indicator. On the right of center there is…moving down from the top from left to right .. the left fuel tank fuel indicator, ammeter, right fuel tank fuel indicator. Then on the row below that, again moving left to right …cylinder head temperature, oil temperature, and oil pressure . Below that the circular gages indicate engine manifold pressure and engine revolutions per minute (RPM) gage respectively . Note the Garmin Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) 300 receiver directly below the radio switch panel. Its moving map display allows for much better display of map and other routing information for a single pilot than previously.
God be With You till we Meet Again
United Methodist Hymnal
Hymn 672
Nashville, Tenn 1989
God be with you till we meet a-gain;
By his coun-sels guide, up-hold you,
With his sheep se-cure-ly fold you;
God be with you till we meet a-gain.
Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Je-sus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet a-gain;
Neath his wings se-cure-ly hide you,
Dai-ly man-na still provide you;
God be with you till we meet a-gain.
Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Je-sus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet a-gain;
When life’s per-ils thick con-found you,
Put his arms un-fail-ing round you;
God be with you till we meet a-gain.
Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Je-sus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet a-gain;
Keep love’s ban-ner float-ing o-er you,
Smite death’s threat-ening wave be-fore you;
God be with you till we meet a-gain.
Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Je-sus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
Words: Jeremiah E. Rankin, 1880
Music: William G. Tomer, 1880